Tuesday, September 17, 2013

BREAKING: Government Whistleblower Exposes Hip Hop Conspiracy

BREAKING: Government Whistleblower Exposes Hip Hop Conspiracy
September 17, 2013
This video was sent to me by Bob earlier and has since been shared on Facebook by a friend of mine. So, I'm inclined to help get this out there, despite not being able to prove the legitimacy of this guy's claim. I've heard many stories in the past of Michael Jackson being murdered due to his gung ho approach to exposing corruption, but this is the first time I've heard it from a whistle blower. Discernment suggested. ~BK


  1. My concern is that the root intent of this supposed whistle blower leak is to incite and stir up further racial animosity to push us closer to all out civil conflict and violence which is exactly what TPTW want in order to put their domestic war machine to use. I can't see how this is going to be a good thing for any of us.

  2. Hi Brian, I though I would check in with Franco DeNicola regarding the video and here is what he has to say:
    What Robert Conners shared was what he was observing and dealing with during his time in his position. As you know there is a grander unfoldment taking place within all of this. He is uncomfortable for he is coming from fear, due to all he has seen unfold with the organization he was working for. From what I could pick up, it was in fact MJ on the call, he did sense that he was going to be targeted.

    More is coming to the surface, it is part of all the unfoldment's that need to take place for this transformation.
