Thursday, November 14, 2013

Unshackling the Matrix Workshop w/Brian Kelly & Bob Wright

Unshackling the Matrix Workshop w/Brian Kelly & Bob Wright
November 14, 2013

Bob and I did this workshop at the Ascension Rising Conference. The footage was shot guerrilla style by Bob 's nephew Darius, so I apologize for the shakiness of the camera and poor sound quality. The DVD they filmed for the conference malfunctioned in the middle, so this was the best we could do to get the info out. We covered a lot of great info so I hope you all enjoy it. Feel free to share with friends, family and neighbors if they need a little nudge to see the light ;)

Side Note: I made a comment that there are 625M people in the United States, which I didn't catch until after the fact. I believe there are in the neighborhood of about half that per most recent census reports.


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Caretakers of Mother Earth

Caretakers of Mother Earth
November 12, 2013
This petition was sent to me by Keri, one of our New Zealanders on the OPAL Tour with us. I agree its a beautiful message that deserves whole hearted support. As it stands now, we are about 5 hours away from Mary Thunder Ranch in Texas. Much healing, cleansing and communing will be taking place while in the presence of all the indigenous on their sacred land. What a privilege and an honor this experience will be. Will send another update as time and internet connectivity allow. Until then, sending much love and light to all corners of the earth and the cosmos. ~BK
To sign this petition click here:


This statement reflects the wisdom of the Spiritual People of the Earth, of North and South America, working in unity to restore peace, harmony and balance for our collective future and for all living beings. This statement is written in black and white with a foreign language that is not our own and does not convey the full depth of our concerns.

The Creator created the People of the Earth into the Land at the beginning of Creation and gave us a way of life. This way of life has been passed down generation-to-generation since the beginning. We have not honored this way of life through our own actions and we must live these original instructions in order to restore universal balance and harmony. We are a part of Creation; thus, if we break the Laws of Creation, we destroy ourselves.

We, the Original Caretakers of Mother Earth, have no choice but to follow and uphold the Original Instructions, which sustains the continuity of Life. We recognize our umbilical connection to Mother Earth and understand that she is the source of life, not a resource to be exploited. We speak on behalf of all Creation today, to communicate an urgent message that man has gone too far, placing us in the state of survival. We warned that one day you would not be able to control what you have created. That day is here. Not heeding warnings from both Nature and the People of the Earth keeps us on the path of self destruction. This self destructive path has led to the Fukushima nuclear crisis, Gulf oil spill, tar sands devastation, pipeline failures, impacts of carbon dioxide emissions and the destruction of ground water through hydraulic fracking, just to name a few. In addition, these activities and development continue to cause the deterioration and destruction of sacred places and sacred waters that are vital for Life.

Powerful technologies are out of control 

and are threatening the future of all life

The Fukushima nuclear crisis alone is a threat to the future of humanity. Yet, our concern goes far beyond this single threat. Our concern is with the cumulative and compounding devastation that is being wrought by the actions of human beings around the world. It is the combination of resource extraction, genetically modified organisms, moral failures, pollution, introduction of invasive species and much much more that are threatening the future of life on Earth. The compounding of bad decisions and their corresponding actions are extremely short-sighted. They do not consider the future generations and they do not respect or honor the Creator’s Natural Law. We strongly urge for the governmental authorities to respond with an open invitation to work and consult with us to solve the world’s problems, without war. We must stop waging war against Mother Earth, and ourselves.
We acknowledge that all of these devastating actions originated in human beings who are living without regard for the Earth as the source of life. They have strayed from the Original Instructions by casting aside the Creator’s Natural Law. It is now critical for humanity to acknowledge that we have created a path to self destruction. We must restore the Original Instructions in our lives to halt this devastation.
The sanctity of the Original Instructions has been violated. As a result, the Spiritual People of the Earth were called ceremonially to come together at the home of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe Bundle. These Spiritual Leaders and those that carry great responsibility for their people from both North and South America came together with the sacred fire for four days at the end of September 2013 to fulfill their sacred responsibilities. During this time it was revealed that the spirit of destruction gained its’ strength by our spiritually disconnected actions. We are all responsible in varying degrees for calling forth this spirit of destruction, thus we are all bound to begin restoring what we have damaged by helping one another recover our sacred responsibility to the Earth. We, the Original Caretakers of Mother Earth, offer our spiritual insight, wisdom and vision to the global community to help guide the actions needed to overcome the current threats to all life.

We only have to look at our own bodies to recognize the sacred purpose of water on Mother Earth. We respect and honor our spiritual relationship with the lifeblood of Mother Earth. One does not sell or contaminate their mother’s blood. These capitalistic actions must stop and we must recover our sacred relationship with the Spirit of Water

The People of the Earth understand that the Fukushima nuclear crisis continues to threaten the future of all life. We understand the full implications of this crisis even with the suppression of information and the filtering of truth by the corporate owned media and Nation States. We strongly urge the media, corporations and Nation States to acknowledge and convey the true facts that threaten us, so that the international community may work together to resolve this crisis, based on the foundation of Truth.
We urge the international community, government of Japan and TEPCO to unify efforts to stabilize and re-mediate the nuclear threat posed at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant. To ensure that the Japanese government and TEPCO are supported with qualified personnel and information, we urge the inclusion of today’s nuclear experts from around the world to collaborate, advise and provide technical assistance to prevent further radioactive contamination or worse, a nuclear explosion that may have apocalyptic consequences.

