Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Irish People Shut Down REPO Auction

Irish People Shut Down REPO Auction
July 16, 2013

LOVE this! Just more proof the people have had it and will no longer stand by and watch corruption play itself out, at the expense of our brothers/sisters of Humanity. Change is coming HERE!! ~BK


  1. This is the most powerful thing I've seen all day!! Ireland you make us PROUD!!!!!


  2. Attended auction where our land was sold for unpaid "taxes", despite our tender of verified, certified legal financial instrument for discharge & satisfaction of same which was illegally & unlawfully refused; our written & verbal protest & docs were ignored & sale ensued, despite our protest and statement of county Treas. indictment. So glad to see this Victory!! but it took MANY standing together , not just single couple, as was our case.:)

  3. That's what I love about the Irish, they are not afraid to stand and fight for each other, unlike others who have the attitude of F#$k you Jack I'm ok.

  4. Kevin William MiddletonAugust 3, 2013 at 5:35 PM

    Very decent to see the people coming together, we have to unite against these banker crooks, so lets get on with it. File you U.C.C. and p.p.s.a. claims and affidavits of obligation and lets get this done. No more waiting around people, time is now. I am Irish and (First Nations). Stop eating chip and drinking beer and watching the news. Time is now. Banking is all fraud from the get go, do your research if you dont already know.
