Saturday, May 25, 2013

From Dolphins to Desert

From Dolphins to Desert
May 25, 2013

Words can't do justice to articulate how utterly awesome of an experience it was to swim with wild dolphins in Bimini. Six days of swimming, yoga, meditation and relaxation with an amazing group of incredible light filed beings is just what the doctor ordered! And a proposal to my beautiful fiancĂ© Brittany to top it off :) simply magical. 

Well, here I am in Fort Lauderdale about to hop another plane (been on a water taxi, cab, bus and charter plane already today) to JFK, then on to Spain, last stop Marrakech, Morocco. Truth be told, I don't know much of what is to happen there, I was just told I needed to take part, so off I go. 

For anyone who has sent me an email, Facebook message, or left a comment on the blog my sincerest apologies for not yet getting back to you. I had very limited access to Internet and I'm not sure it's going to be much better in Africa. I know there is a lot going on right now and I just want to assure everyone I have not fallen off the earth and am more active in this mission, from an energetic stand point, now more than ever. Even though it may appear otherwise based on my disconnection from cyber space. 

My hope is to have enough access to Internet in Morocco to fill everyone in on the latest updates and developments. Let us all remember, everything is ALWAYS under control and there is NEVER anything to fear or worry about. Now is the time for staying calm and standing ready. Peace and love to everyone! I will see you all on the other side :-)

In Absolute Gratitude,

P.S. if anyone has any major stories or updates i may have missed while i was gone which you would like to catch me up on. Feel free to drop me an email at

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Monday, May 20, 2013

2 Living ET's Working With U.S. Government

2 Living ET's Working With U.S. Government
May 20, 2013

This is from the Citizen's Hearing on Disclosure. For anyone who has not yet seen it, this footage is fascinating. Enjoy! ~BK

Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Singing Plants of Damanhur

The Singing Plants of Damanhur
May 19, 2013

I've always known plants were conscious but this just takes it to a whole other level! In Autobiography of a Yogi there is a story about Luther Burbank, legendary botanist from Northern California. After two years of talking to and nurturing one of his cactus' it stopped growing thorns. The cactus know, through the caress of Luther, it no longer needed to defend itself. ~BK

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Update on Australian Magistrate Recognizes Courtesy Notices

Update on Australian Magistrate Recognizes Courtesy Notices
May 18, 2013

Received this from Chase Binnie today. I have not yet watched this video:
Hey Brian
‎9‎:‎55‎ ‎AM

TOP Success in Australia Court :: Interview with Robert Fletcher [17 May 2013]

Audio mp3 ::

‎9‎:‎56‎ ‎AM
Could you make a blogpost about this? It's an interview with Robert from the recent Australian story with Brandon Allen, Carolyna, Brian, RobertFletcher & the "Magistrate"

Into the Abyss -- Dolphin Adventure May 19-25

Into the Abyss -- Dolphin Adventure May 19-25
May 18, 2013

I know, I know, just as things really heating up I pack up shop and leave town to go swim with wild dolphins. My girlfriend Brittany and I have been planning this retreat with our yoga studio for months, so I'm pretty pumped to see what adventures await as we head to Fort Lauderdale tomorrow. Not too sure what internet will be like on the island just yet, so posting for the next few days will likely be at a minimum. What I'm sensing right now is that this trip symbolizes the calm before the storm. So, I intend on clearing my mind, being present, connecting with the dolphins and the sea, and gearing up for one helluva ride as we move into the closing chapters of The Finale. Much Love y'all! ~BK

Legal Case of the Century in Australia -- Needs Support

Legal Case of the Century in Australia -- Needs Support
May 18, 2013

This was sent to me today by Uwe Schafer. For anyone who has the means to donate there is a widget in the right column of my blog. The implications of this court case are massive. Uwe and team have done an outstanding job of documenting it along the way. I highly suggest looking into it for anyone who has not yet done so. Incredible stuff. ~BK

YOUR support needed - Ex Finance Broker from Perth Western Australia takes on his “lender” publicly!

Please donate right now, then go crazy and SHARE the campaign.


Uwe’s encounter with insights into bank fraud in early 2011 saw him resign from finance broking within days.

Since then, he sought substantiation from their bank with regards to their home loan. All requests for validation were ignored; instead, the bank relied solely on the signed contract, as if that signature validated the statement of fact that the contract relied upon.

The whole process is documented online, where you can follow the story step by step. Watch the videos, which are recorded in a conversational format, exploring the money creation process in this real life example.

All requests for validation of a debt were not only ignored but openly refused, and now the bank and their lawyers are pushing hard to gain fast possession through the West Australian court system. An experienced legal team has agreed to work the case to get to the bottom of it (this team has some high profile cases to their name and have demonstrated their support for justice... not the system!).

Donations are invited to strengthen the legal fund, for the next stages of the truth finding project.

Will the bank really prove their case beyond any doubt or will we all be witness to how slavery is played out openly for all to see?

Follow along to learn, what Uwe and his family’s choice to no longer support this system brings to the surface. Hard questions will be asked and we aim to share this story with the world.

Thank you for your support. Learn all about it at:

Friday, May 17, 2013

Energetic Event Coming May 20th...?

Energetic Event Coming May 20th...?
May 17, 2013

I received this message today from my dear friend in Orange County, Katrina Troolines. At the time, she requested I not share the content. I have now been given permission to share here on the blog. I am not one to get too caught up on dates. However, considering the quickening of global events, all the anticipation behind the I U/V and Project XIII launching, combined with all the crazy X-class and M-class solar flares, there's definitely a build up taking place, which appears to be growing considerably in momentum. We all know what happens when you blow too much air into a balloon...sooner or later that bad boys gonna burst! Many times what occurs with these cosmic/astrological events is that the stage gets set energetically to allow physical changes/manifestations to occur within a short period afterwards. I offer no speculation as to what may or may not transpire over the course of the next few days, but I highly suggest keeping your eyes and ears open! 

Side Note: This does seem to correspond with the same time window of Sophia Love's post from a few days ago, which can be read here. 

Thanks for the heads up on this one Katrina! ~BK

Greetings Brian,

I am sending you time sensitive information about a cosmic occurrence that will take place Monday (5/20/13) which feels and sounds to me like the Absolute Data Wave that Heather et al have been forecasting.

I received permission to send to you (for your ears only) the download for an audio of Star Genisis's (Elias Lonsdale) first in a series of five teleclasses in which he shares that Uranus's, undetected until minutes before this recording, false pictures are BE'ing stripped away by Pluto when they go "squared" this Monday... He is picking up that this will mean that "we cannot perpetuate false images" any longer. (click the word "download" after my full name and phone number below)

Elias is an ancient/future master servant of the wizardry of the stars...some forty plus years. He is the author of multiple books yet lives a humble life outside of most technologies in the rain forests of Hawaii.

