Monday, May 6, 2013

Judge Dale: The Great American Adventure. Secrets of America

Judge Dale: The Great American Adventure. Secrets of America
May 6, 2013


  1. This article might be worth reading but I'll never know it. A word to the wise. This article and others on Scribd are inconvenient if not impossible to read for someone with bad eyesight. As far as "downloading" is concerned, please bear in mind that some of us do not have lightning fast internet with unlimited download allowances. For us, cutting and pasting to a word document that can be adjusted to accommodate our circumstances is the only option. Having wasted an evening attempting to produce something I can read, I have given up in disgust and I won't be wasting any more time trying to read anything on Scribd no matter how vital/interesting it may be.

    1. Hold down the ctrl key and then hit the plus sign == keep pressing several times to make the page larger.

  2. nobody like me can download oppt docs or anything without paying, so many people will not get on board with C/N's and supporting docs etc with this barrier!!!! somebody needs to download then post it so people can get access to ALL DOCUMENTATION!!!! this one wouldve been good to download then to show people who are not awake yet as i have before, now scrib wants to charge. i aint got no credit card etc so thats buggered me!
    its hard enough, i am tryin so hard to get the info out and now this, i am in tassy and no web sites up here, no support here, a friend put a FB page up and nobody intrested yet, even though i have hand posted 2,000 fliers and still nothing. every day i ask the universe for change and help, at lest my vision board is completing its self. love ya brian, you are my hero bro, i love everybody and see a wonderful start ahead. just frustrated! love SHINE

  3. UCC Filings > download all.

  4. Thanks Brian, Every soul must fight its own battle and then collectively we will progress to the light of God. I lived through and in the slave state and have now retired from the corporate life. What I didn't do was retire from living my life as I was created to live a free be'ing. I started my own business and I do my own invoicing and I bought a new house and I'm using the slave system to pay for it! Above all now I have more time to seek and ask for the Divine Love of God to enter my soul to assist me in the knowledge and understanding of these creations of change that man has and is developing. Thanks you and God bless you and all Be'ings the good and the bad! Just Mark
