Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Ginger's Notes: The One People Show (7/1) The Collective Imagination (7/2)

Ginger's Notes: The One People Show (7/1) The Collective Imagination (7/2)
July 3, 2013

Thanks Ginger! You rock! ~BK

The One People 1/2 July 13 – Ginger’s Show Notes & Comments


Essentially this is the synopsis of the Who, What, Where, Why, When and How of the OPPT filings and I-UV Exchange . . . and What is happening Today. Heather fully explains HOW the Value system works, did work, and how it will work now. And got that this is a perfect blending of what Caleb wanted to create, combined with what Heather has been envisioning for months, has come to fruition, with more than enough for one and all.

And remember, this is a huge and brilliant global bridge towards liberating humanity’s consciousness, therefore, the reality of this information takes awhile to fully assimilate.

Therefore, this is a must-listen-to specially pre-recorded show, primarily with Heather, as well as D, Lisa and Bob. And it so densely rich with information, I will need to listen to it again! Thankfully, D’s Removing The Shackles transcribers are doing entire pre-recorded portion (about 1hr 20mins total) . . . which will be posted in a day or so here first -  . . . so my notes will be minimal.

But bottom line . . . we will now have the tools to choose to re-purpose the banks into transaction centers to serve us, the people. And stop being commercial servants.

Heather starts synopsis at the beginning, in 2008 and rapidly weaves most the relevant information . . . so that one can best understand how this is going to happen . . . breaking down entire system and how it works, so that everyone can make the most informed choices, deciding what they wish to do, or not.

You will be able to . . .

1. Fully own your own data.
2. If you want to make it public, it’s fully under your control.
3. And you will have tools for how you want to share your data.

In other words, anyone wanting to do business with you, will have to seek your permission . . . and as they will not be able to even be able see your data, unless you offer it. This puts you fully in a highly secured driver’s seat to bargain with the banks, or anyone now.

And you will be your own bank (and body), fully responsible for ALL of it.

Listen and find out . . .

- What you need to know about your signature, and signing with “without prejudice” means is important!
- What “people being the Value”, as a fully literal tangible real thing, means.
- What are “bonds”, “contracts”, ‘agreements”, “bill of exhanges”.
- How we can begin to access our Value . . . reminding us how to fish again abundantly.
- About all the banks right now, beginning and ending with HSBC.

Some quotes . . .

- Project XIII is the first Entity . . . sitting in unit of I.
- Gold represents the Soul
- Silver represents the Body
- Tools will be uniform across the board
- The banks will have to rebut it
- It’s ALL digital
- OPPT, now TOP, is just a set of tools for anyone to use . . . and “the movement” is the energy of it.
- We are now going to do some serious creating!

For the pre-recorded part of show only -

Last half hour of show, hosts launch into some helpful discussions and wonderings, you might have too.

On . . .

We are organizing a Flashmob with helpful tools for people to use to go in enmass to bank in your area, complete with your video camera so you can record it and submit to the I UV site to upload for all to see... and share.

. . . Docs coming and this link will be updated when they arrive from Heather!” - BZ

Alohas of Abundance for One and All, GingerSnap! -

Here is the link to the transcript:

The Collective Imagination – 2/3 July – Ginger’s Notes & Comments

This show was a great follow up to the interview with Heather aired July 1st/2nd. Here is a transcript of this interview that is about Phase 2 launching -

Heather is 99% done with completing the first document . . .

1stdoc, is most important to read first . . . because you need to understand all whys and hows clearly, BEFORE using the second doc/new system . . . of the Original Value system (before it was turned into a debt and slavery system).

2nddoc, is a DECLARATION template . . . is already done, and is brilliant in reflecting the New Value system (parallels Original Value system).

What was highly stressed by D, is for everyone to fully understand, that it’s critical each of us go into our banks by ourselves. Because each of us is the Value in setting up new agreements with our bank . . . and need to take full responsibility for all of it . . . as you will be the one to fully negotiate with your bank in how you want to work with them, on your terms only.

While we can form community groups to help prepare each other for going into our banks, if a group goes into a bank together, the whole point of each our individual Value is completely lost!

We need to fully educate ourselves so we can walk in most confident, as creditors and underwriters . . . Brian has stated he will create some simple role playing videos that will help . . . and especially around diffusing the authority-figure fears many of us still have.

And to remember that currently there are now about 10-15,000 million who have been exposed to what OPPT has done, therefore, the potential momentum to shift everything fast is very high now.

Lisa suggested one could more easily understand our Value by first, equating your time with how much what you want to buy value and true value of your time . . . is a good place to start . . . and that TOP is now taking this to a whole new level.

Caleb is needing more time refining Project XIII and the IUV Exchange apps, before launching.


This is well worth listening to! . . . Hopegirl has created a platform or playground for us all . . . to realize each our dreams from beginning to end . . . that is practical and will be ready to launch in a couple of weeks . . . already she has attracted donations, investors, 37 countries, and soul groups to work together . . . how to manage an entire project from beginning plans, marketing, budget, to doing business and managing your money . . . and she has already seen soul groups come together from different continents (before formally launching!) . . . and how Hopegirl has put this all together is very inspiring! Go to Brian’s blog (in case they try to take down her site and video movie again) -

More and more plans are growing exponentially globally, building soul group communities . . . in quantum fields together . . . so are accelerating quickly . . . but note . . . there are still quantum field disturbances happening you will need to clear out . . . via distractions, technical challenges, anger, confusion, mis-communications.


Here is a new TOP Global Awareness Events face book page -

To tune into “In-Joy” show Wednesday/Thursday with Brian, this week w/Bob Wright and Julien Wells (4-6PST) -

For Courtesy Notices assistance and adding your story to -

Lisa still needs an administrator for face book page, contact her -

LAST BUT HARDLY LEAST! - Bob barely uses his chair anymore, still painful, but still happening . . . . GO BOB!

Over and out, GingerSnap! -

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