Saturday, January 25, 2014

Kryon -- Synchronicity: The Way it Works

Kryon -- Synchronicity: The Way it Works
January 25, 2014

 It's time that we all officially remove the word "coincidence," from our collective vocabulary. Nothing in the Universe is random! This message from Kryon is quite powerful. ~BK

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Once again my partner steps aside. We've described channelling before as a process that honors the Human Being. It uses a multidimensional, biological portal called the pineal, and it allows that which is the creative source inside you to expand. This is channelling. Channelling is available to humanity and always has been. In this new energy, however, it is available for very new information, new thought, and new processes that are coming your way

Before we begin the message or anything that is going to be taught, I wish to ask a question: Is it possible that there is an intelligent source in your Universe, in your galaxy, that has helped put together what you see here today? Is it possible that there is a plan that is benevolent for the Human Being because the Human is part of that creative source? Is it possible that you are never alone? Is it possible that the family is a little different than you think? Maybe it's even larger than you think? Is it possible that the entire message I'm about to give you is accurate, true, and real and from a source that is outside of your body and outside of your reality?

It took my partner [Lee] a long time to understand that there is no trick here. It took him a long time because the mind-created "reality" box he came out of demanded it would have to be false and there would be negative consequences for what he is doing. "God doesn't talk to Humans this way,"many said. "It's a trick from the darkness of the planet and it wishes to invade and capture your soul," many said. However, he learned quickly that every single time he opened his pineal, it became the portal for the love of God.

That's all he received at first. It was pure - the purest thing he has ever experienced - and it was consistent, always the same. It never tainted itself, never biased itself, and never told a Human to do anything out of integrity. It was always congratulatory, benevolent, and represented the real spiritual family. It never changed in 23 years.

That's the way it should be, dear ones, and if you need some kind of proof that this is real, maybe, just maybe, you might open that part of your heart that you have the ability to open and make a statement, "I would like to feel something. I would like some validation within my cells that this is correct and true." That is when you might begin then to feel the chills that you can only receive when you know the truth is being revealed. The truth is simple: I know you; I know your many lives; I know what you're going through, old soul. You are known to me. I see you now.

We have done so much together, yet you have never seen my face or my real name. I'm with you all the time, within the entourage that you can count into the trillions. We are with you in the hardest times you've had, through the tears, through the sorrow and, yes, also when celebrating those moments you choose to toast in victory. Sometimes that victory is health and sometimes it is solutions over problems you've carried for a lifetime. We know who you are. You're never alone.
The System

There is a system that my partner has taught in these meetings for years. It's a system we have mentioned in countless messages, and we've never really dedicated an entire channel to it in the way we are doing today. This is a system that most of you don't even know how to use, yet some of you use it all the time. You just don't know when you're using it, since it's not intuitive to what you have learned.

This message is going to be about the way synchronicity works, and we'll sub-title it, "The Demise of the Bell-shaped Curve"! [Kryon laugh] When something happens to you that is good, your friends around you may say, "What a lucky person you are! What are the chances that this would happen to you?" When you go into a difficult situation, something that is common to humanity like surgery, and you come out with results that are positive beyond expectations, your friends may again exclaim, "What a lucky person you are!" Then somehow you continue to be "lucky" over and over.

Perhaps you go someplace and you accidentally meet just the right person who knows someone else who has just the right information that you were looking for. This leads you to end up with exactly what you wanted. What are the chances of this? Your friends are amazed! "What an incredibly lucky person you are!" That's all a Human can say, since there simply is no other explanation in their reality. The idea that you might actually be bending the bell-shaped curve of average and, by chance, using an available system will never occur to them.

Humans do not see the structure of synchronicity. It is not part of any kind of system that they use. They believe it is simply chance. The only structure that is used is goal setting, planning, and forward-looking systems. Only through these does the Human believe they can help control their lives. Indeed, this is the only way a Human can achieve things in a linear fashion so that they will arrive at a pre-set goal. In this linear system, no matter what kind of process you have studied that will get you from A to B, there must be a goal. Some of you take those goals and you will paste them to the refrigerator so you'll see it every day. This is a linear process for a linear Human Being and is well known.

What if I told you that there is a process that is not linear and has only conceptual goals? A conceptual goal is one that says, "Dear God, put me in the right place even though I don't know where it is. Dear God, when you do it, make it comfortable for me and help me to see the sense of it. Make it easy and bring me the right situations and synchronicities to put me in this place I don't know about." How about that?

If you told that statement to someone off the street, they would say, "You must be New Age!" They see you as silly and floating around without a goal, hoping the Universe will somehow show you the way. They laugh. But the Human who begins to use synchronicity as their life's path is simply changing the box of belief to include something that is available to all but is not in 3D. In fact, some of you have been using this process a very long time, but you're just not aware of it.
The Truth About the Power of Synchronicity

So today's channelling is about the power of synchronicity and the truth about it. Now you know what it is, so we will discuss where it comes from, who is involved in it, and what you can do to help make it happen for you. The Human Being creates synchronicity with intent and belief. That is how it starts.

Now this next item comes from my partner, who loves to talk about the Parking Angel. [Laughter] This is the example he uses, so we'll do the same thing. Many Lightworkers like to use that which they conceive as a special angel who has powers to overlook a giant parking lot to see who is pulling out and where it's taking place. The idea is that the Human will then ask the parking angel to help guide the car to find a good parking place. Now, this is not forward planning, is it?

It is a different concept, a concept that has you placing yourself or an angel that becomes your eyes, far above the parking lot to see the parameters of the entire lot and what is going on. If that were possible, then in 3D you could direct your automobile to arrive when someone is pulling out, and it works! It actually works. Over and over, it works. It works because this is the definition of synchronicity. There is no planning ahead, but rather a concept that you assign and believe in that requires an overview of a situation that you cannot work out in 3D. Most people just circle within the lot, expecting chance.

Now, I cannot close this parking angel discussion without giving you the rest of the story that my partner demands I give you. There is no such thing as the parking angel! It's you, assigning your power to a mythological creature that stands on your car with a P on its chest. [Laughter]

Humans are very good at this. They don't believe they can do it, but they believe angelic powers can do it. Therefore, they assign their power away to a higher entity. However, it's you doing it, dear one! It's you finding that parking place, but you just don't believe it.

Now, let us put that entire example in a larger capacity, which is the scale of life and living. Here you find yourself in a situation where you wish to move forward in an area you don't know about. All you want to do is park. Parking is a metaphor for putting the vehicle of a Human Being in a place that is appropriate for your life, wherever that would be. It gets you there so that you can then move on with what you came for. That is the metaphor.

Humans have an idea where that would be. It's normal for you to build goals and expectations. Humans say, "I want to write a book; I want to create a healing center; I have this, I want to have that." It is absolutely normal. So the next question I have to ask you is this: Are you OK if what you receive is not what you imagine? Is it OK if it's better? Is it OK if it matches the Akash you came for or the talents you have that perhaps you are not even aware of? That's the first step, to have the intent to create synchronicity in your life to bring you to a place that matches an invisible ability.

When you used the parking angel, did you specify the place for your car? No. You said, "Anywhere!"So the goal was conceptual, not specific. This is what it is all about.
How It Works in 3D

Here's how synchronicity works: You come to a meeting like this and you meet somebody for the first time. Perhaps you meet them in a place in the back or in the hallway. You get to talking and you find out that you have common interests. Often they have information you need or you have something they need, and you both leave with a connection you didn't expect. Then the connection leads to something else, for they know people that you don't know and vice versa. Later, you might call them or meet with them. Then, outside of what you originally thought about, you might find yourself working in an area you didn't expect to work in, which fulfills a lot of the things that you originally wanted.

