Monday, April 15, 2013

Boston Marathon Bombing Facebook Page -- Created Saturday??

Boston Marathon Bombing Facebook Page -- Created 2 Days Prior?
As usual I leave everyone to their own higher discernment. I actually heard about this FB page before I was pointed to this video. I don't expect this to stay up for long.

Just found this one too...

1 comment:

  1. I honestly have to say, enough ! The time has come to round up the crazies and lock them away until we sort out all these incredable messes. If you understand what a sociopath and phycopath are like, you know that you can not reason with them, you can not believe anything they say ,they are a danger to all those around them. They need to be locked up now. I think FEMA has a few oppenings where we could stash them until they wake up.Can we flash mob the provost marshall general to arrest these _(wizards & or lizards ).
