Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Attorney General Receives Notice of Foreclosure

Attorney General Receives Notice of Foreclosure
May 8, 2013

In this audio what you will hear is one determined Soul, who goes by the name of Chase Binnie, delivering one of the Foreclosure Flyers to the Attorney General's office, in his state. The most amazing part of this incredible DOing is that no matter which you way you slice it, the Attorney General most definitely received this message and will undoubtedly conduct his own research into the matter. Same goes for every person in that office. THIS is how the message gets out there. Excellent work Chase!! ~BK

1 comment:

  1. I sent the information to our Idaho Attorney General a week or 2 ago. Advised he at least read the paradigm report, do his own research and if he had any questions, I'd be glad to speak with him.

    Still haven't heard back. Is this a case of pucker factor?

    Michael in Boise