Sometimes you arrive with no expectation at all, but you meet a partner of your life! This happens over and over to many, because they decide to come to where family is. Over and over, Human Beings have resigned themselves to being alone in life. Then they'll come to a meeting of like minds and they'll find somebody that fits them. Life changes, and there is sometimes romance and synchronicity. You didn't plan it! Do you see the difference?

The Human who steps out of the door on the way to this meeting does what? He shows up and has a great time, but all the while, he/she is open to synchronicity. "Dear Spirit, if I'm supposed to meet somebody, then let me have the signals within my intuition to at least look for it." Do you see the difference here? Synchronicity is planning for concepts that you cannot define.

I am sitting in a room of old souls and at least a quarter of you know exactly what I'm talking about. You're here because of it; somebody showed you something that perhaps made you look at things differently. It didn't give you a doctrine, did it? It only made you look. Can you put a price on that? It made you look into a place that showed you that you are divinely built, and perhaps biology has something more in it, something called innate. Innate is body intelligence and knows who you are.

It works with the Human Being whenever asked. It is a consciousness within a consciousness, and it hooks you up with synchronicity. It does it way beyond the laws of average and way beyond the bell-shaped curve. So I just gave you the scenario that can happen over and over in meetings like this, in small gatherings, and in large gatherings. Now, let us talk about how it works. These are things that we have seldom discussed and never within a channelling like this. But first, we've got to talk about the majesty of the Human Being.

It wasn't that long ago that we gave you a channelling called the nine energies of the Human Being. It's what I want my partner to begin teaching soon. It's esoteric, it's complex, and it's time. There are conceptual parts of these nine attributes that go beyond what the Human Being is used to hearing and here is one of them.
The Human is Part of the Creative Source of the Universe

If it's true, dear one, that you are a part of the creative source, do you then logically understand that your soul is enormous and that only a piece of it is inside your 3D biology? If all of this energy was in your body, you'd vanish! You'd turn into light itself with more power than all the masters of humanity.

You'd have that which Elijah experienced as the only Human to ever ascend while another watched and recorded it. According to the account, Elijah vaporized because the power of God cannot live in the Human Being at full strength. Do you understand? And if you understand this, you will understand that you are only experiencing a small portion of the God in you, which is the creator in your body. So here is what begs another question: Where is the rest of your spiritual self? It's with me, dear one. It's on the other side of the veil as part of the creative source. It never left.

Now, here is what is difficult for your perception in your 3D box. You carry around a corporeal identity that is singular. We have said before that you're really not singular at all. Instead, you are part of a very large group that is God. When you get to Earth, a piece of you separates out and becomes corporeal. It has one body with one face, and this is how you see things. But the rest of you - which is still you - stays with God.

Now let me tell you the revealed truth: You are a multidimensional being and part of you is on the other side of the veil. Get used to it. Your soul is not separated out, but in 3D it seems like it. There is not a soul somewhere with your face on it on the other side of the veil, tapping its toe waiting for the rest of it to come home. You are always together.

There are Humans, however, who believe in this separation, because all they can do is project their linearity onto the majesty of God. We've talked about that as well. So get used to the fact that there is a quantum God and a linear Human Being, and you cannot put them together easily in your mind.

The truth is that you're part of the sacred soup of God and those sacred parts look down upon you and are always available, always available. Just like the parking angel, your soul parts see everything. Imagine! A part of you is available from the other side of the veil. Let's put this in your 3D perspective: It's a spy in the sky and it looks at everything all the time. It knows who you are and everything about you because it's part of you. It broadcasts information to you that you receive through intuitive thought. Are you here, are you understanding? It informs you to get up and go places, if you're listening.
It's a Divine System in All Humanity

Here is what you need to know: Every single Human Being on the planet has it because every single Human Being is a part of the whole. Do you understand that? What would happen, however, if there is a broadcast done, but 90 percent of the people don't have a radio? That means 90 percent never receive it. The broadcast is still there with their name on it, but they don't have a radio because they don't believe it.

Then, here comes you. Some of you got your metaphoric radio a long time ago and some of you are just getting it now. Believing it exists activates it. The "radio" is the pineal gland opening up into a multidimensional portal that tunes right into that which is you. This is difficult for a Human Being to understand. When you receive this broadcast from the "multidimensional you", it guides you left and right; it knows who you are; it's benevolent; it's part of God; it's part of me. It's hard to explain.

That's why it feels so good, dear ones. Did you ever wonder why profound messages and meditations feel so good? It's you with you! It's beautiful! If you're part of the creative force and you are quantum and multidimensional, it means that these intuitive messages have your face on them and would never lead you into a place for other reasons other than benevolent ones. That's the system.
Why Are You at This Meeting?

Now, let's go back to the point at which you decided to come to this meeting. Some of you are sitting here today yet you didn't know about the meeting until the last minute. I want to tell you, you're tuned in. Your radio is working because your intuition spoke to you enough for you to look around and go somewhere and find out this meeting was happening.

I'm going to ask you a question: Who haven't you met yet in this room? Now that is a hard question, since you can't meet everyone, can you? So now we're getting into the process of synchronicity and a process that is guided through intuitive thought. It's what you would call theinnate intelligence of the body allowing you to be in the right place at the right time and talk to the right people. You can't really plan ahead for that, can you? Instead, you must be tuned to it, and some of you may have discovered things today here that will make a change in your life. Perhaps you met others who have similar interests? That's what it's about.

So when another person says to you, "You must be New Age", just smile and admit it. You are using intuitive thought and listening to it as much as possible to put you in the right place at the right time. This should also dispel the notion that a New Age person just sits at home doing nothing but meditation and waiting for God to speak to him/her. That is not the way it works. Instead, go places that your intuition says to go to. Then discern, was it right? Was it not right? What does it feel like when it's right and what does it feel like when it's not right? Put all this together and, pretty soon, like a muscle in the body when exercised, it starts to work better for you.

Innate works with you to fine tune it. It knows what you are trying to do and helps the process along. Sometimes you can look at somebody and they look back and suddenly it seems like you could say, "Hello, old friend! It's good to see you." You might hug for a moment or shake hands, depending upon the culture, and know that you've just met a best friend again. They may have something for you or they may not. It just may be for a moment so you can intermingle in a quantum way and acknowledge the fact that you are old souls. That's good enough.
Hard Concepts

The hardest things for Humans in all this is what I'm going to present next. The process is different than you think. First, we have established that it's not linear. It's a conceptual attribute that you cannot plan on. The timing is not known, so you cannot paste a goal for something you don't know about on your refrigerator. Instead, it requires the Human Being to be in faith and with no clock. That's number one.

Then we've established that the information comes from a part of you that is on the other side of the veil, because you cannot hold all of the mastery that you have in the corporeal body. You are part of the creative source and always will be. Part of you is on my side of the veil - the part that talks to you intuitively and says, "Go left, go right, stand up, sit down, go over there and meet that person."

And the next one, it's the hardest concept of all. How do we describe it? There are seven billion souls on the planet and they all have the same attribute as you do - all of them. They are all on the other side of the veil as well as being here, just like you. They're all talking at the same time and broadcasting things, just like you. The things they are broadcasting are using the same "mind of God" that you have because they are on my side of the veil. The divine parts of humanity are still divine, no matter what the corporeal and intellectual parts are believing or doing. Are you understanding this?

