Friday, August 2, 2013

UPDATED: Your Birth Certificate Was Made Into a's Worth Billions!

Your Birth Certificate Was Made Into a's Worth Billions!
August 2, 2013

Original post here.

Who knew, it says "American Bank Note Company" right there on our birth certificates!? I'm connecting so many dots today I think my head might start spinning around and puking green vomit, like the little girl in the Exorcist. Ok I'm sorry, that's gross. But that's how disturbing this stuff is. This type of awareness should not leave the reader feeling powerless, but em-powered. The reason this has gone on for so long is a direct result of our collective ignorance. I realize this stuff is not easy to believe and even harder to understand, especially to the newly awakened, and even more so to the still asleep. This is a quote I forced myself to memorize for this very reason:"A truth’s initial commotion is directly proportional to how deeply the lie was believed. It wasn’t the world being round that agitated people but that the world wasn’t flat. When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic." – Dresden James

When the UNITED STATES declared bankruptcy, pledged all Americans as collateral against the national debt, and confiscated all gold, eliminating the means by which you could pay, it also assumed legal responsibility for providing a new way for you to pay, and it did that by providing what is known as the Exemption, an exemption from having to pay for anything. In practical terms, though, this meant giving each American something to pay with, and that \"something\" is your credit.

Your value to society was then and still is calculated using actuarial tables and at birth, bonds equal to this \"average value\" are created. I understand that this is currently between one and two million dollars. These bonds are collateralized by your birth certificate which becomes a negotiable instrument. The bonds are hypothecated, traded until their value is unlimited for all intents and purposes, and all that credit created is technically and rightfully yours. In point of fact, you should be able to go into any store in America and buy anything and everything in sight, telling the clerk to charge it to your Exemption account, which is identified by a nine-digit number that you will recognize as your Social Security number without the dashes. It is your EIN, which stands for Exemption Identification Number.

Is it starting to make sense now? Why it's not too far fetched to imagine the day when you will be able to walk confidently into your bank to legally, lawfully and ethically deposit some of YOUR value into your account? Why should we not be able to cash out a few billion dollars that we have created, backed by our labour, only to be stolen from us by the very people who claim to represent OUR collective best interests? The whole concept of "energy harvesting" is starting to make a whole lot more sense now, isn't it? 

More about the Strawman in this article:

"The birth certificate created a FICTION (the name of the baby in upper case letters). The state/ province sells the birth certificate to the Commerce Department of the corporations of USA, which in turn places a bond on the birth certificate thereby making it a negotiable instrument, and placing the fiction, called a STRAWMAN, into the warehouse of the corporations of USA. Representation for the created fiction was given to the BAR (British Accredited Registry/Regency), owned and operated by the Crown, for the purpose of contracting the fiction (which most of us think is ourselves) into a third party action. Do not underestimate the power behind this trick. It is to con us into contracting with the feds so that they can ‘legally’ confiscate our property. All these contracts have only our signatures on them because corporate fictions cannot contract (only natural beings have the right to contract – and the right not to contract). Because there is no full disclosure – we are never told that we have just signed away what we believe to be our property – these contracts are fraudulent, and hence, we are still the lawful owner and the profit earned by the feds from selling securities (our property) belongs to us and must go into a fund for our benefit, otherwise it would be fraud. Not wanting to be charged with fraud, the feds had to create a remedy for us ... and hope we wouldn’t discover it."

For even a deeper understand of the Birth Certificate (registration) process click here. 

"The best example of the effects of registration is the birth certificate. A bankrupt entity – city, state/ province, country – cannot operate in commerce. So how do they manage? Since USA has been bankrupt for decades, having no substance such as gold and silver to back it, the only asset it has are men and women and our labour. We are the collateral for the interest on the loan of the World Bank. Each of us is registered, via the application for a birth certificate. The Treasury issues a bond on the birth certificate and the bond is sold at a securities exchange and bought by the Federal Reserve Bank which then uses it as collateral to issue bank notes. The bond is held in trust for the Feds at the Depository Trust Corporation. We are the surety on said bonds. Our labour/energy is then payable at some future date. Hence we become the ‘transmitting utility’ for the transmission of energy. The United States Government, in order to provide necessary goods and services, created a commercial bond (promissory note), by pledging the property, labour, life and body of its citizens, as payment for the debt (bankruptcy). This commercial bond made chattel (property) out of us all. We became nothing more than ‘human resources’ and collateral for the debt. This was without our knowledge and/or our consent, via the filing (registration) of our birth certificates. When mums apply for a birth certificate, the application is registered. The legal title of her baby is then transferred from mum to the State. Mum is left with equitable title of her baby whom she can use for a fee – a ‘use tax’ – and since the property does not belong to her, she has to treat it in the manner which the owner wants."

