Friday, July 19, 2013

Kiri from New Zealand Deposited $15M of Her Value Into Her Local Bank

Kiri creates her own documents to deposit her value and tells her story of her journey...

Lisa Harrison, Brian Kelly and Bob Wright interview Kiri from New Zealand. This is an interview you absolutely do not want to miss! ~BK

UPDATE: If you want to let TSB Bank know you feel about this story make sure to let them know on Facebook!

Below are all of the documents, provided by Kiri, which she discusses during the interview. This woman is absolutely amazing...


  1. If you look carefully at the transaction receipt, it says account balance of 15,000,219.96 but the available funds are only 219.96. Also if you read her instructions to the bank she gave them a 10% fee for their services and instructed them to deposit 15,000,000 less that 10% fee, which they did not do. Looks like they were just setting her up for fraud.

  2. Bravo to Kiri, but i'm wondering if it would be best for people to wait for the full docs from Heather who knows what she is doing! I have seen so many DOers extra-eager a rushing out to DO what they understand from the radio shows, and that's excellent, but if this is to really work the way Heather is setting it up to work, it seems like it would be in the best interest of ALL if we waited for the appropriate docs.

    Please forgive me, i have yet to listen to the show about this... Just wanted to add my two cents since the way H is designing this it really has the potential to change the game big-time *if done properly*... If it were as simple as walking in with some self-designed stuff, then H would have already released the docs. I feel it best to respect Heather's efforts by waiting patiently!

    Love to all embodiments! :)

  3. I'm not sure about that. They would have deposited the 15,000,000 first and then deducted the 10% fee afterwards, because the deposit amount was 15 mil. They would have needed to register each amount individually. And banks put holds on funds deposited that are over a certain amount. My credit union automatically puts a 2-day hold on deposits over 2500.00, so it would list the deposited amount and then the available funds as hers does.

    But, yeah, they still could have been preparing the fraud part. Too bad they're the ones who are actually commiting it.

  4. a very valuable member of THE ONE PEOPLE -- 'paving the way forward'
    Cheers !!!

  5. Kia Kaha Kiri,

    It is nice to here your story and experiences and how you have overcome those obsticles to ensure your family is safe and happy with the treatment your daughter was recieving.

    Seems you are on a path of transparency and sounds like you have been vibrating on the same frequency as heather and others around the world.

    Love your depiction of policy pushers (inforcers in uniform). Would be cool to point out to the high school kids although they don't have to comply and engage with the policy pusher it is smart to wear your helmet in case of an accident (no doubt you may have) as interview was fast and free flowing.

    Im enjoying your interview and look forward to hearing more.

    Been trying to get a group together where I live since last year, and finally found this site and have made contact!

    Though a wise elder once told me.... sometimes the best form of action is in-action, It's been over a year now and all the teachings have been resignating in my heart, mind and soul and the reasearch I was guided towards through my keeness to share a world of unity is pushing to move forward as you have done. Thank you for the insight and extra inspiration.

    Aroha nui Marama

  6. Also about the 10%, wouldn't the bank first have to deposit it before anything can actually be taken from it? The value is the actual signature that is then inserted or deposited as the underwriting and then matched unit for unit or unit for dollar. After the actual deposit is shown, then I'm sure they do their own process or simply another transaction leaf to reflect the withdraw.

  7. How do I search the UCC filing?

  8. Be very interesting how this all plays out... Power to you Kiri! I have doubts that the powers that be under our current regime wont just roll over that easily...

  9. The deposit of value is the correct approach, it is the UCC contract from the private sector, only backed by a UCC 1 filing properly worded and registered of course. It is not against the law or fraud to deposit a value amount on account, either at a local bank or at the Treasury level, if it was done correctly and correctly worded. According to the Kiri, she placed a deposit of value on a closed account. So that would mean that the TSB Bank accepted Kiri's value and was proceeded to deposit of value Kiri's value of 15 million on a closed account. according to the Keri's deposit receipt of TSB Bank there is an account balance of $15,000.219.96 and available funds are $219.96. Kiri will have to walk a very fine line from the value of deposit on a closed account held at TSB Bank. Kiri will be unable to with withdraw any funds! I would be curious to know what Kiri will doing with the deposit of value of $15,000.219.96 account balance? Kiri will be unable to withdraw the value of deposit in exchange into New Zealand money (or any other world currency), because the New Zealand money, et al, is a governmental authorized registered UCC contract instrument security, as the current medium of exchange to its people. Again, I would be curious to know from Kiri what she will doing with the deposit of value of $15,000.219.96 account balance in her life, and how she will be able to excess her deposit of value?

    1. Unfortunately New Zealand doesn't use the UCC they have the PPSR
      and the regulation does not include the sections that are in the UCC that make this type of action legal
      It is my understand that Kiri registered with the UCC not the PPSR and all UCC transactions in NZ require written confirmation of acceptance of terms first
      Which she didn't have

      Kiri also cross registered security documents (Checks which are already registered by the bank in NZ) which is a separate offense under NZ Law

      The amount she deposited makes it a major fraud under NZ Law
      The fact that she denied the courts right to deal with her will leave them little choice but to imprison her

  10. any updates on what happened

  11. Very interested to see how this plays out. Kiri you are an inspiration to many, go hard and play the game to the rules we all support your endeavours.

  12. Seems the bank just steals and checks after the fact !

  13. Amazing! Such courage and such inspirational claiming of personal authority. Magick. :) Gratitude and Love.

  14. She is going to have great difficulty proving her intent was not fraudulent after this

    "Kiri Campbell, 32, entered a guilty plea in the New Plymouth District Court yesterday in response to four counts of using a document to gain a pecuniary advantage in what her lawyer Paul Keegan said was "a protest against the banking system"."

    She may have had a chance if she didn't keep writing out bad checks after the fact

  15. kia ora kiri you are an inspiration to nz