So even if they have a corporeal self on Earth that is completely and totally unaware and has noradio to receive, it doesn't make any difference. They're still broadcasting potentials and loving intuitive messages. These messages are benevolent and for all humanity. This means you can listen to them as well and they're tuned to your frequency, since that frequency is not proprietary. The result? They'll tell you things that intuitively will help guide you and help you to work with their corporeal counterparts. This is difficult to understand. Think of it this way: The divine parts of Humans you may never meet know you are listening. Therefore, by broadcasting to you, they help their own soul counterparts, for you are working on peace on Earth and compassionate action.

In your 3D singularity, you're hooked up to one soul - you - right? On my side of the veil? No. On my side, you're hooked to all of them. So, therefore, even the soul parts and pieces of complete nonbelievers are still broadcasting information that will help humanity. It's a hard concept. Think of it as a collective, intuitive force.

"Wow!" people say. "Look at that tragedy you escaped. Why did you leave the building before it fell down?" You might say, "I don't know. Something told me to go and I did." This happens over and over, dear ones, and now you know why it works. Is it possible that the Human soul is connected in such a way that it talks to everybody at the same time? The answer is yes.

When an intuitive healer sits before a totally dense and stubborn unbeliever, do they still get messages to help heal that person? Yes! So the intuitive innate of every Human Being is working no matter if that Human has the ability to "hear" it or not. It's broadcasting to the healer! It's broadcasting to all. This alone should show you that intuition does not come from the synapse of the brain, but rather the portal of the pineal.

What are you supposed to do with this information? Well, we've already covered a little of it. First, understand the process and believe it. Do not get disappointed that your planning is not working. You can't have both, dear ones. You can't have plans in the corner waiting, just in case. The synchronicity won't work, since you'll void it if you try to plan around it. Do you see that?

Second, understand that synchronicity may take you to a place you didn't plan on. Is that OK? The old soul will sit in the chair and say, "Of course. Yes, it's OK. Anything is good." Really? Really? Humans like it their way. You might be pushed and pulled to uncomfortable situations and places you would not have initially chosen on your own. Can you honor this? Can you say, "It is well with me. I know I'm supposed to be here because this is where synchronicity placed me"? Feel the love of God surge through your heart and all the cells of your body. Then say, "Thank you God for putting me in the right place at the right time." It may take awhile to figure out the "whys" of it all, but eventually you will see it clearly and smile. You will realize that you could never have planned it, and it was perfect.

Let me tell you something: Perhaps your 3D goal will never be accomplished. Is that OK? Instead of settling into a final goal, you'll always be in motion, always. Is that OK? There'll always be the ladder to climb in knowledge, in awareness, and energy. New things will always be coming your way. It will be this way until the moment you take your last breath. You will feel that you "never arrived" at your goal, but that's not true, for each day you have arrived. It's a mindset - and you don't like that either, do you? Instead, you want to arrive in a place and say "I made it!" Then you wish to purchase a T-shirt that confirms it. [Laughter]

Synchronicity can put you in places that are beautiful. It can save your life, and often does. It voids all the karmic attributes that have pushed and pulled you around forever. It changes the way people think about you because you change. It changes the way you think about others because you are put in the places to see who you are. It rearranges that which you believe because you start to have reinforcement of action, and you know that it is working. You can stand tall and tell the others that you have no idea where you are going and you are proud of it! All the while, you are healthier than they are, and you're happier than they are, and you love people they won't love. Do you see what I'm saying?

This is a change in perception of life. It's a change in everything that the Human Being has been taught in 3D, and it's not "let go and let God". It is a partnership - a new arrangement that's conceptual and demands work on your part, demands it.

Expect synchronicity, but if it doesn't come when you think it might, don't be disappointed. It simply wasn't supposed to! Humans are funny. Look at the phrases that many in your culture use. They know about this! "Well, I guess it was supposed to happen." They have no idea! Yes!! [Kryon laugh] Or, "The universe had a message for me." They have no idea, that's exactly right! Exactly right.

So I've just given you the mechanics of it and it's beautiful and it's just for you. Benevolent, helpful Information is being broadcast all the time, even from the non-believing souls. Their "God part" is active and knows that you are hearing them. It helps the old soul to go from A to B. More than that, it helps you find processes and principles and people who can make a difference on the planet. This is what's new.

There's going to be a beginning of a marriage not just to help Humans navigate the now but to navigate that which is coming. These are set-ups for the next time around Akashically. What did we tell you the last time we spoke? We discussed Akashic Inheritance. What you learn this time carries into the next time, so the set-ups you have in this life will carry into the next. You'll rememberthem and you'll keep going. Today's synchronicity is tomorrow's future.

It's important, old soul, that you start to learn how to use it and to carry it. Learn how to expect it, how to believe in it, and change the way things work for you. As part of this new teaching, we tell you it's time to void the bell-shaped curve of 3D that tells you about averages and the probability of your life. All you have to do is nudge that curve a little with a multidimensional energy called synchronicity and you design your own curve. Synchronicity is learning to acknowledge the Higher-Self and the fact that God is inside. It shows a willingness to listen in a way you never have before to a source that is personal, loving, benevolent, and beautiful - an energy that will never change.

And so it is


UPDATED: Ron Van Dyke: I Finally Met with Mr. Sino of SWISSINDO w/a Comment from Mel Ve

Ron Van Dyke: I Finally Met with Mr. Sino of SWISSINDO
January 25, 2014

I found this update from Ron to be VERY interesting. As you all may have noticed I haven't mentioned or published anything about SWISSINDO since their big unveiling earlier last year. There was just too much hype and speculation being tossed around, with a range of contradictory stories, I didn't want to touch it until there was something more "concrete."

My initial exposure to SWISSINDO came from Captain Deryl Zeleny, someone I consider a good friend who I have a great deal of respect for. It was my relationship and his peaked interest that drove MY interest and curiosity in the story, as it was coming out. Also, considering how hyped up the OPPT and UCC filings were at the time, it made sense to me that they were able to use them as the catalyst to make the next major moves with their objectives for GodSkyEarth. Any effort to assist humanity in transcending tyranny and oppression I will happily support. If the motives are not transparent and are in actuality to support some kind of false agenda I think no matter what is done, the truth will be brought into the light to be exposed, so I never have any worry or fear that any ill advised plan for humanity will transpire. I have complete trust in the Absolute Plan and from that space it's an utter impossibility that any form of darkness can prevail.

When I saw that I was named "Media Contact" on their original release I was a combination of honored and extremely skeptical. How could this group/organization name me, of all people, their media contact when they don't even know who I am, or without my consent? A somewhat sketchy maneuver considering all it would have taken was one post by me as media contact, portraying SWISSINDO in a negative light, which could have done some pretty severe damage on their initial image in the public realm. Even though that was never a consideration, I still needed some convincing of the legitimacy of Mr. Sino and SWISSINDO.

As in all developing stories, as a journalist, I try to keep an open mind no matter my degree of skepticism. The most major issue for me at the time was Mr. Sino's inability to make himself visible, whether in person or by any type of phone conference. All this dialogue and information coming out with his name all over everything, but no actual embodiment coming forward, only a wide range of folks claiming to be his right hand man or "representative." At one point there was talk that he was actually a channeled entity. This didn't go over too well for many people following this story. Aside from that, the claim to give every human being on the planet six million $, was another aspect of what caused a great deal of people to be skeptical, including myself.

