Saturday, May 18, 2013

Legal Case of the Century in Australia -- Needs Support

Legal Case of the Century in Australia -- Needs Support
May 18, 2013

This was sent to me today by Uwe Schafer. For anyone who has the means to donate there is a widget in the right column of my blog. The implications of this court case are massive. Uwe and team have done an outstanding job of documenting it along the way. I highly suggest looking into it for anyone who has not yet done so. Incredible stuff. ~BK

YOUR support needed - Ex Finance Broker from Perth Western Australia takes on his “lender” publicly!

Please donate right now, then go crazy and SHARE the campaign.


Uwe’s encounter with insights into bank fraud in early 2011 saw him resign from finance broking within days.

Since then, he sought substantiation from their bank with regards to their home loan. All requests for validation were ignored; instead, the bank relied solely on the signed contract, as if that signature validated the statement of fact that the contract relied upon.

The whole process is documented online, where you can follow the story step by step. Watch the videos, which are recorded in a conversational format, exploring the money creation process in this real life example.

All requests for validation of a debt were not only ignored but openly refused, and now the bank and their lawyers are pushing hard to gain fast possession through the West Australian court system. An experienced legal team has agreed to work the case to get to the bottom of it (this team has some high profile cases to their name and have demonstrated their support for justice... not the system!).

Donations are invited to strengthen the legal fund, for the next stages of the truth finding project.

Will the bank really prove their case beyond any doubt or will we all be witness to how slavery is played out openly for all to see?

Follow along to learn, what Uwe and his family’s choice to no longer support this system brings to the surface. Hard questions will be asked and we aim to share this story with the world.

Thank you for your support. Learn all about it at:

1 comment:

  1. The whole process is documented online, where you can follow the story step by step. Watch the videos, which are recorded in a conversational format, exploring the money creation process in this real life example.
