Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Bashar -- How We Design Our Reality

Bashar -- How We Design Our Reality
May 14, 2013

Well, I guess it's officially Bashar week folks! I'm a huge fan of Bashar and his messages. They always appear to pop up with the perfect message at the exact moment I need to hear it. This is definitely one of those moments. Absolutely brilliant! So worth the 15 minutes. Even if you can't watch it now, bookmark it for later. I promise you won't regret it :) Thanks for finding this hidden little gem Bob. ~BK


  1. Thank you Bob and Brian for your continued support in paving the way forward for me by posting these wonderful insights.

    Jane from Ireland

  2. Yes, Bashar is the coolest!

  3. Notice the little orbs that show up during the video. Very cool.
    Thanks Brian. You're the best.

  4. I wish he wouldn't yell...the tone of his voice makes him hard to listen to. He should try to be more gentle in his delivery.

  5. Anon 8:03, Yes, I can't handle his voice any more. I used to listen to him some and would like to hear this message, but his tone and volume hurt.