Considering all the data I decided to not pay a whole lot of focus into SWISSINDO, the delegation or Mr. Sino. The only variable that kept me even a slight bit interested was the buy in by Mel Ve, Ron Van Dyke, Daryl Zeleny and a few others who I have a great deal of respect for. These are people who I would classify as having a powerful innate ability of following their own hearts and inner compass, so it was hard for me to believe that they were all being duped.

This all brought me to yesterday when I watched this update by Ron. An actual dialogue, via Skype video with Mr. Sino himself. Hmmm, I though, "maybe this guy actually does exist." After listening to what Ron had to say and feeling his energy, it appears he is a real man and it sounds like his intentions are pure. I will admit, I have many more questions than I do answers. Whatever SWISSINDO is, Mr. Sino, the delegation, and everyone involved for that matter, it represents a piece of the puzzle. There are MANY pieces. How substantial of a piece is a story that has yet to be told. At this point, I can chalk it up as VERY interesting and will leave it to you all to use your highest discernment to see how it always. ~BK

UPDATE 1/25/2014 @ 4:15:

After posting this I received this message from Mel Ve via Skype:

okay, so you are aware of the meeting that we had with Mr Sino.  We saw him and chatted.  He is real.  He also appointed me as the official head of God Sky Earth Media, and gave me a very special message.  He told me to look after his family.  He said to me that I am the scribe, and official story teller of what has happened.  I am the one who has been chosen to tell the story of how we changed the world.  It was a beautiful moment.  We looked into each other's eyes via video conferencing, I was in tears, as was he.  He thanked me for all my work, and went on to tell me that I am central to his vision and work that we need to do, and that everyone in the delegation had to back and protect me.  It was tooooo beautiful.  Let me know if you want to catch up some more in person, just for your own data.  P.S.  I have not approached any other journalist to talk about this.  I really appreciate your attitude in your latest posts so I thought I would respect you with the personal update.  Publish, don't publish… do what you will.  Much Lovexxxx

My response:

To me purity is a byproduct of intention. From all of my experience with Mel and a few deep one on one dialogues, I know her intentions to be pure, genuine and entirely authentic. For that reason and many others I support her and all of her DO'ing. Excellent work Mel. Your approach to your work and all you do is both inspiring and contagious. A bona fide way shower. I AM behind you and at your service should you need my energy or support. Unity continues to be the key to our salvation. When enough of us see no separation between ourselves and each other, the consciousness of the world shifts "in the twinkling of an eye." I thank you Universe that this IS so and so it IS, so BE it <3

The Event -- Courtesy of MC SuperKenn

The Event -- Courtesy of MC SuperKenn
January 25, 2014

Keep up the awesome DOing my brother!!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

"Ropepullers" -- It's Time to End the Madness

"Ropepullers" -- It's Time to End the Madness
January 22, 2014

My good friend William Hicks posted this painting on Facebook a few days ago with the following comment:

I painted this painting, which I named "Ropepullers," back in 1998, because I feel that most people are building somebody else's dream, and it has been this way for a long enough time.

Something to consider:

Decisions are being made right NOW. The question is: Are you making them for yourself, or are you letting others make them for you?

We must remember, power is never taken it must given by one's own very consent. Making a conscious choice to reclaim one's power can be made in every moment. Only our minds will convince us otherwise. When the slaves stop pulling the rope, the system falls apart. ~BK

SITS -- Compersion: Is The Gift of Happiness our way to a Moneyless Society and Golden Age? TEDxNewHaven - Charles Eisenstein

Compersion: Is The Gift of Happiness our way to a Moneyless Society and Golden Age? TEDxNewHaven - Charles Eisenstein
January 22, 2013

Once again, Justin over at Stillness in the Storm successfully takes the most burning thoughts directly from my consciousness and translates them so beautifully in another amazingly relevant post. This whole idea of a moneyless society is thought of a as a long shot Utopian fantasy for many I'm sure. I simply see it as a natural evolution away from what doesn't work, merging into one that compliments the harmony of who we are as souls within. Money = control. Plain and simple. I love how Charles Eisentein says that "even small acts of kindness, have a HUGE effect on the world," oh so very true. Imagine waking up to a world where comperion is common place, separation is replaced by Unity, scarcity is obsolete, making abundance the new standard for all embodiments the world over....because THAT folks is where we're headed. ~BK
I found this video do to a Caller from the One People show today and found it had a great message to share regarding the power of Giving to transform this planet.

A moneyless society is something I think is totally attainable, within a short term period because we already are doing so much for 'free' already in our lives simply for the reward of giving it. Do you charge someone on the street for directions?

Brian Kelly shared a great video discussing this in the post Amanda Palmer -- The Art of Asking -- A True Exchange of Value.

Compersion, an empathetic act of filling yourself with joy simply by observing the joy of another, is a wonderful term for this idea. (Thank you Brian for sharing this with us!)

I couldn't help but notice the word Compersion also looks like the word Compassion. And Compassion has the word Compass in it. Maybe the people who developed the English Language where trying to tell us something? Maybe Compassion and Empathy are the Compass or guide to higher consciousness and global peace?

I had a thought, wile listening to the show, that Compersion is going to be the thing which will enable us to enter a moneyless society. Think of it!

Instead of people being forced to get a job to earn a living (what nonsense!) we can simply find our highest joy, and give that to everyone who is willing to receive it. That may sound crazy at first, but when you consider the diversity of BEings on earth and how many different ways each BEing creates happiness via their DOing, it is easy to imagine everyone switching over to doing their highest joy, and all our worldly needs being met. That doesn't mean challenges won't be present, but as we move through them, we will be growing within by leaps and bounds, living our highest joys at the same time.

Amanda Palmer enjoys making music and performing, and there is a willing group of Beings who wants to co-create that experience with her, giving their energy to her willingly. That energy comes in many forms, and money is one of them. Money is simply a tool, and despite its effects in the world being arguably negative, it is we who empower these symbols with our energy and our DOing which make that so. Money in this case, is literally a symbol for the fans to show their love and appreciation to Amanda; a complete exchange of value. The joy experienced by each in this instance of giving is much better then the feeling of being forced to do something. This is the key!

Published on Jul 9, 2012
Charles Eisenstein is the author of The Ascent of Humanity and Sacred Economics as well as numerous articles in print and online. A faculty member of Goddard College, he speaks and teaches worldwide on themes of transition, community, money, consciousness, and the evolution of culture. Charles has also been featured on the viral video by filmmaker Ian MacKenzie, "The Revolution is Love."

Before becoming a writer, he was a Chinese-English translator living in Taiwan. He graduated from Yale University in 1989 with a degree in mathematics and philosophy.

About TEDx: In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

Monday, January 20, 2014

The Really Big Cosmic Picture of What's Happening on Earth

The Really Big Cosmic Picture of What's Happening on Earth
January 20, 2013

I don't read channelings much these days. However, Lisa Harrison read this one aloud to us last night here in Morocco and there were so many parts that resonated deeply, I felt compelled to share. It's long but so incredibly on point. This helps me to remember how powerful we all truly are. That pain and suffering is usually the result of resistance and a lack of acceptance...that abundance must be achieved first within before it can be manifested externally without. Also that the "contrast" has been one our greatest teachers, disguised as our greatest enemy. 2014 is the year to embrace our full power and then create from that space of Knowingness, that we are the masters of our own destiny. So BE it! ~BK

I've highlighted some of the deepest passages. This being one of my favorites:

Feeling the underlying unity and knowing it to be the truth of your being. Knowing you are innately harmonious with everyone and everything. Realizing that you are eternal and this is simply a game -- which takes all the fear out of the picture in any real way. And then? In your sovereign, self-loving, attentive state with standards of neutrality, opening up to all that you are, rising in frequency. Rising beyond contentment. Reaching for, as humans are designed to do, the optimum, the imagined perfection, the sense of beauty and exquisiteness that comes from the essence and uniqueness of Source as YOU. So creating from this perspective.

