Saturday, April 13, 2013

Love What You DO

Love What You DO -- Jake Ducey
April 13th, 2013

I couldn't have picked a more perfect video to launch my first post on the new blog! No, American Kabuki and I did not have a falling out lol. Consider this our way of diversifying the messages we share with the world. Although, I will admit, I do consider AK to be a Master Blogger. So, the audience here can expect to find me linking to his posts quite frequently :) 

It goes without saying, our mission is one in the same; to live in a world where Freedom for all is not just an idea, but a Reality. We will stop at nothing to see this through. All that's left to DO now is buckle your seat belts and In-Joy the ride!!

In Absolute Gratitude,

~ Brian Kelly
"As Eternal Essence Embodied"

Jake Ducey is not only a close personal friend, but has also become a bona fide hero of mine. At a time in my life when I needed to hear it most, Jake's book helped me to remember life doesn't need to be about working some job you can't stand to live paycheck to paycheck just to barely make ends meet. In hopes of one day making enough money to do the things in life that we truly love. 

This is all part of the illusion that is now breaking down before our eyes. Whether we choose to see it, or not, is all that remains. I can only speak for myself when I say I'M DONE PLAYING THAT GAME. So, I pose the questions here; what will you DO with this new found freedom? Who will you help? What will you create? What do you dream of doing? Thank you Jake for helping me to understand that THESE are the most important questions we could EVER ask ourselves. Within each moment lies I choice. I choose freedom and I choose it NOW. What do YOU choose?

Here is a description of Jake's book which officially releases on April 16th:

Without a map, nineteen-year-old Jake Ducey leaves behind a drug-filled life and college basketball scholarship to wander the world and prove we can find our dreams by following our heart. On the outskirts of civilization, often uncertain, without money and near death, he finds that everything he was seeking in the world was within him the whole time. Journeying from Guatemala to Australia, Indonesia to Thailand, and ending with fourteen days of silent meditation, he shows that our destiny is in reach if we only look within ourselves first.

My review of Into The Wind:

It took me all but 20 pages of reading Into The Wind for me to realize that the time had come for me to quit my job. The following Monday I handed a copy of Jake's book to my boss and told him that I hoped by him reading it he would understand why I was putting in my two week notice. While grateful for my job, my passion and purpose in life was not to be found within the confines of my little square office next to the conference room and water cooler.

This book is an adventure story filled with incredible wonder, brilliant insight and timeless wisdom, with the capacity to communicate a powerful message to any reader, no matter what their background or beliefs. A message that the greatest adventure is found from going within. It is where we find, through our own doing, that we have become, as Bashar says, "the masters of limitation." Jake's book holds the key to shattering that illusion! The Truth is the only limitations are those which we impose upon ourselves.

If we're not loving each other, if we're not helping each other, if we're wasting time not doing what we love every day, what ARE we doing? What's the point? These are the kinds of questions Into The Wind will blow right into your face. This book is not just about following your heart and doing what you love. It's not just about transforming YOURSELF from the inside out. It begs the question, what happens if we were to ALL start "being the change we wish to see in the world" NOW? I don't know about you, but I'm done waiting to find out!

If you resonate with Jake's message, please help to make his video above viral!! Here is the direct YouTube link:


  1. You are an inspiration to the world, by following your heart you have already helped thousands of people by showing the courage to DO and by bringing your positive attitude into the OPPT experience.
    Thanks Brian

    Mexican Amigo

  2. really nice kickoff for your blog, Brian ;)

    i'm a regular listener of the OPPT/Collective Imagination shows and i'm often awed (and sometimes confused...sometimes jealous of) your amazing sense of purpose and positivity. at 38, i've never known what i love to do (or i have long forgotton and can't seem to remember) and i feel like i've never known my purpose...perhaps i'll buy Jake's book and see if i can jog my memory or just spark the inner knowing.



  3. Brian,
    You Rock !!
    Can't wait to see your next post !!!
    I also look forward to, perhaps, your own daily radio show ??
    What do you think??

  4. Great message Brian. Congratulations on your new site.

  5. Hi Brian,

    Something crossed my mind that I wanted to share.

    Our words create our world and we all have the ability to create with our mind what we want the future to be like by speaking it. And yet, when I ask people what they see happening in a month, a year, 5 years, 10 years, they either resort to pictures of a past we can never go back to of survival based on fishing and hunting; or earth has been destroyed by humanity (a complete impossibility: we don't have that right and we will not be allowed, dixit Gregg Braden, Steven Greer, Lloyd Pye and many others. Plus, anyway, it would completely defeat source to allow it.) On the eve of Stephen Bassett's and Steven Greer's disclosure, knowing the incredible success a movie like V for Vendetta has in China, watching all those "Where the Hell is Matt" Youtube, anyone with one ounce of perception knows something big is about to happen and it will radically change everyone's life on earth.

    Why wouldn't you be the voice of the future. A place where people come to create with their mind the future and because we are looking for beautiful pictures which resonate with source and remote view, only the positive ones will be posted? The best way to co-create is to share the same visualization of the same future, a future we choose together. And once we have decided on what the picture looks like, we can all look for the evidence that it already is that way.

    As an example: for me, racism has always been as non issue. I grew up with Vietnamese uncles, in African countries, my husband is from Africa, my father was of mixed races we haven't yet completely figured out, some Caribean-Wahiro-French-African mix, I have always traveled and lived abroad, etc. I know that I know that I know that we are seeing the creation of a unique race: look at all the interracial marriages worldwide. As a result, in the future, we will all look alike: tanned, dark hair, almond shaped eyes. Gorgeous (just look at the babies being born from African-Chinese couples all over Africa nowadays). Because we'll all look similar, appearance will not matter at all. We'll all travel everywhere too and we'll all speak fluently several languages. Those language will not disappear and be replaced by English. They will remain alive and spoken but take a second place to a primary language.

    What do you think of my idea?

    Christine M.

  6. Hi Brian,
    I am so glad you started your own blog. Its nice to hear you speak and I wish Heather and the others would do the same. That would help give people more direction.
    I am sending peace and love your way.
    With much love and respect,

  7. And interestingly enough, what I posted below before checking any of my regular reads (AK, RTS, KP) just happens to be the topic of today. Nothing happens in a vacuum.

    The time is right for people to become aware of their words, as though it is THE most important roadblock to peace, unity and co-creation. A wave of words and language consciousness is sweeping this planet. At the same time, what Romain Gary alluded to in The Ski Bum "The language barrier, it's when two guys peak the same language: no way they can communicate any more" has become painfully obvious to many on earth. There is such an emotional content attached to words, transmitted from generation to generation for millenia that people are their words. They have become their. They react as though their words are a part of their body, something to defend at all cost, something to kill over.

    Once we start listening to ourselves, we'll speak so much less and we'll do so much more! Great things are in the works for us.

  8. Hey Brother.

    Glad to see you establishing your own space. I would like to have an RSS feed or email option if you can.

  9. Love this message and congratulations on your blog. One point, as to the Einstein quote, I can't help but wonder why the group formerly known as OPPT is negotiating with a UN group, which is part of the old paradigm. Isn't that the definition of insanity. We need a whole new system. Do what you love, love what you do! Much luck!