If this speaks to your eternal heart, please take a listen. The Uranus squared Pluto is in the first (20) minutes, however the rest may speak to you as well. I will send you a YouTube link with just the first (20) minutes with the Uranus squared Pluto info for this Monday by the end of today, if you feel called to share with anyone else.

When the vision came to me to ask for the publisher's, DOliv (as in DO live), permission to send you this audio (the teleclass series is a paidfor sharing) I envisioned Elias sharing live what he is BE'ing downloaded from the cosmos about this on the very same day it's occurring (5/20)..... Who knows, I am just DO'ing what is calling to me.

No worries if this doesn't speak to you. We are ALL experiencing it whether we are conscious of it or not. My inner core is simply telling me to assist with the connection.

My heart sings with all that we are co-creating together...

In Absolute Joy & Gratitude,
eternal essence embodied as Katrina

The Power is in This Now Moment...
and the Power is the Eternal You...and Unity!


Inventor of ADHD's Deathbed Confession: "ADHD IS A FICTITIOUS DISEASE"

Inventor of ADHD's Deathbed Confession: "ADHD IS A FICTITIOUS DISEASE"\
May 17, 2013

This article was published on March 27, 2013. Interesting how these ground breaking stories seem to miss the boat on mainstream news...actually no it's not lol. ~BK

Fortunately, the Swiss National Advisory Commission on Biomedical Ethics (NEK, President: Otfried Höffe) critically commented on the use of the ADHD drug Ritalin in its opinion of 22 November 2011 titled Human enhancement by means of pharmacological agents: The consumption of pharmacological agents altered the child’s behavior without any contribution on his or her part.

That amounted to interference in the child’s freedom and personal rights, because pharmacological agents induced behavioral changes but failed to educate the child on how to achieve these behavioral changes independently. The child was thus deprived of an essential learning experience to act autonomously and emphatically which “considerably curtails children’s freedom and impairs their personality development”, the NEK criticized.

The alarmed critics of the Ritalin disaster are now getting support from an entirely different side. The German weekly Der Spiegel quoted in its cover story on 2 February 2012 the US American psychiatrist Leon Eisenberg, born in 1922 as the son of Russian Jewish immigrants, who was the “scientific father of ADHD” and who said at the age of 87, seven months before his death in his last interview: “ADHD is a prime example of a fictitious disease”

Since 1968, however, some 40 years, Leon Eisenberg’s “disease” haunted the diagnostic and statistical manuals, first as “hyperkinetic reaction of childhood”, now called “ADHD”. The use of ADHD medications in Germany rose in only eighteen years from 34 kg (in 1993) to a record of no less than 1760 kg (in 2011) – which is a 51-fold increase in sales! In the United States every tenth boy among ten year-olds already swallows an ADHD medication on a daily basis. With an increasing tendency.

When it comes to the proven repertoire of Edward Bernays, the father of propaganda, to sell the First World War to his people with the help of his uncle’s psychoanalysis and to distort science and the faith in science to increase profits of the industry – what about investigating on whose behalf the “scientific father of ADHD” conducted science? His career was remarkably steep, and his “fictitious disease” led to the best sales increases. And after all, he served in the “Committee for DSM V and ICD XII, American Psychiatric Association” from 2006 to 2009. After all, Leon Eisenberg received “the Ruane Prize for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Research. He has been a leader in child psychiatry for more than 40 years through his work in pharmacological trials, research, teaching, and social policy and for his theories of autism and social medicine”.

And after all, Eisenberg was a member of the “Organizing Committee for Women and Medicine Conference, Bahamas, November 29 – December 3, 2006, Josiah Macy Foundation (2006)”. The Josiah Macy Foundation organized conferences with intelligence agents of the OSS, later CIA, such as Gregory Bateson and Heinz von Foerster during and long after World War II. Have such groups marketed the diagnosis of ADHD in the service of the pharmaceutical market and tailor-made for him with a lot of propaganda and public relations? It is this issue that the American psychologist Lisa Cosgrove and others investigated in their study Financial Ties between DSM-IV Panel Members and the Pharmaceutical Industry7. They found that “Of the 170 DSM panel members 95 (56%) had one or more financial associations with companies in the pharmaceutical industry. One hundred percent of the members of the panels on ‘Mood Disorders’ and ‘Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders’ had financial ties to drug companies. The connections are especially strong in those diagnostic areas where drugs are the first line of treatment for mental disorders.” In the next edition of the manual, the situation is unchanged. “Of the 137 DSM-V panel members who have posted disclosure statements, 56% have reported industry ties – no improvement over the percent of DSM-IV members.” “The very vocabulary of psychiatry is now defined at all levels by the pharmaceutical industry,” said Dr Irwin Savodnik, an assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of California at Los Angeles.

This is well paid. Just one example: The Assistant Director of the Pediatric Psychopharmacology Unit at Massachusetts General Hospital and Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School received “$1 million in earnings from drug companies between 2000 and 2007”. In any case, no one can easily get around the testimony of the father of ADHD: “ADHD is a prime example of a fictitious disease.”

The task of psychologists, educators and doctors is not to put children on the “chemical lead” because the entire society cannot handle the products of its misguided theories of man and raising children, and instead hands over our children to the free pharmaceutical market. Let us return to the basic matter of personal psychology and education: The child is to acquire personal responsibility and emphatic behavior under expert guidance – and that takes the family and the school: In these fields, the child should be able to lead off mentally. This constitutes the core of the human person.

Politician Erupts at European Parliament for Money Printing Scam

Politician Erupts at European Parliament for Money Printing Scam
May 17, 2013

Lucas2012 – When Paper Money Becomes An Energy Love Exchange

Lucas2012 – When Paper Money Becomes An Energy Love Exchange 
May 17, 2013

Big thanks to Lucas for this beautiful and on point messsage! Here is the direct link to Lucas' blog:

I see printed pictures of faces and nominations.  I see paper rolls full of non-value quotations . It was never intended to be printed or used for control and domination. The exchange system got us  into money slavery. The exchange became a leverage for  debt for all to be. Those who transferred it forgot to give us all back.  They kicked our negative value right up our ass . Now they have to face value  that is red-hot from leaving nothing in the pot.

Our energy is going to free all from eviction. No more foreclosure nor any conviction. It is over with all that is just truly a fiction.  The start of a new old way will not happen to those addicted.  Energy equality does not value  service or matter.  It is for all humans for the better.  The most precious energy of all is called love. This is the only exchange for all from above.
Never more worry or cry about lack.  Time to check as your manifesting energy is back. No one will fail as all will find. The golden energy spark is shown to you as  the value inside.  It has been given to you  exclusively by source. It is for all to see oneness will be ours. Whatever will happen just keep in mind, the energy  that is yours is always  shared as divine.
There will not be any profit as also no greed. Know all is given to you as caretaker of the seed. The divine seed in you was sown long ago and it will  make happen the flow.  The blossom and fruits will show your hearts desire that heaven on earth will be acquired. Take you rightful place amongst all as you have become that energy exchange of love.
Love and Light,

Australian Magistrate Recognizes Courtesy Notices -- Charges Dismissed

Australian Magistrate Recognizes Courtesy Notices -- Charges Dismissed 
May 17, 2013

Big thanks to Bethany Truex for sharing this story on Facebook today. Awesome story! :) ~BK

Congratulations Brian and Karolina, well done you have, opened the way for all Australians, you should go down in the history books

Rena Iliades
Courtesy Notices to every Councillor! So exciting. Basically the magistrate almost gets arrested and the court withdraws all charges when they realized that the invoices are legal and payable!