Greetings, High Fliers!

How are the currents you are feeling today? We see you syncing up more now with what is altered within you. You are starting to feel a sense of hopefulness as you start to feel the emergence of your refined and uplifted field, which is coming into a more coherent arrangement. As you emerge in states of greater and greater coherence in each level, of upliftment ... they are not levels, but you might think of them as such ... because they feel so different. As you emerge in these new states of coherence, your energy field is actually in a new arrangement, which is creating the coherence. So you have incorporated new aspects into your energy field, by bringing them forth from within your DNA, and released others.

It is for you to facilitate all of this with your willingness to support the body and be with yourself, in these moments of deep rearranging and reformatting. So all of this is possible because of your interest at a soul level and in your interest, in human life, in cooperating and collaborating with these larger units of your own self. That, Dear Friends, takes the experience you are having into realms that are elevated and powerful for the evolution of the Cosmos!

The Cosmos. Yes, indeed, were you expecting that? [wink] We wonder and feel amused at being able to say things like this to you as if we were the messengers of some very big and cool news, do you get that?

Because that's what this is -- some big and very cool news to you! Of course in your higher levels, in the Cosmic Consciousness you are, you are metaphorically, rolling your non-physical eyes at us (we wink as we say this) because of course you already know these things. However, we are feeling amused by being able to play with you, and transmit this message, which makes this inner knowing sort of an announcement in the Earth-world to you!

So please do humor us! Allow us to play with you, after all, this is one of the most exquisite energies in your world, this ability to be fluid and flexible and let humor and play be such simple and easy ways of knowing delight! Delish! We must say delish for we know this is a favorite word of a few people here, and we are in the mood to please you with your favorites and simply, to uplift and delight you with the deliciousness of being you at this now moment in time, in All that is. And to tell you why, you too ought to feel so exquisitely happy.

Dear Ones in all seriousness now, we want to ask you, are you feeling your fan club? Are you feeling the many focal points of light that are watching you with keen curiosity and amazement? For indeed they are present. They are present in a way in which you can sense them if you open to them, with this awareness. So if you let yourself tune to these energies, which are being -- truly, deeply, more than you can even imagine -- very inspired by the possibilities you are creating. So we're going to talk more about WHY it is feeling this way.

These beings are being very inspired by the possibilities you are creating, and if you tune to this, you could make this whole challenge of Divine Embodiment so much more fun for you! You could pause and acknowledge your fan club! And listen to your own heart, and your inner knowing as they share with you, a deep comprehension, of the fundamental effect your creativity and courage, your bold, amazing transformation, is having in their own understanding -- the understanding of your fan club! About their world and their own civilizations and cultures.

For you see, the civilization and culture of your world are already renaissance-ing. We like that word, we just made it up. Renaissancing. Do you get it? There is a lot of creativity happening here. So a lot of power being wielded with expanded focus here! And the energy that you have brought to work, and the energy that you have achieved with your own challenges as you really, and most importantly, as you FULLY, embrace that you are the Creator of your experience? Wow. That's the stuff of dreams for so many other cultures, and we are not kidding. We are not prone to hyperbole in saying this.

The resolution of difficult energies is paramount for other cultures to witness -- it's PARAMOUNT -- in order for them to feel the possibility of opening up their worlds to greater freedom. Do you realize this? Many worlds are not that free. Many domains of experience are more constrained. They do not know how to resolve the challenges they feel sure they would have, if there were to experience the intensity of immense contrast.

As we have been working together, you are spending time focusing on being more sovereign. On creating a more neutral and peaceful experience from your state of awareness.

We have spent a tremendous amount of time together, you and I, letting go of the need to control others in order to achieve this and to realize you can do it, yourself. You are learning, as you do this, that you don't need the world to change. It doesn't mean you might not like things to be different. However, you are getting, deeply, profoundly, that you don't need the world to clean up its act for you to be happy.

You, in fact, are setting your world free. Even more! So you are moving beyond these ideas that the only way to peaceful embodiment is to limit what happens OUTSIDE OF YOU, because otherwise you can't handle it. You are taking your own power. You are creating your own experience from the focus of your awareness and from paying attention to you.

Do you see Dear Ones, the incredible intentionality to the sequence of the Soar Fests? How this sequence in general is useful as you consider your own remembering and reclaiming of your capacity?

We started with a basic introduction to the New Harmonics.We encouraged you to invite the higher units, the higher levels of YOU into the game. We spent many, many days talking about how you might do this and also supporting you because you allowed this. We were able to en-train you into a more refined energy of embodiment. To support you in opening up your resonance to all that you are, more fully so that you could embody more of this and let it come in.

Then we focused on Abundance, primarily financial. The fears and lack of confidence many of you have about money, keep you from feeling and embracing the freedom, you have here. Embracing that freedom is essential to your mission.

Then we moved to Self-Love, to begin to get you really tuned into you. To create a state of attentiveness to YOU where sovereignty could be achieved. So you could have, the experience of realizing you don't need other people to change to find happiness.

Then we turned to the embodiment of your higher levels, because the Eclipses and the Equinox set up the perfect platform for this and your self-love made greater level of embodiment possible. This self-love created the potential that your creation would be fueled by its alignment with Divine Will.

So here we are now, because you love you, much more. So you feel much more capable and free. Are much more clarified in your physical form, and in the material way you are present.

Here we are now having shared and worked with ideas of setting your standards. Remember the whole focus on self-love was fundamentally about creating standards for your experience. NOW because you are capable of setting standards that support your upliftment and expansion, now we're talking about relationships.

We are now preparing you to take the reins in your world. That's what's happening. We're now preparing you to take the reins in your world, in a way that you cannot even yet fathom. That's what all of this is about. Of course you can take these reins now, any time you wish. However to operate well with them, you have to cultivate.

You have to cultivate your capacities as we have been discussing recently. So today we are talking a bit about the VERY BIG PICTURE. The REALLY BIG COSMIC PICTURE. To empower you by putting all of this in a context that is more Universal.

So you can expand your awareness and begin to see that wholeness you have long been told you're influencing is a thing that will fuel your joy, and give you a great sense of meaning in what you are doing as you understand more about the WHY.

These other worlds, these worlds that, in fact, so many of you think, or have thought -- we hope you're not thinking this anymore, in the same way you're growing in your neutrality about all kinds of things. Because for a long time as you remembered these other worlds, as you awoke to your multidimensionality, you thought these other worlds were better than Earth. So many of you wish at times to return to some of these other worlds.

So many of you "looked up to" these other cultures -- like the Pleiadians, the Arcturians, the Sirians, the Andromedans -- these other worlds in which you are present in another way, that is why you feel an affinity with them. Why at times you want to return there. These other worlds are not better; they're just different. So most essential to the understanding we are transmitting today, the really cool big news we're talking about ... is to realize, these other worlds are less creative. A lot less creative. The reason for this? They have a lot less contrast. A lot less freedom ... and they're watching and learning from YOU.

You have known for a long while that Earth is a free-will Universe. We call it a Universe because it is, unto itself a wholeness of profound individuality. A unit of incredible diversity and contrast and freedom, and because of all this: immense creativity.

