Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Bombshell: Syria's "chemical weapons" turn out to be fluoride

Bombshell: Syria's "chemical weapons" turn out to be fluoride
September 3, 2013

I don't usually post stuff like this. However, this is yet another message that needs to get out to the masses. ~BK


  1. fluoride is a poison... i wish it wasn't in my water. we're all drinking chemicals of mass destruction. so can we use this as a reason to stop fluoridating our water?

  2. How could they possibly find anything about chemical weapons in hair samples???

    How much does someones hair grow after they die from chemical weapons attack?

  3. Hi Brian, thanks for putting up that post.
    On Monday's showe you spoke of the soldiers weho weere weaking up and learning howe they had been lied to consistantly
    Here is an interview entitledJimmy Massey: «I have been a psychopathic murderer»
    by Rosa Miriam Elizalde
    So valuable and very heart moving to read

    Today I noticed the Standard a free daily UK news paper looked by the headlines as if it was all in support of Mr Obama(in my eyes he dosen't deserveto be called Presedent)Cameron weould be all for aSyrian murder rampage if he couldgetenough support ! Let's flood them with love and Light

    Sophia from the UK

  4. Incase I forgot to put the link in my last post http://www.voltairenet.org/article154831.html
    The Testimony of a US ex-marine, who went to fight in Iraq
    Jimmy Massey: «I have been a psychopathic murderer»
    by Rosa Miriam Elizalde
    The book he's weritten is called
    «Cowboys of Hell,» a crude testimony about the genocide being committed every day by the United States against the Iraqi people. The ex-marine gave an interview to Cuban journalist Rosa Mirian Elizalde.
    Sophia from the UK

  5. Trained chemist focusing on the effects of biological nerve agents chiming in here...

    Phosphonofluoridic acid is used in Sarin Gas to stabilize the additional electron density that results from bond heterolysis. Sodium Fluoride (as well as other forms) are considered the Leaving Group in the chemical make-up of Sarin. Other stabilizing molecules in Sarin are water and ammonia. To put it simply, Fluoride, as well as water, are necessary ingredients within the composition of Sarin. Their presence after testing is not surprising, it is EXPECTED.

    I'm not sure where this guy is going with this, but to just guess that there must be a hoax involved because fluoride is present shows an amazing amount of disrespect toward the men, women and children who suffered horribly from this attack.
