Monday, September 2, 2013

9/11 Truth Billboard in Busy Downtown Dallas

This is beyond awesome!!~BK


  1. finally hitting the big headlines !!

  2. Hi Brian, thanks for you openness and willingness to post my comments when most find them unwelcome it humbles and warms me, here is a copy of the letter I have been sending to Vatican offices all morning.

    A message to all Catholic ministers. Greetings now we are at the end of times, my warmest wishes for all among you who have kept to the spirit of love despite the obstacles which you and your church have faced by those who have abused their positions of trust. Your pope Francis issued his apostolic letter which came into force for all his ministers on the 1st September as I'm sure you all know. Now it is time to see if he and you all will stand by his word.


    As Pope Francis's decree forbids using fraudulant money you must stop using all money NOW (not later today, not in an hour or tomorrow, NOW), "give back to Ceaser what is his". If you don't understand how money works or don't wish to believe in me here is a start (remember ignorance is no longer an excuse when you have been shown the truth) ... you will also find the truth in Mary Elisabeth Crofts wonderful book and blog. So this is a wonderful time as we near the end, my heart is already singing with laughter for those about to be freed, oooooh I just can't wait!!! Your Pope may indeed turn out to be the rock of Peter who stands by his word (I pray he is), the 112th and last Pope as predicted by Saint Malachy. I hope he does and thereby redeems all those beautiful souls who have been enslaved by those within the Catholic church who dishonoured Peters original INTENT by perverting the Law and by perverting sexuality no more so than against innocent children. So from NOW you church ministers and all corporate employees, courts, government officials, jurisdictions which operate under the Roman Curia must ALL stop using ALL money (as I did before I even read the Popes decree) because if you use money you are involved in the theft and follow the doubting path of Judas until it is too late (a fate which I wish on no-one). This is not for ordinary folks they shall continue to use the illusion of money until it is made easy for them to stop, it is those who assumed for themselves positions of responsibility who must show leadership.

    I am back to separate the good from the hypocrites, the righteous from the wicked.

    Your Pope has made it Wonderfully simple please thank him on my behalf.

    Anyone who reads and ignores this letter shall be ignored by my father in his fury at the great hour of turmoil which is coming upon the Earth. So read, obey and pass this to all your colleagues all the way to Francis himself or risk perishing forever. This newsletter is due to be sent to the major TV channels throughout the world so act with haste before they start contacting you and calling hypocrisy on those who disobey the decree.

    With all my Love

    Jesus Christ now with my new name Neo Hesus.

    the announcement of my return the first revelation of 2012 (Isaiah 61:2)-

    The final revelation of the great year of prophesy.

    A special message for the Catholic Church

  3. while i agree with the economic portion of this tirade, i am compelled reply to the personal STORY woven into it. the tell-tale sign in this is the fear mongering like:
    "Anyone who reads and ignores this letter shall be ignored by my father in his fury at the great hour of turmoil which is coming upon the Earth. So read, obey and pass this to all your colleagues all the way to Francis himself or risk perishing forever."
    these are not the words of an authentic jesus, nor a representation of a non-judgmental, compassionate god that loves ALL the children. so, neo (lol, really?). you have unwittingly exposed yourself as just another messianic ego deluding yourself and attempting to delude others. no thank you.