So these other worlds that feel so resonant with you and which you herald from in some ways, many of you, are beautiful! However they have less freedom, and they have less contrast, and as a result, they have less creativity. And they are, and this is why they are, very interested in how YOU, Dear Ones, would find a way to feel love and know who you are, amidst this plethora of diversity, and contrast. Amidst the intensity of the distractions here. So YOU, are showing them how it's done.

You're showing them how it's done, in fact; you're showing them that it can be done! You're now walking a new pathway of light. So this idea that your world has been of interest to the whole Universe it may have seemed very abstract to you before, but we hope now you're getting it.

You're not doing what was aspired to by so many -- which is finding peace by removing the intensity and the contrast from your experience.

So some people have done this even on Earth, by being a monk for example. Only interacting with other monks, which is in a much more controlled setting, with much more structure and much less freedom and most definitely less contrast. You're not doing that. So you're also not living within a closed community of religious tradition, which is also been another way in the past that people did this. They only associated with people who had the same beliefs as them.

There are still a lot of people that think that's the only way to go! Who think everybody has to believe the same thing. We want you to recognize in these perspectives that think this is the ONLY way to go, is a lack of self-confidence. It is the lack of self-confidence that is being expressed. We have shared with you so many times that real confidence comes from experience. So because you are opening up yourself to let the fullness of your being experience Earth with you, you are in a fact, seeding a tiny, tiny bit of self-confidence into the mix of a lot of other cultures about working with the contrast as you do so with so much skill.

So most of you have not moved to the boondocks. Most of you have not removed yourself from all kinds of contrast and connections as a way of finding peace. We do understand that most of you have had long periods of inwardly focused time in order to facilitate your remembering and your ascension.

However, most of you, you have stayed very involved in the world, even though you may not see it this way. Because many of you have spouses, friends, and lovers, and children, and parents, who are living in the world, and this is part of the plan. This is why we always encouraged you to trust these people to do it their own way. To not feel you need to try and change others. Your pathway in sovereign neutrality.

You are here to find the inner well of peace and happiness, and find your sovereign neutrality, and rise up into a more expansive cosmic expression of your being, and then to take the reins! To take the reins and create a new earth.

So to do this you did not want any of your freedom to be removed. You did not want any of the contrast to be, you know, destroyed or disappeared by someone else. You wanted all this contrast to be present to inspire you. So that you would have boatloads of ideas for how you could then see, how things might be to your preference-ing, more beautiful, more harmonious, more amazing in your experience. To create an experience for you of vision and possibility. You are capable of this sovereign, neutral, FREE state of feeling the underlying unity AND feeling the contrast, and working with all of it.

THIS is the newness people.

THIS is the newness that everything aspires to in the ascension of your planet and the embodiment of Divine Fullness in each of you. Feeling the underlying unity and knowing it to be the truth of your being. Knowing you are innately harmonious with everyone and everything. Realizing that you are eternal and this is simply a game -- which takes all the fear out of the picture in any real way. And then? In your sovereign, self-loving, attentive state with standards of neutrality, opening up to all that you are, rising in frequency. Rising beyond contentment. Reaching for, as humans are designed to do, the optimum, the imagined perfection, the sense of beauty and exquisiteness that comes from the essence and uniqueness of Source as YOU. So creating from this perspective.

Using your powerful presence, your neutral awareness of others, your uniqueness in presence, to feel the joy of your own preferences. To feel, the eagerness and enthusiasm for what you enjoy most. Rising so much more into these states of anticipation and happiness that you find again YOUR current: in human form, which you will experience as the rush of passion. So as you step into your passion and live from and as your passion, you will know bliss, in embodied form, within all this contrast, and in awareness of the innate unity and harmony you have with everything.

This, lovely ones, is showing EVERYONE, every point of focus, in every corner of Creation (so to speak) that the contrast is not to be feared. That the contrast can be the fuel to exquisite material experiences of uplfitment and love and true being.

You are emboldening all of life to open up more! To feel confident enough to allow more freedom and contrast in, so creativity can flourish. THIS is why Earth is so important. This is why YOU are so amazing. This is why, you have a fan club! lAnd this is why you are the Family of Light, known throughout creation for your boldness. For your creativity! For your powerful, amazing, fearlessness and entering into realms and doing stuff like this! This is why this time in which you are now focused, has been heralded and anticipated for so long.

It was not, so you could eliminate everything irritating outside of you to feel good. You are not here to get every body to think as you, in order to find peace. It was learning to use your awareness to create your states of being and in doing so, to set everyone and everything free. FREEDOM is what THIS is all about. Freedom and Creativity.

You are liberating these qualities of experience throughout creation, which is making the expansion of awareness that you, as the unit that functions as All that is, as Source ... you're making the expansion of awareness which you crave innately as Source Creation, more and more possible.

For this, we are so excited.

I AM Archangel Michael


Saturday, January 18, 2014

Amanda Palmer -- The Art of Asking -- A True Exchange of Value

Amanda Palmer -- The Art of Asking -- A True Exchange of Value
January 18, 2014

Damn I love synchronicity's! Today I posted an article for Justin and Julian from Stillness in the Storm to support their fundraising campaign to get to Morocco. Instantly I took some flack on FB for supporting a crowd funding initiative. It was actually more of a direct attack for accepting donations for the OPAL Tour. I'm not going to post the comment here because I want to respect this individual's privacy and he, as everyone, is allowed his opinion. 

I could write out a thorough response to his 'perception,' but after seeing this video today (quite synchronistically), and reading the response comments on Facebook it doesn't look like I need to. In 13 minutes this woman breaks down perfectly, with pin point precision, EXACTLY how the Universe works. Provide value and value comes back, in many forms, 100 fold, well actually in her case 1.2 million fold. Such an inspiring story. Once more of us remember and Trust this process, we will master so many levels of our existence. Fewer and fewer people are accepting the whole,"well, this is how it's always been done," excuse. Anytime I hear that now I run for the hills. I've learned to question everything. To truly change things requires an expanded perspective. The kind that views every problem and challenge as an amazing opportunity for growth. Expectations can be a real sonofabitch, because we all know when they're not met, what follows is typically extreme disappointment. When one knows everything is ALWAYS exactly as it should be, the word disappointment simply ceases to exist. Trust me, it's much more fun and way more satisfying to accept EVERYTHING. From this space we are bullet proof, absolutely untouchable. Can you imagine what the world will look like when more of the world starts to think like Amanda Palmer? I can, because I DO :) 
I hope you all enjoy this video as much as I did.