A friend of mine Carolyn & Brian Allen have been tackling an issue where the police seem to have it out for her son. To cut a long story short, he was being harassed by some Local boys who are really bad news (burglaries etc) and he and his friends had an altercation with them because they had stolen his car and then threatened him if he went to the police. As a result of the altercation, the police decided to harass and charge the most vulnerable being her son Brandon who is intellectually disadvantaged, arrested him a few weeks ago and then released him on bail. He also has outstanding fines.

Robert Fletcher helped complete a notice giving custody of Brandon (Carolyns Son) to Brian and Robert went to court for support and presentment (without Brandon). They handed courtesy notices to the Magistrate (the so called Judge who is really the registrar who was going to hear the matter), the police and everyone got Courtesy notices.

In the first hearing, the magistrate was asked in what capacity they act and to prove jurisdiction over Brandon as a living being. The magistrate refused to answer and essentially abandoned the court saying he was going to issue a warrant for his arrest because Brandon did not turn up to court. Good job Robert!!!

The police kept coming over to serve warrants and all sorts of things, which were never delivered because Carolyn would pull out Courtesy Notice and ask them their names which she would promptly see them go back into their cars and leave. No matter, Carolyn would send them via mail.

After a few weeks of this, some started getting invoices like the Clerk at the Desk at the court and the Magistrate.

Today, they went the court because the Magistrate was going to hear the matter. Carolyn gave the Clerk at the desk, the magistrate and others another invoice and another courtesy notice.

The Clerk, as Brian and Carolyn were waiting for their names to be called and the matter to come before the magistrate, returned with an envelope and when she opened it, it was the CN's and the invoices that she had given them earlier with a cover letter from the Senior Registrar saying that they do not recognise the CN's nor the Invoices. Carolyn at this point was on the phone to the sheriffs office, explaining that she wanted a sheriff to attend the court to arrest an individual who was posing as a duly appointed servant of the public trying to impose a private contract that she had not agreed to. At this point, whilst she was waiting (for about 15 minutes for a sheriff to get on the phone) one turned up at the courts entrance!!!

The security guards refused to let the sheriffs in and refused to let Brian and Carolyn out to speak with them, so Carolyn went to the registrars desk and the registrar told her that the invoices are invalid and Brian heard this and replied that the invoices are recognised globally and that they had no jurisdiction over any of them and that they are liable to pay them and they will have them all arrested and charged. The registrar then handed them a document (a charge sheet) outlining that all the charges had been dropped against Brandon. At the same time, Brian could hear some of the argument/conversation with the sheriffs who were being refused entry into the courts and they were telling the security guards that they had no right to refuse them entry and were taking down their names and their details.

The registrar asked more than once about the invoices and Brian & Carolyn told them that since they had dropped all the charges and have striken the matter in writing, that they were prepared to withdraw the invoices and the fines!!! YAY Carolyn, Brian Allen & Robert Fletcher BEing & DOing

Thursday, May 16, 2013

How did we become the Evil Empire?

I received this essay a few days ago. I have edited the text for readability, and corrected the English idioms and expression, English is not the author's first language, but it remains essentially as given in the narrative.  I think you can feel the love of the writer for his flawed and well meaning father who thought he was doing his patriotic duty for his country but awakened too late to realize he was working for corrupt bankers and business interests.  Particularly interesting is how his father's love for his son caused him to confess the true nature of his work and that kept his son from following in the same awful footsteps.  I apologize for the quality of the black and white photos, if I get better versions I will update them.  Perhaps its just as well we can't see all the carnage that is in the photos. The photos below have never been published before, the photo above is a stock photo of the invasion of Iwo Jima.  -AK

How did we become the Evil Empire?
by "A light warrior"
editing and photo enhancement by AK

How did we become the Evil Empire? How did it come to this? The following story it is based in true facts, which I have decided to share with all of you because it is time to spread the truth to the four winds.

Human liberation is at stake.  Every single human being who has information needs expose the iron hands behind the curtains.  This will help end the tyranny we all have been subject to for so long.

You should feel obligated to do so NOW!  The "real truth" if you do not know it by now, is that we have been lied to, duped, used, abused, mind controlled, poisoned and mass murdered for millenniums. Most of us now know our lives are illusion!  It’s an illusion of the most nightmarish kind. So lets all start speaking hard and loud until the veil of ignorance completely falls.

This story is based on my fathers life experiences, his entire life history, the challenges, accomplishments and discoveries throughout his entire life ... an entire lifetime window of wisdom is now opening with the writing of this letter.

I choose to keep his name a mystery because I know he would have liked it that way. I will refer to him as "FATHER".  I know he would have approve of me sharing of this information with you today because he could have not done it itself while alive.  He had "fear" due to his secrecy vows and especially after all he had witnessed through out his military career years. He was constantly tortured by daunting weekly sweating nightmares, which I had to shake him real hard to wake him from.  It seem he was having convulsions while he slept.  He would just say "bad dreams"!

Father never had the opportunity to see how far down the rabbit hole goes. My commitment to my father in his last days was to always tell the truth and be an honorable man! I think father would be proud of me today.  I have seen how deep the rabbit hole goes thanks to him, so here is the "TRUTH" being presented to you today .

Father was a WWII veteran, fought all the way island hoping from the Philippines to Okinawa Japan, he also participated in the Korean war as part of the psychological warfare unit, a unit that secretly experimented on prisoners of war.

Among the experiments he was involved in was finding ways of keeping them complaint and docile while the prisoners were being kept in concentration camps under horribly inhumane conditions.
Our government during this heinous period perpetrated many war crimes, but that is another story in itself.

After my father’s last infamous war tour in the Korean peninsula ended and having returned to our motherland, he worked in the proud automobile industry in the infamous "Irritation engineering" (planned obsolescence) unit of our then thriving & proud automobile industry. They designed all the parts of our automobiles to fail at a certain mileage or time. Especially right after the warranty expires which caused the demise of our automobile industry.  All because of profit, they chose to rip us all off with additional replacement parts and repairs through the automobile lifetime, and gave us "lemons".

