Monday, June 24, 2013

Love from Brazil

Love from Brazil
June 26, 2013

This was sent to AK and I via email this morning. Bring on the Revolution de Love! <3 ~ BK

Dear beings

I love the work that you all have do and know how important it is for us.

The changes you have reported to be living resonate with everything that live; yes, we are one.

My country, Brazil, lives a fantastic time. Not coincidentally, one of the slogans of popular movement says: The people woke up! 

I am sending a picture to share with you the kind of consciousness that is awakening worldwide.

Thrilled with the magical moment that we living, I send an affectionate hug for everyone.

Forgive my bad english and translation by google.

Love for all!

Roberto D. - Zazul

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