Responses from FB:

Jean J. Nolan It's all here, within and out there for everyone to feel an know. You cannot know the truth unless you ARE the truth. There is no 3D concept that will explain that to you.
Whatever information you feel you need to have, let go of the need which is only blocking you from actually accessing it...once we accept that there is no 'would have, should have' everything aligns just the way it has to...It's all LOVE

about an hour ago · Unlike · 2

Leslie Calk I donated online as soon as I heard that the One People were going to do a tour. "Fabulous!" I thought. "I definitely want to support that." So simple. I give my money that represents my value to those who are giving of themselves to create a better world. Just an exchange of energy. Lisa, Bob and Brian have received value from others because they have GIVEN value (untold hours of service). The ability to manifest abundance in your own life is at the CORE of understanding your value. It will NEVER come from something outside yourself. You have to create the space for abundance (health, wealth, loving relationships, etc) in your life by learning to love yourself and believing that you DESERVE. Not easy to do by any means. I struggled with my lack mentality for YEARS before I realized that what I was manifesting externally was a direct reflection of the lack of trust, confidence and self-worth within myself. Yes, I would like to see an end to the imbalances in this world, an end to suffering and a better world for all but I have to take responsibility for creating this in my own life before I will see it reflected in the world around me. We access our value by KNOWING that we have value. And don't forget that abundance comes in many forms. Peace...
bout an hour ago · Like · 4

Diane Peterson Vieira Ah, Leslie! Thanks for expressing what I feel, too. I donate a small amout monthly to the OPAL tour. It's a symbol of where I intend to 'spend my energy'. Those of us who are in 'service to all' deserve and REQUIRE (to claim by right and authority) support from the Universe. Money is the least of it All you have to do is step into knowing this and watch for the little things that start to flow. Once you trust yourself to follow your heart/intuition/passion, everything happens to help you. Don't worry about how and why, it looks completely different for us all. We do have wings just waiting!
33 minutes ago · Like · 1

This is precisely why Justin and Julian, with all of the value and contributions they've made through their incredible work, deserve to be supported in their efforts to get to Morocco. For anyone who doesn't agree, please do not send in ANYTHING, for those of you who do, I'm sure they wouldn't mind the support :) -BK

Russell Brand -- A Revolution is Underway


Russell Brand -- A Revolution is Underway
January something, 2014

I realize this is not brand new (no pun intended) but it's that awesome so I'm posting it again. I cheered out loud when watching this for the first time so it's worth the share. ~BK

The Moroccan Adventure of Stillness in the Storm - An offer to Co-Create

The Moroccan Adventure of Stillness in the Storm -- An offer to Co-Create
January 18, 2013 
Some people "get it," while others are well on their way....these guys get it. See an opportunity to create and go for it. No fear of what might happen, what could go wrong. Just do it. This is what Morocco is representing in the hearts of a great many. While simultaneously there are many others trying to "figure out" what it is we're doing here. Truth be told, we don't even know exactly what we're doing here..."yet." The energetic trail pointing here was we came. Does it need to be more planned and organized than that? The more people we meet, conversations we have, energetic downloads we receive, the clearer the picture becomes. That's just it, we don't "have to" know the whole story beforehand. That's like watching the ending of a movie first and then going back and watching it from the beginning, knowing exactly how it's going to end. What fun is that!? So many are now taking full responsibility for creating a life of joy and happiness. Many are leaving jobs that are no longer resonating, getting out of relationships that no longer fit. It matters not what's on the other side of the hill...if it doesn't work change it. If it feels good, DO it. If it's exciting, then it means it's the right track, follow it. If Morocco is singing your name email me for details ( on what it takes to get here. I can't promise Atlantis, or any form of Utopian vision for a better world...both places can only be found within first. If you're already there in your core, then perhaps it is time to start manifesting it in your external reality. There are an infinite amount of possibilities within each moment, which do YOU choose? :) ~BK
 "The story of you, and who you are extends itself all the way to the 'all that is'. Because the story of you, the story of us, is the story that 'all that is' is telling itself, about itself. You, we, us, together are the story of all that is. The story it knows itself to be."

- Bashar
With this perspective in mind we would like to share our story of awakening and discovery. 

If you have enjoyed Stillness in the Storm, find value in the posts and appreciate the energy lovingly offered by us, please consider making a donation or giving your advice/help on our Journey to Morocco. 

A little Story of Stillness in the Storm

In late 2012, Julian and I, had been in our awakening for 2 years, since mid 2010. Little did we know that 3 amazing individuals (OPPT Trustee's) were hard at work foreclosing on the entire slavery system we had been learning about. The One People's Public Trust foreclosed on all Corporate Governments and Banks; which we discovered early January of 2013.

The One People's Public Trust

We encountered the OPPT because we had been following D, over at Removing the Shackles for the most of 2012; she has such an eclectic body of work! At first, Julian and I didn't know what to make of it. I remember reading the Press Release aloud, and both of us scratching our heads, unsure of what the UCC was, how Governments were Corporations and Contracts played a part in our daily lives. Despite our 2 years of research in many things, we had not gotten deeply into the Legal system, nor did we fully understand how the Slavery Systems worked with respect to the black book banking documents (Chattel Paper), contracts tracked via the Uniform Commercial Code and its central nexus the Vatican or Roman Curia. 

What a journey it was researching and discovering what these things were! We have both developed an appreciation for intuitively researching data, and the level of understanding we both gained about ourselves and our relation to Eternal Essence was and is profound. 

5D Media Network

We began listening to Lisa Harrison, Bob Wright and Brian Kelly, who are hosts of the One People Show, weekly as there was much collective healing happening there. This show is on the 5d Media Network, there to help facilitate a dialog where we can all come to understand what the OPPT filings have done (amongst other things), and what the next big step is in our journey as the One People. 

It was around this time, in mid February of 2013, that we came to a good grasp of what the filings did. The Courtesy Notices were soon released (produced by Ken and Scott Bartle) , and Julian and I began to send them out with earnest. We both felt that what had happened was part of the culmination of the Evolution of Consciousness, and our Conscious Co-creation to help remake this world into the paradise it can be. Unlike the other 'movements' we followed (Drake Mass arrests, Occupy Wall Street, Alleged Neptune Contacts via 2012 Scenario, Various Channels telling of Galactic Rescue, and the like) the OPPT DOings offered key knowledge and understanding with a message of empowerment; we are the ones we have been waiting for! It was, and is, amazing to know that by sending a foreclosure flyer, or a Courtesy Notice, it educates others on what is happening, so that they can make a new choice. Planting seeds of expanded consciousness. 

Stillness in the Storm Show on BlogTalk Radio

In March 2013, with the encouragement of our friend Jeremy McDonald, we began the Stillness in the Storm Show on BlogTalk Radio. We were having some success with the Courtesy Notices, and other debt contesting methods and wanted to share our perspective. For me, it was a great opportunity, because I have always enjoyed sharing the wisdom gained in life; a natural urge for everyone I think. The name for our show, came to me completely intuitively. During a discussion with, he asked me what we wanted to call the show, and the name Stillness in the Storm popped into my mind. Then we discovered the connections that has to the Torus, and fundamental ideas about our reality; seemed like following our highest passion was being supported by the Universe in some way. As time went on, the name Stillness in the Storm, seemed to take on more and more meaning. 

Letting go of the Old to take up the New

After 2 and a half years at my Job with Computer Generated Solutions, the contract for Aol Tech Support came to an end, as they were shipping the jobs over seas. I had the chance to take a job in the company else where or to take the lay off and collect unemployment for a while, giving me the chance to live some of my dreams. Did I really want to take the 'easy way' and work a 'secure job' and maintain my life style, or did I want to leave my job, and start the outward work of sharing my truth? This was something I was struggling with for a while, and given the timing of the former OPPT's work, I felt like the Universe was saying... 'you can do better Justin.. Think BIG!' I had a chance to follow my highest excitement, take the risk of putting myself even more out there then I already was, and have faith that my joy would be realized. One of many examples of following the energetic trail. 

As of July 1st, I left my job. It felt amazing having some freedom back in my life again. I began reviewing data more and more (something which has always been a passion of mine) and distilling more meanings from my experience. Julian was right there with me, and it was at this time that we started the Blog, to go along with the radio show. We didn't really know what we wanted to do with it at first. Each BEing, has a unique perspective, that empowers us greatly within our lives, and this perspective can help others. 