Shortly thereafter he worked for the Defense Department building ICBMs (Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles) and at the end of his military carrier he worked building rockets to outer space. He was an extremely smart individual. He was a Physicist, an engineer, a mathematician and a psychologist. He could hypnotize anyone with in 5 minutes of a regular conversation. It’s scary but true. He worked for the CIA or as insiders call it "The Company", when talking in public. For over 30 years in the CIA and the NSA for the last 20 years of his life.It is through hypnotism that Intelligence agents extract information from prisoners. It is also through hypnotism that men like Lee Harvey Oswald, for no reason he could remember, shot JFK.

Its the reason why people like James Holmes went through a shooting rampage in Colorado killing innocent people in a movie theater, all done to promote gun control and disarm our population. James Holmes swears up and down he does not remember why and what he did, BECAUSE HE DOESN'T.  He is now being declared mentally insane.   Or as we commonly know it, he was brain washed.

The scariest thing is that same process can be done through the phone, to anyone who dares to engage in a conversation with a "random overly friendly stranger". That story Daddy and mommy always said about not talking to strangers is absolutely true! Phone conversations are included!

He was a good man. Everything he did, he did it for his country. He was a true patriot. Proud of his military service, which he always spoke highly. He was a true American, a man of principals.

When he finally found out of the aberrations committed in the name of " democracy", " liberty" and "capitalism" were just excuses to slowly close the circle on human enslavement he became depressed, antisocial & slowly slipped out of the game and became a hermit. His heart knew the answers that the contradictions in his battled mind could not make sense of.

Unlucky dad could never figure out the depth of the root of the monstrous conspiracy he was indirectly involved in.  He could smell it. He could feel it.  But could not really see it, nor could he ever entirely figure it out!

Poor dad, it must have been hard for him to go down, in such spiritual pain and despair.  But nothing happens without purpose. His life experiences taught me and set the foundation to the amazing path I now travel. It’s a life that has become the only way of life that is worth living. Without his life experiences, I would have never been able to understand and believe what the hands behind the curtains were truly doing to humanity. He taught me all I know of this 3D world.  He showed me the LIE, the monstrous conspiracy that lies before our very own eyes, so aberrant most of us choose to not ever hear or see it.

I met father when I was 20 yrs. Old.  It was just he and I both alone in this world. There were no other family members. He had no friends, at least not one that visited or ever had a lunch with him.  There were rare random nights he spent on the phone, conversations he never spoke of.

After I asked him numerous times why no one he ever spoke or visited us, why they were never invited to our "two man weekend barbecues", he said they were "Company men" (CIA agents) dangerous and murderous individuals better always to keep them at an "arms length".

Dad had cut off all his family relations for over the last 50 yrs. He missed his own mother, father and brothers funerals. Not because he did not love them, but because of the international bounty hunters. He had contracts on his head his entire life, the kind that never go away. The job had required many sacrifices and that one must have been the most burdensome.

Father was a proud individual, seasoned and experienced in battle, highly educated and as sharp as anyone could possibly aspire to be. A genuine 007 and he certainly had the good looks as he always dressed just like one of the  "men in black" in the MIB movie (a popular clothing style in the 1960s).

He certainly walked the talk! He proudly hung on his walls many diplomas, recognitions, honorary mentions, certificates, diverse memberships from multiple societies. He was given "The Keys of The City " from governments of few capital cities around the word. Forgive me if I get carried away a bit writing about him, but I believe detailed description of his background is need it to reinforce the validity of the important data I am about to disclose.

This story encases a lifetime of legacy so its hard to be compressed into a single essay, an essay that I am sure going to teach many the true inner workings of our foreign policies. Our true intentions and actions of horror committed over all the foreign countries that have been deceived in establishing diplomatic relations with the USA.

I used to spend my weekends with him, listening to his stories. He had so many to tell, so many important and famous people he rubbed shoulders with through out time, sort of like the " Forrest Gump" movie persona but with out the retard in it. And this was a true story instead of a fantasy. He could always pull out and show pictures, book references, magazine clips, newspaper clips and original letters from former Congressmen, Senators and even Presidents, domestic and foreign, proving the amazing conversations he was sharing with me.

There were three major incidents through out our time living together that made him to finally open himself and his secrets to me that lead to the painful profound conclusions about his lifetime of achievements.

The first one of those incidents was the day when I came home from school and I disclosed to him I was about to sign up for service, to go in to the Army, so I could follow his steps and become a patriot just like him.  That night at dinner I looked into his eyes and asked him, “Father, what I am about to do is a major shift in my life, is this the right thing to do? You always speak so highly of the military service and of its discipline that the time has come for me to make you proud, is this what you want me to become? I was a soldier in another country but I want to enroll in US Army so I can follow your same steps hopefully all the way up in to the intelligence department. Are you proud of what you have done? Do you feel like a patriot because you defended your country all these this years?”

He silently sat for a while and I noticed he was nervously trying to come up with the correct answer. Finally spoke and said, “son, everything we did, we did it because of money, it was all for profit, all of it! Don't do it!”  I was shocked he dared say that! By saying it he was destroying his super hero aura he had built around himself with his stories, pictures, diplomas, TV, newspapers, magazines clips etc. He had basically thrown himself off his self-created pedestal to protect me.  He began answering all questions I asked after that.  It took him 5 years of past-midnight conversations to unwrap the conspiracy that began at the very foundation of the intelligence community. Here are "some" highlights of his disclosures.

The CIA enlist and fills its ranks with former military members of our armed forces  as well as graduated students form diverse ivy leagues schools, such Harvard, Yale, Stanford etc. You join by invitation only. You are approached by agents and "invited" to be part of  "The Company".  Just like the mafia it is a lifetime membership. A membership you will never be able to opt out of that serve and protect the world elite interests. It is the paramilitary arm of the ultra rich. It’s all one big brotherhood, which includes the FBI, British Mi5, Mi6 and the Israeli Mossad. They are basically all one and the same.

The main purpose of "The Company " is for the US to rule the world by financial means. The weapons of preference are financial instruments of mass destruction. This is the strategy and method used by agents around the world. In order to successfully accomplish their mission "BY ANY MEANS", there are NO rules. There is only a goal accomplish regardless of the consequences, as their budget funded by fiat money is practically unlimited.

The embassies around the world are the CIA hubs. Most embassy employees are Intelligence personnel. Most are just plain well trained sophisticated assassins. Also mercenaries and military contractors (such the infamous Blackwater and Halliburton) who will basically kill, torture and “disappear” anyone for the right fee. Assassins who carry diplomatic immunity.

The pieces of pie are pretty big, about the size of the country they are currently dealing with, so there will be enough for everyone no matter what has to be done!  Only small portions of the embassy personnel are clerical and maintenance.  The ambassadors of each embassy around the world are the CIA directors/heads of those same countries, their objective is the mapping, studying, planning, implementing and executing their preconceived plans of financial enslavement of that specific country, by "ANY MEANS".

They usually start by setting up the Central Banks and phony development projects like "bridges to no where" and huge "white elephant" projects. Money wasting mega projects to further enslave and drown the country in to a mountain of impossible to pay external debt with the USA or any of their affiliates countries and/or multiple multinational corporations or institutions.

Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744 — 1812) boldly claimed ones "Give me control of a nations money supply, and I care not who makes it’s laws".

They quietly buy out their entire media industry with all the new supply of freshly issued cash thanks to the infinity of fiat money so the country has no sympathizing voice left to cry out.

When finally the unsuspected country realizes it has entered a contract with the devil in which they were duped and that they are now left holding the short end of the stick a new generation of corrupt thieving hyenas have usurped their national palaces. They are already hungry and ready to be first for the next round of foreign loans to be approved by developing banks and straw financial Institutions. Next those loans are immediately split among the inside players and go straight to all the corrupted leaders pockets.

They don’t care that by doing so they are putting their own country resources as collateral for a future of never ending incoming "shark loans" which will lead to the further never ending destitution of their own native country. That is how rich resourceful countries fall into financial instability, then poverty, then into misery, and last into a spiral downward into complete utter destitution of all of its citizens property and future resources. What follows is total societal collapse and chaos. Yes, this is the sweet strategy we are using to building America!

The agents mission is mostly through socializing and identifying the main political and financial targets in any given country, the heads, the leaders, the doers, the movers and the ultimate controllers of it all. The plan is laid out and they start playing "God" by deciding who lives and who must die. The black book comes out and the homework commences.

When the implementation of the strategy begins, the first ones to be coopted are the business leaders of the country, to form alliances and partnerships but most importantly to have citizens of the country representing US interest and future acquisitions. Foreigners are limited on purchasing and acquiring property or interfering in certain aspects of a sovereign country but its citizens are not.

So most businesses leaders will "partner up" with any foreign project as long as they profit from it, "nationalism" disappears when profits are to be made along with a dubious transaction. The ones that have a problem don’t want to sell out their country resources to a foreign power gets targeted and purged (assassinated).

The second is an easier target; the politicians, who compared to their business counterparts, do not have to work as hard. They do not have to care for their business longevity, as their time in office is limited. They do not have to be responsible or play by the rules, as their former colleagues did in the past, and then there’s the ones waiting in the wings who will steal as much money possible in the least amount of time possible as their clock is ticking and they know it.

As you can already predict most of this business associates and candidates of the US State department throw themselves at the agents at the first "hello" and volunteer their time, their loyalties and their very own souls even before fully approached and informed of the agents intentions. They sell their positions short and at a bargain! Pathetic!

The ones playing hard to get, well, they get to choose between option "A" and option "B” strategy.

It is quite simple, option "A" is you agree to everything the state department is suggesting, play along and fully cooperate and everyone becomes filthy rich! Awesome! Definitely sounds like a deal for the 99.99 % of all involved in the rigged multiple-choice dilemma.

Option "B" is you decide to stand up for what is right. You bravely stand up as a patriot and for the good of your beloved country and your comrades. You stand up against what is socially immoral and do that against rampant corruption and "decline" what the embassy or State Department calls non-negotiable suggestions. Then you (and your family) get a bullet, bomb, poison or something much worst. Maybe something like a cruise missile at your summer home, with you and family in it. Like a surprise super high tech drone visit or a cool late night Apache close range last helicopter viewing!  If you are lucky (and not mentioned as terrorist sleeper cell member targeted and killed as counter terrorist attack measures by the sold out media) you become one of those national admired and famous deceased individuals embedded in the history books called national HEROES! Your choice...

The second major incident that made my father open up to me happened while we were watching movies one lazy 4th of July weekend afternoon. We were watching the movies:  Flags of our Fathers followed by Letters from Iwo Jima.

For those that never watched these films I highly recommend it, but you must watch both films in order to understand their intimate relationship. Letters from Iwo Jima provides the counterpoint to the earlier film Flags of our fathers by basically capturing the other side point of view of the conflict.

There is a scene in the movie Letters from Iwo Jima in which the Japanese soldiers are committing suicide with grenades before they are capture inside a cave. In the scene, the last soldier before committing suicide looks around and in a decision of fear he decides to go out of the cave and surrender to the incoming US Marines. He is quickly executed with no mercy. He is merciless gunned down with a Tommy machine gun by a US soldier just a minute after he peacefully surrendered to the occupying forces.

I quickly jumped out of the couch and complained to my father, saying how cruel that was, “he had just peacefully surrendered and as result he was executed immediately by our freedom forces without mercy like a dog!”  My father said to me, “son, what you are seeing in this movie is one of the closest depictions of what really went on in WWII. I have yet to see a movie that depicts the true horrors committed during that war.

What people do not know is that WWII in the pacific was a war not of conquest but of annihilation, a war with a goal of the extermination of the entire race. Why do you think we detonated the atomic bombs in the civilian cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki after we already knew the Japanese were negotiating surrender? In the three years I marched island from island until we reached Japan. We never took prisoners, contradictory of what history says.  We were not aloud to speak of this after the war.

The people would have never understood "the sacrifices" needed to be done in order to "win a war" (amazing brainwashing!!!) There were NO prisoners of war throughout the Pacific war. I know for a fact as I was one of the few that always marched in the front lines and survived; our orders were always direct and simple, to execute every single "Gook" on sight (derogating name used to describe Asians during WWII - just like Charley was used in Korea & Vietnam). Every Japanese was an enemy combatant. We executed every single soldier, man, woman, child and elder who happened to come our way. There was not ONE prisoner ever kept alive during our march up north form the Philippines until we finally reached the main land Japan.

That is the reason why the Japanese soldiers would rather commit suicide and die by their own hand in an honorable way than wait to be executed by enemy machine guns. What would you son do in a similar situation?”

Father left the room and came back with a handful of original pictures he brought with him from Japan and showed those pictures to me, there were mountains of bodies everywhere being pushed down enormous common pits and being filled with bodies and pushed down into the pit by many bulldozers.  He said, “See these pictures? These come from a Japanese Island in which we landed on a beautiful sunny day some time in 1945. There were no soldiers in this island, there were only civilians, they knew what we came to do, they knew their faith, so about 10,000 mostly women, elderly and children charged at us with sticks, shovels, bows and rocks for few hours while we easily mowed them down with our fully automatic Tommy guns. There were about 200 to 300 of us. It was a massacre, a total carnage. We rested at the end of that day and a few dozen of us next day were ordered to dedicate the entire day to execute the wounded and dispose of their bodies. That took a few days. But I will never forget those two first days, the look of the wounded, women, elderly and children that look in to my eyes begging for mercy, a courtesy which we were not allowed to extend to any of them. That is why many decades later I still have those horrible haunting nightmares.”

I was speechless for a few weeks after that confession from my father, until today I still have trouble understanding trying to find a possible valid excuse that would have caused such satanic murderous atrocity to ever be allowed to occur? Why were the American people never informed of this? How come such important events were kept out of our history books?

The third and last incident happened by chance due to a broken water pipe under our house. Father always kept many boxes of personal documents, memorabilia and personal belongings under the house, I was never aloud to go in there, it was, dark, creepy, cold and full of spider webs everywhere. I did not care much diving inside those black widow infested boxes anyway, thanks but no thanks.

But one afternoon I noticed the water pressure was low, and by looking around the house trying to figure out the cause we found that the basement was flooding. Father was old so I had to go in there for the first time and empty the entire basement to savage it all.

I started removing dusty box by dusty box, many were just falling apart due to old age and some others were just completely wet, so I looked and I read and read and read. I learned so much that weekend from what I emptied from the basement that I could write an entire book amazing you all with my findings. But those are cherries for another cocktail.

At the very end of the last row was a pile boxes. There were some strange packages, wrapped in big black plastic bags and wrapped with tape all around, 8 packages in total, all looked alike. I opened a couple to check what was inside but I could not figure it out, it was a strange white powder I had never seen before. When I asked father he immediately got nervous and stayed quiet trying to figure out what to say, he finally say it was a chemical he used in some "invention" of his.

I knew all about Fathers projects and there was not a project that required material such as I found, father was an awful liar, he never did lie, so when he tried it, it was a futile effort that always led to the final truth, so he finally quit trying and confessed to me, “It is cocaine!”  Ten kilos in each pack, 8x10=80 kg of cocaine in our basement! But why? How did 80 kilos of cocaine ended up under our home?

He sat in his bar, look under the burgundy wine section and open a bottle of Bordeaux, then offered me a cup, sat next to me and confessed the following, “Son, there is no war on drugs, but war on drug lords, it has always been that way, for hundreds of years since the British "West Indies Company" flooded China with opium and destroyed generations of Chinese families until today.

It is still happening as nothing has changed! My own Father worked for it his entire life!  He said, “It is us who control the drug industry, just go drive down the road for a mile and you will see at least one DRUG store, see! It is so boldly embedded in our culture we fail to notice the obvious anymore, it is there, up in our faces, right before everyone eyes, but we have mastered the art of the LIE to the point that the best way to keep the lie as fiction is to put it out in the open for everyone to see, because we know lies must be hidden, it could not possibly be on the open for everyone to see!

All drugs that we now know infest the lives and minds of our youths were created somewhere in a Western laboratory, but we don't have makeshifts drug labs in America any more, that is small time change, we industrialize it and now call it pharmaceutical industry!

The government leaders are in it, so are the police departments, and we, the CIA, are the ones who run it for the leaders. I found out all of this at the end of my intelligence career that is the main reason why I have slipped out and left. While I was touring south and central America in the name of democracy, I saw the whole game, the wars in Central and South America were never about communism but about drug wars and land control. The wars were about the control of the supply, transport and distribution of it, along with other rich natural resources.

Our soldiers protect our mafia partners and crop fields around the world. We control the supply and the world mafias control the micro -distribution on the streets (directly under the CIA supervision) we transport it and distribute-wholesale it around the world in our war ships and military cargo planes so it goes completely undetected, the CIA has a monopoly of this industry, at least in this continent and is rapid spreading to the others.

Noriega was one of our good partners on this business but he started to branch out on his own due to the enormous amount of merchandise he was in charge of because of the Panama canal.

The reason being why we had to get rid of him, he threatened to expose us so we had to get rid of him quick, we put a hit on him but it was thwarted by his forces, then he tried to cut the supply using the canal, but it worked out for the US because thanks to him we now have the monopoly in the entire American continent and as bonus we did not had to give the canal back which, after the 100 year contract agreement was due to expire with Panama and the canal was due to be returned to the Panamanians around those years of the invasion.

So it was a beautiful thing to do, waging that war against Noriega, win win for all with a cherry on top, the Panama Canal, people to this day still do not know the real reason why of the Panama war. "

The Company IS the infamous international drug lord, the only drug Lords being chased down, killed or caught and incarcerated are the ones "non-aligned " to our international networks, run by the European Monarchies, Vatican and the International Elite network.

The "drug wars" being waged in Colombia, Mexico, etc. are focus not on the drugs but on the individuals trying to become "Independent " and are trying to set up their own shops, no "Drug lords" will be allowed out of our CIA syndicate, those are the one being tackled, prosecuted and murdered. Only the ones that do not play ball with "The Company", and their political partners in Latin American countries.

Lets not forget about Afghanistan son, before we invaded that worthless piece of land the Taliban was interfering way too much with our business by making amapola (Spanish for "Papaver somniferum" or opium poppy flower) illegal, therefore tampering with our profits, under the Taliban rule Afghanistan produced about 30 to 35 % of the world heroin, after we invaded the country and straighten things out with the help of the Bush family syndicate, business is booming again, better than ever, Afghanistan produces now over 90% of the entire world heroin production under our "watchful eye"; and control.

I was given sometimes those packages you found in the basement as payment for some of my missions instead of cash, but I am not a drug dealer nor I ever aspire to become one, I did not signed up for this! I refuse until this day to become part of it!  I am against drugs and everything drugs represent, it is not my business and I refuse to sell it or distributed so I just store it in the basement and as the years went by I forgot those were even there, you may do what you want with it, you may dispose of it...”

After this enlightening lesson from Father I decide to take the packages to a near by cliff and disposed all 8 packages, one by one I saw the powder fly down the hill. I some people may question my actions specially after have lived so many years under such financial hardship, but at least I am sure the earthworms must have appreciate my actions very much on that day


What kind of deranged officials have we picked to lead our nations and institutions? How did ever allow our government to strike "In God We Trust" from our books and public places to become a Satanic based nation run by psychopaths?

We have disobeyed about every natural, human and godly laws and its wonderful creation until our world is spiraling down into devastation.

How did we ever end up being sprayed from our own skies with poison like we insects? Chemtrails are being sprayed all over every major world city and every continent run by the cabal.

When did we permit our leaders and institutions to poison the water we drink and the very food we eat?

When did we agreed to permit our hospitals and our health care leaders to shovel "disguised drugs" down our throats every time we are sick and actually hide the cures to safely cure practically all illnesses and epidemics that decimate our world today?

Do we really believe we can maintain this insane speed of abuse and destruction upon our population and resources without consequences?

Man can create or destroy and yet we have chosen to destroy! It is this unending sick human behavior that has kept our entire planet and societies out of balance, just as our polluting & destruction actions clearly affects the entire planet ecology and its atmosphere.

Our entire Galaxy is affected by it, therefore that which goes out always returns. The spiral of life goes unending. It is our choice whereby we continue to experience these nightmares, FOR THE SPIRAL OF LIFE MOVES FOREVER ONWARD.

I urge all the readers to do all with in your power to end this and all other well known travesties being perpetrated against mankind by the global elite and the Cabal so that we shall be able to survive as human race and if we ever aspire to live in a society of true freedom, peace, justice, truth, kindness, righteousness and wisdom. It is never to late to return to this truth, just like JFK ones said, "Ask not what you country can you for you but what you can do for your country".