UPDATE AUG 3 5:22 pacific. New info to add:

The Certificate Of Registration of Live Birth is By Banking Definition Termed “A Certificated Security” The application they made was known as “an application for a live birth certificate” and what issued from this application was known as a “birth certificate.”
…the ‘company’, the “United States” kept the original application and gave your parents a copy of a birth certificate.
There is no real gain, therefore no income, therefore no income tax.
This created what is known as a “foreign situs trust account”.

Also when we filled out the Form SS-5 we ‘allowed’ the ‘company’ access to our account, our check book as it were, the pre-paid account that was set-up when our birth certificate issued. We gave them permission as signers to write checks on our account, and they do all the time. Keep in mind, this is the same account the bankers fractionalized and created huge, almost unlimited sums of “money”, and we became ‘co-business partners’, with the ‘company’. They are able to access and use our pre-paid account, for whatever they deem necessary.

…the ‘company’ then took the application and pledged your future labor as a guarantee for payment to the bankers, also known as the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The bankers gave the company a credit for your application against the amount that the company owed the bankers, which at the time of your birth, was worth close to 1 million dollars. This transaction is what is referred to as a “money of account” transaction, as no real money changed hands. It was simply an accounting entry against the debt owed to the bankers, by the company. 


The bankers then took the [your] application, and used fractional banking lending. It is the birth certificate that is proof that an application was submitted. It is the application that is the real negotiable instrument and the birth certificate proves there is a negotiable instrument being used in commerce -- to borrow money.
HUH? What is that you say?
#8230; fractional banking If a [your] birth certificate is worth, say, 1 million, the bank can loan that same 1 million out as many as 9 times, thus making the [your] birth certificate worth 9 million; and it keeps going, going and going.


  1. Thanks Brian. I am in Australia and know all about this of course, but haven't been able to find any examples that are not about the US... I am pretty sure this is done within the whole Rotschild Central Bank system and is not limited to the US, but I can't find a lot of resources discussing other countries.

    1. Same here. I'm in the UK and struggling to find my "bond" or whatever. My name is not in capitals on my certificate either.

  2. i've read and been told about this before but you are the first person to explain it in such a way that I now understand. Thank you Brian.


  4. How do you unregister and reclaim your strawman?

    1. NO need to unregister and reclaim your strawman as it has already been done universally for everyone on the planet by the One Peoples Public Trust in December 2012.

  5. Complete the UCC1 process

  6. How do i start completing the UCC1 process thank you for all this information so far i live in australia

  7. The whole world is awakening ,the fraud and deception lies murder rape and the loss of rights continue ,many millions world wide suffering death because of their blood ,who they are or what they believe . collectively we need to wake up on mass ,in the meantime ,many search for ways to exit the system and claim back their money ,and as much as I need some ,I am more concerned for those who have no clue ,the ignorant ones who will not except the truth ,or the ones that say I am ok just live your life trust the bible ,yeah right ! the book of lies rewritten by the winners of the war ,! ha fat chance ,just do no harm and be on the side of good for humanity's sake will be a start ,what about the kids being born today and their bonds ? give me control of the worlds money and I don't care what laws you make ,we know who said that ,their plan is so well thought out and passed on to the next generation all while no one is aware ,and we the people have trusted our governments for way too long they are criminals and paedophiles ,they control our air water and food ,education and finance ,well lets just say they control everything . The freemasons ,the jewish media the socialists the communists , and the disgraceful Israel ,oh I love Israel doesn't matter if they kill and kill I love Israel is what I hear from some , me I despise Israel, the catholic church the Jesuits ,it is all hate and war over blood type and land ,I want out of this gay paedophile criminal system and can't wait for the revolution to begin ,to free those and let us live our lives in peace and safety .and do no harm Bob

  8. BOB - I to can't wait for the revolution to begin, I want to be able to live my life freely and not have some government telling me or my family or anyone else how to live their lives, I truly think this country could be a lot better than what it is, Isn't America supposed to be the land of the free? well it sure doesn't seem that way, the closest we have ever been to having real freedom was when this country was first founded and in the good ole "wild west" days... I just really hope that the revolution begins soon and I hope that the people prevail, but the government see's people are opening their eyes and not liking what they see so the government is taking steps to make sure that when the revolution begins they can crush it immediately and label all those opposed to the government as terrorist's but really they are not terrorists but freedom fighters and if they win the revolution they will be hailed as heroes but if the government wins they will be called terrorists and immediately put to death... hopefully we can take this government down and hit the restart button on the country and work it from the ground up and make it a truly free country where everyone is equal and enjoys the freedom to decide how to live their lives...

  9. Looking to try and claim my rights back anyone have any ideas i have been reading a lot about this subject and i jus want to live my life in peace with my family without big brother over my shoulder wanying a cut of everything i do when they had no hand in making it in the first place

  10. I have in my hand 5 birth certificates from 2 different states. None of them have any of the things you are referring to on them.

  11. So I looked at my sons birth cert, on the bottom of this beautiful pink and blue paper, it says MIDWEST BANK NOTE COMPANY, ??? THEY MUST BE SUPPLYING THE PAPER.