With that idea in mind, we started to produce self written blog posts related to things we were doing and  started sharing data we ourselves review in our own exploration. It was at this time, Julian shared his success story with debt contesting, having dealt with over $18,000 in 'debt'. Our blog started to expand beyond our belief and it was an elation to know that the wisdom we had to offer was touching the lives of so many.

As of 01/17/14 3:55PM

Justin and Julian standing in front of the home that was unlawfully seized

In late July, we were evicted from our home, a House I had purchased with an alleged loan. We acted on the knowledge we acquired to produce a series of documents to stop the fraudulent foreclosure process. Despite our efforts of exposing the fraud, the Courts pushed our eviction through anyway. We knew that we were going to be exactly where we needed to be, and we quickly found a place to live in Saint Petersburg Florida. It was at this time we met our new 'old friend' Guthrie. 

In mid August, we started to interact more with the 5D Media team and our posts were being shared. I was a little taken aback to realize that our scribblings and ideas could inspire and be read by so many people. Lisa put out a call for help on the 5D Media Forum, and I offered up my assistance. 

Being the Change

We have always dreamt of a time when the desire for change would overshadow the fear of the unknown, and we would begin to start BEing the Change we want to see. This was brought into focus with the announcement of the OPAL Tour; something we felt was going to be a Catalyst for a new wave of DOing. We both offered up our selves in any way we could. 

As the Tour progressed across the Country the issue of Free Energy Tech being released began to have rippling effects in Consciousness. We felt what we had learned about ownership and Universal law would be helpful, as we are moving into 5D and the concepts of ownership we have on earth are for maintaining slavery systems. Again we were surprised by the response of our sharing, and this encouraged us even more. 

In December, with the OPAL Tour coming close to us in Panama City Florida, we had another chance to meet 'eye ball to eye ball' with the loving BEings we had come to know over the past year. Unbeknownst to us, there was a sweeping energetic Ascension that was happening for many all over the planet.  There was something profound that each of us felt, and upon our return home, we discovered our dear friend Guthrie, had also experienced a profound awaking while he was in Jail and started sharing his truths after his release with the creation of his own blog HumantyInCorporated. We opened our home to Guthrie, creating our own little Absent Limits Community within our own lives. 

Our story, has been a constant realization of acknowledging our own value and then acting on that knowledge to achieve our desires. Both Julian and I were unsure if we even had the "right" to speak our truths, but the Universe always inspires you when you need it most. 

Here are some of the posts we have put together since we started:

Julian's Debt Contesting Experience - OPPT Success Stories

Unlawful Seizure - All in service of the Absolute Plan

The race to Underwrite DOVs - Why Limitations of Infinite Value are so Important

Pope 'Ruler of the World' to go after War Criminals?

The UCC Connection - How the Uniform Commercial Code 'secretly took over' the world

Accessing your 'Strawman' Account - Filing a UCC1 Financing Statement

Distilled Liquids - Dispelling myths by Unifying Body, Mind and Spirit

Pope Francis, St. Francis of Assisi, and the Law of One - The Evolution of Consciousness

RV/Gold Bait and Switch? - Secular Value vs Absolute Value - Hidden History of Gold

Self Mastery and Actualization - Hidden Techniques of the Elite - Alchemy and Freemasonry

Can you Own an Idea? RE: Why I'm not going on OPAL Tour -- by Chase Binnie (Patents hold back Humanity)

The 12 Keys of Spiritual Activism - Self Mastery and Self Healing (expanded by Justin)

Keys to Living - Positive and Negative Knowledge: Fearlessness, Self Mastery and Healing the body

Unlock your hidden identity in Sexuality: The Top 11 Benefits of Sex

Emotional Guidance Scale (Explained in detail) How to be guided by your emotions, instead of controlled by them. By Justin

Definition of a Rebuttal, and conversations with Heather - What did the OPPT really do for humanity?

SITS on the OPAL Tour (12/07 - 12/09) - The Ascension and Willing Activation - "Do you want to..? YES!"

Neurological Study Maps Emotions All Over the Body - Are our Emotions the Compass leading us towards the Higher Self?

The Call to Morocco 

Ever since our return from the OPAL Tour we have been feeling the pull to Morocco. While we were on tour, there was a call between Heather, one of the former trustee's of the OPPT, Bob Wright, Brian Kelly and Lisa Harrison. During the call, Heather said something like "if you can hear my voice, and hear the call to Morocco, then come!" Everyone was unsure as to what this meant, and we all discussed how things maybe playing out for humanity at large in the near future. 

When we heard the call, we instantly thought of our situation. Julian's job was ending on January 11th, 2014 and our lease is ending on the 31st. Our excitement and joy welled up as we began to imagine the adventure. Morocco is a symbol for change, a symbol for increased DOing and an unfoldment of ourselves (not just Julian and I, but everyone) into a new chapter of Action; of BEing and DOing.

After the OPAL Tour, Julian and I got back home, and had daily energetic illumination after illumination that our paths were leading us towards Morocco, even Guthrie was getting energetic messages inviting him to go. But this meant new challenges.

How were we going to get there? Julian and I are not independently wealthy, in the sense of FRNs. Julian was working a 3D job at Macy's and I was collecting unemployment (that ended as of 2013). We mentioned on our show this week, that this has been a big opportunity to heal for us. I have a tendency to be left brain dominant and following the energetic trail is a great exercise in faith and knowing; faith in my highest Joy becoming a reality. 

Let go of Limits and the Universe Responds!

'Imagine, and then DO, what you Imagine' is something I have been hearing more and more, and this rings SO true for Morocco. Last week on our show, Julian discussed how the logistical needs for going to Morocco were just not materializing; despite this path shining brightly in front of us. And this was a great chance to release any expectations as to what the Universe had in store. We released those expectations on the show, and said that no matter where we are, we will be apart of what unfolds. Then later that afternoon, Brian Kelly messages us asking if we want to come join in the adventure and had some helpful information on how we can make our desire manifest! What great energetic signal from the universe, hours after we release any expectation! 

This week on the Collective Imagination, Julian and I called in, and Brian encouraged us to speak our intention into the Universe. 

The pull to Morocco is more then just going to experience that place. For us it is a chance to create a better alternative to the ways we have been living, a chance for change. The next step in the Evolution of Consciousness in the universe.

One of the things that holds us back in realizing our dreams, is the idea that it is up to us only to make it real. Our dream, of creating a Consciousness Community, and being able to do more and more work to help usher in the "Event" is what we are excited about. One person can only do so much, but when Source gathers up willing Beings driven by their heart space love to make real their dreams, anything is possible. It is with this knowingness that we journey forth to Morocco, ready to help ground the Awakening Consciousness into density.

Do you want to?? An offer to Co-Create

The plane tickets are the biggest hurdle for us. We have managed to gather up other resources from selling various items (part of this shift for us means letting go of a lot of stuff we just don't need anymore). Absent Limits Baby!

If you have any advice on how to get cheap tickets or maybe have a connection with an airline we would love to hear from you?! I like to think of this, just like all things, as a co-creation. And our shift into the New Age, is all about Conscious Co-Creation. We are taught in this confused world, that asking for help is a bad thing. This has been a big chance for us to let go of the idea that we are all alone and have no one to turn to. 

You can contact us directly via with any ideas, advice or tips you may have; or 

You can Donate by clicking here. (Paypal)

Big Energetic hugs to ALL whom share in the adventure of making our collective dream of a Golden Age a reality. We are all playing our part just like everyone is in their own unique and perfect way!

Bashar: Finding your Highest Excitement