If we fail to listen and act now it shall be late for most of us! The truth is out to the masses everywhere now "LET HE WHO HAS EARS, HEAR; AND THOSE WITH EYES SEE”, but it is every single one of us responsibility to unwind this web of corruption, lies and deceit, WE MUST DO IT OURSELVES. The cat is out of the bag! But are you listening? The hourglass is empty and the "Doom Clock" is about to hit "Twelve O'clock".  HOW DID WE LET IT COME TO THIS ?

Yours truly,
A Light warrior    

German Law Firm Recruits Official OPPT Representative

German Law Firm Recruits Official OPPT Representative
May 16, 2013

Below is an email thread which began yesterday with a wonderful woman named Roberta Kelly, who lives in Germany. Roberta reached out to share this story, in response to amessage I put out for bringing on guests for my new radio program that started today with Jake Ducey, the Be The Change Show. I think the awesomeness of this exchange speaks for itself. :) 

Much Love to you Roberta!...and BRAVO Dr. Wittmann! ~BK

Dearest Brian;

I greet you from the beautiful state of Bavaria . . .
from the city of Munich.

I truly, do not know where to begin to share the story
of my adventurous journey with OPPT and Co.
One fact, however, is certain . . . five months ago, my life
did a hundred and eighty degree turn and I haven't been
the same since. In absolute gratitude and love, without limit.

It is Lisa Harrison, I must thank, for my discovering you all in the
first place. (Will explain how, another time.) What I am bursting to
share with you now, is for your show . . . how Momma Universe, so graciously/abundantly,
acknowledged and blessed my BE'ing and DO'ing, with OPPT in Germany.

I am an African-American singer, who decided in 1972, to make a three week
holiday in Germany, and I'm STILL here!  For more info.(
Fast-forward forty years . . . after searching desperately in Google, for
an OPPT connection here, I finally came across a Law firm.
(Graf von Andechs - Dr.Andreas Wittmann)
In their advertisement, to my surprise, they mention OPPT, but they also mention you.
And when I read the name Brian Kelly, I screamed . . . "they know my brother,
they know my brother"!!(giggle)

Needless to say, I called them immediately. However, almost three weeks passed before
I received a reply.  To make a long story short . . . one of the attorney's finally
called to make an appointment with me, which lasted over three hours.  Two days
later I received an e-mail announcing, that I had been accepted in this Law firm,
with twenty offices spread over Germany, as their official OPPT representative.

Consequently, this coming Friday, the 17th of May, at 18:00hrs., in Munich, I will be
giving a two hour lecture on OPPT to seventy business men and women.  Dr. Wittmann's
plan is to take this "on the road" all over this country. CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS? (!!!)

Brian, I cannot find the words to express my genuine appreciation and humble DANKE SCHĂ–N, to
Heather, Lois-RIP, Lisa, Chris, Bob, Dee and naturally to you, and all those who
work behind the scene, for all you have so generously sacrificed for this planet, and ALL
the beautiful souls who are so Blessed to be alive at such a significantly poignant time
as NOW.

Eternal essence, without limit, in absolute truth and love . . .

r o b e r t a  k e l l y

My response:


Truth be told, reading your email brought tears to my eyes :) You are such an incredible Spirit! I am utterly speechless...which doesn't happen too often! lol What a gift you are to this world...and your music is so beyond beautiful.

I cannot believe that story about Dr. Wittmann! How cool is that!? First of all, I would love to have you on the Be The Change Show! Secondly, would you be okay if I shared your story on my blog? I know that many beings out there would be thrilled to hear about it! I could make his name anonymous if you'd like :)
Your energy is through the roof Roberta! I had such a burst of energy rush through me from simply clicking on the link to your website! I hope my response to your wonderful email makes your day just as much as your message made mine. This is absolute magic.....absent limits my dear friend.
In Absolute Gratitude, Love & Peace,

Then I received this back this morning:

Lieber Brian;

Yes, indeed . . . your response not only made my day,
you made tears roll down my face while I read it.
I hope you don't do that to all the women you meet!!(giggle)

You know, I am thrilled to know you would like me on your show . . .
how cool and off-the-hook is that going to be?!!
Brian, Will it be at all possible to
speak with you before?  If you call me, I can call you right back . . .
it doesn't cost me anything from here.

More good news . . . Dr. Wittmann has agreed for his
name to be mentioned on your Blog. He was surprised at first,
but when I forwarded our correspondence to him he relaxed.

Remember I wrote you yesterday, that 70 people had signed up for the lecture
tomorrow.  Well, my dear, in the last 24 hours 40 more have been
added and the day isn't over yet . . . I am anxious to see how many will actually turn up . . .
this is truly amazing, you have to know the German mentality, to appreciate
the significance of this.

My precious Brother, DO NOT EVER STOP BE'ING WHO YOU BE . . .YOU ROCK!!!

Eternal essence absent limit, in absolute love and truth . . . your sister,

r o b e r t a

Student Rant Against Lazy High School Teacher

Student Rant Against Lazy High School Teacher
May 16, 2013

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Owned by the United States of America Corporation

Owned by the United States of America Corporation
May 15, 2013

This lady is incredibly emotional but boy oh boy does she hit the nail right on the head. Important thing to remember....we are only owned when we give "our" consent. I DO NOT CONSENT. ~BK

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Fix the World Project Documentary Intro Trailer

Fix the World Project Documentary Intro Trailer
May 14, 2013

I must say I was so incredibly honored when I received the call from Hope to be a part of this ground breaking documentary. The work she and the rest of the FTW team are doing is absolutely game changing. When I was on the call with this amazing group of empowering women I described them as being the fifth dimensional patriots of our time...indeed. Excellent work! I'm so looking forward to seeing the final product! ~BK

Fleet of UFO's Passes Over New York

Announcement: Be The Change Show Premieres Thursday May 16th!

Be the Change Show w/Brian Kelly & Jake Ducey Premieres on Orion Talk Radio this Thursday, May 16th at 9am pacific
May 14, 2013

Gandhi said we must "be the change we wish to see in the world." One could argue this message is more relevant NOW than any other time in the history of humanity. The planet, and all 7 billion + of us who reside here, are under going a massive state of transformation and transitioning. Not because the world around and outside of us is changing, but because WE are changing within. Things we would have never thought possible  just a mere 50 years ago are common place today because individuals just like you decided they wanted to do things different. New innovations, inventions, thoughts, intentions and ideas are what create our reality and the world around us. None of them being too small or insignificant. It doesn't matter what others think you're capable of. It doesn't matter what you've done with your life up to this point. What does matter is what you choose to do with your life NOW. Everything you have EVER done was to prepare you for THIS moment. THIS moment is ALL we have. It's all there ever was. It's all there will ever be. Question is, what are YOU going to do with it? 

Join Jake Ducey, Amazon best-selling author of "Into the Wind," and I every Thursday on Orion Talk Radio at 9am pacific, as we embark on a journey to inspire ourselves and others to "be the change we wish to see in the world," TODAY. 