The foundation for peace will be strengthened 

by restoring the Original Instructions in ourselves

Prophecies have been shared and sacred instructions were given. We, the People of the Earth, were instructed that the original wisdom must be shared again when imbalance and disharmony are upon Mother Earth. In 1994 the sacred white buffalo, the giver of the sacred pipe, returned to the Lakota, Dakota and Nakota people bringing forth the sacred message that the winds of change are here. Since that time many more messengers in the form of white animals have come, telling us to wake up my children. It is time. So listen for the sacred instruction.

All Life is sacred. We come into Life as sacred beings. When we abuse the sacredness of Life we affect all Creation

We urge all Nations and human beings around the world to work with us, the Original Caretakers of Mother Earth, to restore the Original Instructions and uphold the Creator’s Natural Law as a foundation for all decision making, from this point forward. Our collective future as human beings is in our hands, we must address the Fukushima nuclear crisis and all actions that may violate the Creator’s Natural Law. We have reached the crossroads of life and the end of our existence. We will avert this potentially catastrophic nuclear disaster by coming together with good minds and prayer as a global community of all faiths.
We are the People of the Earth united under the Creator’s Law with a sacred covenant to protect and a responsibility to extend Life for all future generations. We are expressing deep concern for our shared future and urge everyone to awaken spiritually. We must work in unity to help Mother Earth heal so that she can bring back balance and harmony for all her children.
Representatives of the Council
Chief Arvol Looking Horse
19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe
Spiritual Leader The Great Sioux Nation
Bobby C. Billie
Clan Leader and Spiritual Leader 
Council of the Original Miccosukee 
Simanolee Nation Aboriginal Peoples

Faith Spotted Eagle, Tunkan Inajin Win
Brave Heart Society Grandmother
Headswoman & Ihanktonwan Treaty Council
Ihanktonwan Dakota from the Oceti Sakowin
7 Council Fires 

Friday, November 8, 2013

Ascension Rising Conference -- OPAL Tour w/Brian, Bob & Lisa

Ascension Rising Conference -- OPAL Tour w/Brian, Bob & Lisa
November 8, 2013

This is the talk Bob, Lisa and I had in the main room at the conference. We spent almost five hours in the Roswell public library today to get this uploaded, considering the connectivity issues at the RV park. The workshop Bob and I did called "Unshackling the Matrix," will be posted (most likely) at some point tomorrow. My intention is to spend more time documenting this trip from this point on, as I have been so preoccupied with handling the logistical matters I haven't been able to blog or post on FB nearly as much as I would have liked to. What an amazing experience this has been! So much more to come...we are in the brink of incredible change...what a gift it is to be alive at this time. I love you all so much! Be well and be In-Joy dear friends! ~BK

p.s. It's the "OPAL" tour not the "OPLA" Tour....thanks Darius lol ;)

From Nanako:

Day 15 of the OPAL Tour.  We arrived here in Roswell, NM yesterday evening after a 10 hour drive from Benson, Arizona.  We had 5 RVs and 5 cars in our caravan, making communication and keeping all the ducks in line at times a logistical pretzel.  We all made it here safely with no issues manifesting while on the road.  We had tires blow out on 2 of the RVs during the beginning of the tour, so we were very pleased to make it here with all the RVs intact.  Interestingly, we found out this morning that Bob, Darius and Jim's RV miraculously made it here while driving with a partially intact transmission.  Is this tour being guided?  For sure - and the transmission is just one example.

Whenever we need something - it shows up.  We're not talking solely in the realm of financial support either.  We had Danny our angel mechanic in Sedona pop up out of nowhere and he worked his heart out on all the RVs to get them road ready.  He worked on our generator so we would have power, he worked on the electrical systems, he fixed lights, electrical plugs, supplied tools and knowledge, filled our tires with air.  Mind you - older RVs can be purchased at a fair price, but you're also buying a machine that has wear and tear, so having someone like Danny was such a blessing.  He contributed his energy because he believes in what the tour is all about and he said he's never seen anyone out there doing what we were doing, so he wanted to support us in whatever way possible.  And that's exactly what he did - without limits.  We LOVE and MISS you, Danny!!

It's amazing to connect with people in the arena of "absent limits" and to have them drawn to you like a magnet.  The tour is not only about the people, but more and more each day it is about the energetic signature that is being created through all the people.  That energy ripples out and attracts all the needed resources when the time is ripe.  A good friend once told me, "Worry has no future" and in this new paradigm we're creating - this is revealed to be true.  There is nothing to worry about because when you release all limits back into the void, then you are free to receive exactly what is needed when it is needed.  You don't need to hoard things anymore because it will always be provided for when you need it.  The tour is showing us all that when we release our need to know, our need to control and put limits upon things - there is an organic flow which knows only TRUTH.

