Sunday, September 1, 2013

5D Media Network Global Meditation YouTube Video -- AMAZING

For anyone who has not yet had the privilege of listening to this guided meditation by Bob Wright, I highly recommend giving it a listen. Even if you not a frequent a meditator or can't stand meditation all together, the messages that come through Bob are so profound, even to simply listen as an audio recording without the mediation is worth the 15 minutes. Personally, I was so moved I could barely get a word out after it was over. Please listen and share if you are so inclined! Also, if anyone is interested in transcribing the message I would be more than grateful and will publish as a separate post with credit to the transcriber, of course! The time is NOW. Let's DO this!! ~BK

UPDATE: Three awesome readers have already submitted the transcript. Wow! Big thanks to Bernard, Cindy and Aeyrie!! Will be posting later today :)

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