Each week we'll be bringing on a guest to share their stories and ideas. If you have a story, a cause, a mission, a movement or an idea that embodies the "be the change" mentality we would love to hear from you! Tell us your story at 

To tune in live go to

For those of you who do not yet know Jake, here is a bit of his story which I showcased in my first blog post:

Love What You DO -- Jake Ducey
April 13th, 2013

I couldn't have picked a more perfect video to launch my first post on the new blog! No, American Kabuki and I did not have a falling out lol. Consider this our way of diversifying the messages we share with the world. Although, I will admit, I do consider AK to be a Master Blogger. So, the audience here can expect to find me linking to his posts quite frequently :) 

It goes without saying, our mission is one in the same; to live in a world where Freedom for all is not just an idea, but a Reality. We will stop at nothing to see this through. All that's left to DO now is buckle your seat belts and In-Joy the ride!!

In Absolute Gratitude,

~ Brian Kelly
"As Eternal Essence Embodied"

Jake Ducey is not only a close personal friend, but has also become a bona fide hero of mine. At a time in my life when I needed to hear it most, Jake's book helped me to remember life doesn't need to be about working some job you can't stand to live paycheck to paycheck just to barely make ends meet. In hopes of one day making enough money to do the things in life that we truly love. 

This is all part of the illusion that is now breaking down before our eyes. Whether we choose to see it, or not, is all that remains. I can only speak for myself when I say I'M DONE PLAYING THAT GAME. So, I pose the questions here; what will you DO with this new found freedom? Who will you help? What will you create? What do you dream of doing? Thank you Jake for helping me to understand that THESE are the most important questions we could EVER ask ourselves. Within each moment lies I choice. I choose freedom and I choose it NOW. What do YOU choose?

Here is a description of Jake's book which officially releases on April 16th:

Without a map, nineteen-year-old Jake Ducey leaves behind a drug-filled life and college basketball scholarship to wander the world and prove we can find our dreams by following our heart. On the outskirts of civilization, often uncertain, without money and near death, he finds that everything he was seeking in the world was within him the whole time. Journeying from Guatemala to Australia, Indonesia to Thailand, and ending with fourteen days of silent meditation, he shows that our destiny is in reach if we only look within ourselves first.

My review of Into The Wind:

It took me all but 20 pages of reading Into The Wind for me to realize that the time had come for me to quit my job. The following Monday I handed a copy of Jake's book to my boss and told him that I hoped by him reading it he would understand why I was putting in my two week notice. While grateful for my job, my passion and purpose in life was not to be found within the confines of my little square office next to the conference room and water cooler.

This book is an adventure story filled with incredible wonder, brilliant insight and timeless wisdom, with the capacity to communicate a powerful message to any reader, no matter what their background or beliefs. A message that the greatest adventure is found from going within. It is where we find, through our own doing, that we have become, as Bashar says, "the masters of limitation." Jake's book holds the key to shattering that illusion! The Truth is the only limitations are those which we impose upon ourselves.

If we're not loving each other, if we're not helping each other, if we're wasting time not doing what we love every day, what ARE we doing? What's the point? These are the kinds of questions Into The Wind will blow right into your face. This book is not just about following your heart and doing what you love. It's not just about transforming YOURSELF from the inside out. It begs the question, what happens if we were to ALL start "being the change we wish to see in the world" NOW? I don't know about you, but I'm done waiting to find out!

If you resonate with Jake's message, please help to make his video above viral!! Here is the direct YouTube link:

Bashar -- How We Design Our Reality

Bashar -- How We Design Our Reality
May 14, 2013

Well, I guess it's officially Bashar week folks! I'm a huge fan of Bashar and his messages. They always appear to pop up with the perfect message at the exact moment I need to hear it. This is definitely one of those moments. Absolutely brilliant! So worth the 15 minutes. Even if you can't watch it now, bookmark it for later. I promise you won't regret it :) Thanks for finding this hidden little gem Bob. ~BK

Monday, May 13, 2013

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: OPPT-IN Facebook Page & Radio Show Migration


Oppt-In went viral, and has become a universal conversation thanks to YOU

On January 22, 2013 (US) | January 23, 2013 (AU),  as The Collective Imagination radio show rounded the 77 minute mark of its 2 hour broadcast, I announced our desire to launch a campaign called Oppt-In with the slogan "I am Free.  Oppt-In.". The idea was to get a conversation started, get the word out that we are all free - in every sense of the word.   IT WORKED!

That day, I suggested we start by posting an image of ourselves with the words, "I am Free.  Oppt-In," and I kicked it off by posting this image, one of myself,  live while  still on the air.

The image that started it all - 1/22/13

You can listen to the archive of that broadcast here:

Thanks to all of you, it worked!  The campaign went viral overnight.  Now, here we are just short of 4 months later, and the world-wide phenomenon known as Oppt-In has launched a community of like-minded folks all working in tandem to achieve the universal goal of collective and individual freedom.  For that my gratitude overflows!

As we all know, with the paradigm shift came an ever expanding awareness of our own spirituality, self governance and transparency. Coupled with the actions taken on our behalf by the OPPT (One Peoples Public Trust) Trustees, we were free to claim our sovereignty simply by stating it to be so.

However, with OPPT completing its intent, the time has come to turn the page and step into the next room of possibilities.  That begins with OPPT Radio, airing through 5/6/13 (US) | 5/7/13 (AU) on the Freedom Reigns Network, moving to 5D Media Network and updating its name to The One People Show (TOPS).  TOPS premiere show on 5D will be on 5/13/13 (US) | 5/14/13 (AU).  Same time as before.  You can join us for that broadcast here:

That leaves the purpose and intent of this page complete, as well.  YET, BE ASSURED WE'RE STILL HERE WITH YOU.  We're just migrating away from the old and walking into the new.  So, what does that mean for you?

You'll have two new places to get your updates and share your thoughts

5D MEDIA NETWORK'S FACEBOOK PAGE:  For all show information for the programs you already know and love.  The One People. The Collective Imagination.  Cool Coincidence.  The Remembering. And, many more.  LIKE the page now to be sure you get show notifications, content of interest for this new paradigm, host  and program information and more.  \tart a conversation today by posting your thoughts about your favorite show episodes and related topics.

I-UV FACEBOOK PAGE:  Slotted for launch on or about 5/25/13, once up you can get all of the information and OPPT related chat you get here.

During this interim period, we will be leaving open the POST BY OTHERS section, where you are free to continue posting until the I-UV FB page is available.  We will also be posting reminders about show information and IUV FB pg updates.  We expect this activity to continue for the next 3-4 weeks.

Once the transition is complete, this page will remain online indefinitely as a rich information and resource archive.

Thank you all again for making this experience a personal, inspirational, and transitional one.  I am so very lucky to have you in my life and happy to be a part of yours.

In Lak'ech,

Lisa M. Harrison