Saturday, May 18, 2013

Into the Abyss -- Dolphin Adventure May 19-25

Into the Abyss -- Dolphin Adventure May 19-25
May 18, 2013

I know, I know, just as things really heating up I pack up shop and leave town to go swim with wild dolphins. My girlfriend Brittany and I have been planning this retreat with our yoga studio for months, so I'm pretty pumped to see what adventures await as we head to Fort Lauderdale tomorrow. Not too sure what internet will be like on the island just yet, so posting for the next few days will likely be at a minimum. What I'm sensing right now is that this trip symbolizes the calm before the storm. So, I intend on clearing my mind, being present, connecting with the dolphins and the sea, and gearing up for one helluva ride as we move into the closing chapters of The Finale. Much Love y'all! ~BK

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