Uniting the One People within that space of Truth is Absent Limits.  To live the vibration of Absent Limits has been an exercise of trust and letting go - completely.  We are being shown that no matter what shows up, it is always within perfection.  The energy of Absent Limits is alive and the more you pour yourself into it, the more response you receive from the field.  We are awake and uniting as ONE People - learning how to trust the Absolute Plan and learning how to love one another.  The result is seeing that in reality, there is always just ONE. 

- Nanako

Friday, November 1, 2013


Posted by American Kabuki for Brian Kelly

On Nov 1, 2013, at 5:17 PM, ciinc group wrote:

In love, gratitude, peace, joy and transparency:

Okkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!  Rock n roll!!!!!!!!!!!!

Attached are the will and word/declarations......I built them with the concept of lego pieces...each piece lawful...and with the intent to honor the perception of each inbodyment every NOW moment...any inbodyment can choose the pieces that resonate with them....

If an inbodyment chooses to "play" with the banks (all lawfully and legally foreclosed)....then they can take the following in to any bank teller and the bank HAS to accept them as a foreign deposit....and if they refuse, they can all be arrested and shut down by the Secret just has to make the phone call, make the statement, and then when Secret Service asks what you want them to make the order and they will do it:

1. DECLARATION OF I (attached)



and (the one I personally did not do because I choose to do a full conversion back to energy current of I).....

is a DECLARATION OF VALUE.... it must be done by the conscious hand and heart of each inbodyment...(looks just like a check, or a bill of exchange, or any other instrument, with YOUR self-designated identification of the reference numbers of the a.) DECLARATION OF ORIGINAL DEPOSITORY AND DEPOSIT, b.) DECLARATION OF RECEIPT, and c.) the express and stated sum for (foreign) deposit in that bank

I chose to duly complete the full conversion back to the energy current of I...I DO NOT CHOOSE TO PLAY WITH THE OLD SYSTEMS, I DO NOW MAKE VISIBLE WHAT IS.....NOW SYSTEMS THAT RESONATE WITH I AND REFLECT I.......the eternal tech/BE'ing of I....

therefore, I used1-3 above, plus:


I also did a DECLARATION OF ACCOUNT (attached) which I can utilize that template for any external applications that may exist thanks to another inbodyment of I's DO' this case, eternal essence in body, also perceived as Caleb Skinner.


I AM also sending over for post tonight, the Skype conversations that I have in Skype, emails, and the most recent documents/hierarchy structure that they sent me for review.... regarding a transparency tool, specifically the tool perceived and purported to be SWISSINDO........:

1. Emails from Melanie Spencer/Mel Ve with attachments (not attached, I will forward the email directly)

2.  Skype convos with Ani/Pieta/MelVe post sept 17, 2013 (attached).....due to "Skype" wiping out all my convo histories pre-sept 17, 2013, when I had to set my computer back to manufacturer's settings due to Microsoft "net" updates....I mean, a "virus"

3.  a letter from Pieta to Mr. Sino that she sent me (not attached, separate email)

4. his purported response to her letter (not attached, separate email)

5. a letter she just sent me tonight (not attached, separate email)

6.  the final comments of I to Mr. Sino's purported response to Pieta's letter, point by point (not attached, still finishing it, as it addresses all purported "finance matters", inclusive of the "programs", "resets", "revals", "SGT" and making transparent "why" that stuff has not been released, will not be released as it "stands", and the change of the energetic signatures required to release said....I will send it to you when it is ready.)




[Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf]

AK NOTE: Email correspondence pertaining to Swissindo will be in a separate blog posting from the banking documents for purposes of clarity. - Bill

Transcripts of Recent Conversations with SWISSINDO Representatives and Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf

Continued from a prior blog post....from Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf

.....I AM also sending over for post tonight, the Skype conversations that I have in Skype, emails, and the most recent documents/hierarchy structure that they sent me for review.... regarding a transparency tool, specifically the tool perceived and purported to be SWISSINDO........:

1. Emails from Melanie Spencer/Mel Ve with attachments (not attached, I will forward the email directly)

2.  Skype convos with Ani/Pieta/MelVe post sept 17, 2013 (attached).....due to "Skype" wiping out all my convo histories pre-sept 17, 2013, when I had to set my computer back to manufacturer's settings due to Microsoft "net" updates....I mean, a "virus"

3.  a letter from Pieta to Mr. Sino that she sent me (not attached, separate email)

4. his purported response to her letter (not attached, separate email)

5. a letter she just sent me tonight (not attached, separate email)

6.  the final comments of I to Mr. Sino's purported response to Pieta's letter, point by point (not attached, still finishing it, as it addresses all purported "finance matters", inclusive of the "programs", "resets", "revals", "SGT" and making transparent "why" that stuff has not been released, will not be released as it "stands", and the change of the energetic signatures required to release said....I will send it to you when it is ready.)




[Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf]