Sunday, September 29, 2013

FBI Running Out of Funding

FBI Running Out of Funding
September 29, 2013

Notice to All Department of Justice Contractors
Potential Lapse of Funding


Funding for the Department of Justice (Department) under its current appropriations act expires on September 30, 2013. As of this date, no new appropriations act or continuing resolution has been passed. Unless such legislation is enacted before the end of FY2013, there will be no annual appropriations available to fund activities of the Department for Fiscal Year 2014 (FY 2014) on October 1, 2013.

The effect of a lapse of funding on a particular contract, order, and other procurement commitment (hereafter, Contract) is dependent on the source of funding and terms of the particular Contract and the activities the Contract supports. It is therefore not possible to provide comprehensive guidance covering all circumstances and situations.

The purpose of this Notice is to (1) notify Department contractors of the potential lapse of funding; (2) assist contractors in their contingency planning; (3) provide general substantive guidance regarding when performance on a contract continues during a funding lapse; and (4) provide contractors the procedures the Department will follow to notify contractors whether performance will continue should there be a lapse of funding for FY 2014.

General Substantive Guidance

For informational purposes, the Department provides the following general guidance regarding whether contract performance typically continues in the event of a funding lapse.

In general, where a contract is subject to availability of funds, work on the contract may not be performed unless the contract, or some portion of it, involves “excepted” activities, typically those required to prevent imminent harm to persons or property. Otherwise performance typically will not continue, and contractors will be instructed to refrain from any activity that results in the incurrence of obligations on the part of the government.

This general rule is sometimes reflected in the contract in a clause addressing a lapse of funding (which may be referred to in some contracts as “Federal Non-Work Days”), under which contractors are directed to cease work unless specifically directed otherwise in writing by the Contracting Officer.

Even if a contract is not dependent on annual appropriations (such as those funded with “multiple-year” or “no year” money), the activities the contract supports may not be funded, and for this reason the Department may direct that work on the contract cease.

If a contract is one involving delivery dates that are imminent, government personnel responsible for receiving delivery or performing inspections may not be available during the period of the funding gap. Accordingly, even where contract performance has not ceased, contractors may be directed to suspend any attempts to deliver until you are notified otherwise by the contracting officer. The Government will not be liable for any costs you may incur if you attempt delivery during the period of the funding gap.

General Procedures

Contractors whose contracts contain a funding lapse clause (which may be referred to in some contracts as “Federal Non Work Days”) should adhere to that clause, and the contractor should cease all activity that will result in obligation to the government, unless otherwise authorized in writing by the Contracting Officer.

Contractors whose contracts do not contain a funding lapse clause should be prepared to continue performance, unless expressly notified otherwise in writing by the Contracting Officer.

This information as well as DOJ overall guidance will be updated as necessary and as the situation changes.

BREAKING NEWS: Free Energy Saves The World

BREAKING NEWS: Free Energy Saves The World
September 29, 2013

Very ironic my buddy Jake for released this video the same week we made our big announcement on the In-Joy show. About time to flip the script on big oil...

If you didn't hear that show. Here is a link. Announcement is in the first 40 minutes:

Friday, September 27, 2013

Vital Discussion -- Dissolving the Illusion of Money & Control

Dissolving the Illusion of Money & Control
September 27, 2013

This was an awesome Open Panel Discussion with Brian Kelly (me), Bob Wright, Joe Martino, Franco DeNicola & Antonia Hagens, on the Masterpiece Life Conference Network. Such a valuable discussion and perfect for anyone who is new to this information, from what I have been told. I hope you all enjoy it! ~BK

UPDATED: Testimonial

"This was a very valuable and enlightening discussion even for those who know what is happening. Thanks to all of the panel.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Michael Tellinger -- Ancient Hidden Technology

Michael Tellinger -- Ancient Hidden Technology
September 26, 2013

I realize anything with the "Annunaki" title in it is a bit off putting. However, this vid has now been sent to me by a few different sources, and considering the announcement of Free Energy technology on last night's enjoy show, the message is very relevant. It is a bit long but well worth the watch! ~BK

AK: Objector insists to judge 'there isn't a bankruptcy' in Detroit because all global debts have been erased

I am not 100% who this guy is and the "private group" he represents, but his argument is interesting... and it appears to have captured the Judge's attention as can be heard in the YouTube video below...   -Bill
Chair of St Peter leader talks about Detroit bankruptcy: Robert Marques, leader of the Chair of St. Peter speaks to the media after leaving U.S. District Court in Detroit on Sept. 19, 2013. Kathleen Galligan/Detroit Free Press

Chair of St. Peter leader says City of Detroit is legal fiction: Robert Marques, leader of the Chair of St. Peter speaks to the media after leaving U.S. District Court in Detroit on Sept. 19, 2013. Kathleen Galligan/Detroit Free Press

Objector insists to judge 'there isn't a bankruptcy' in Detroit because all global debts have been erased

 8:48 PM, September 19, 2013

Chair of St Peter leader talks about Detroit bankruptcy: Robert Marques, leader of the Chair of St. Peter speaks to the media after leaving U.S. District Court in Detroit on Sept. 19, 2013. Kathleen Galligan/Detroit Free Press
By Brent Snavely

Detroit Free Press Business Writer

There was a mixture of retirees, Detroit residents and community activists objecting to the city’s bankruptcy filing Thursday.

Then there was Robert Marques.

In the most unusual argument presented during the U.S. Bankruptcy Court hearing, Marques testified that he was there as a representative of “the Chair of St. Peter” — as in the Vatican.

Marques of Ohio said all of Detroit’s debts were wiped out on June 30 as part of “global debt forgiveness.”

He acknowledged that his legal arguments are unique, but insisted that they are based in fact. He also warned that anyone who doesn’t follow the orders from the Chair of St. Peter could be held accountable for war crimes.

“The City of Detroit, which is a legal fiction, is basically saying there is a bankruptcy,” Marques said shortly after he testified during the bankruptcy hearing. “The problem that most Americans don’t realize is there isn’t a bankruptcy. For one reason: All the world came out of global debt on July 1, 2013, when Iraq sanctions were lifted.”

Marques, dressed in a dark suit and a white tie, was among about 50 people who spoke during the hearing because they filed objections to Detroit’s bankruptcy by Aug. 19. U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Steven Rhodes held the hearing to give retirees and concerned residents a chance to speak.

The Chair of St. Peter is an actual chair that is housed at the Vatican in Rome and is believed to be a chair that was actually used by Peter, a disciple of Christ.

Marques said, “The Chairman of St. Peter is the Chairman of the Global Estate Trust. He is the Chairman over the Vatican.”

Marques, or his organization, filed a 21-page document with U.S. Bankruptcy Court on Aug. 19 and mailed the same document to a number of local Catholic parishes.

The document arrived in a large envelope with a picture of the city skyline emblazoned on it, said Ned McGrath, director of communications for the Archdiocese of Detroit.

McGrath sent out an advisory to all of the Detroit parishes to alert them to the document.

“To overstate the obvious, I would not encourage any contact with this individual and/or his website,” McGrath said in his advisory to the Catholic parishes.

Marques said he came to Detroit to inform the judge and Detroit residents that the city should not be in bankruptcy.

“We are not here to argue these points. We are here to state them in fact,” Marques said.

In court, Rhodes nearly had Marques removed for reading directly from the document he had filed and for going over the three-minute time limit.

Afterword, flanked by about a dozen followers, Marques declined to say where he lives or how many people belong to his organization.

He also repeated his warning that if the orders of the Chair of St. Peter are ignored, there could be consequences.

“If they do not respect that decision they will not fall under the authority of Roman Curia as public officials as will be held for war crimes and crimes against humanity,” Marques said.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

IMAGINE -- The O.P.A.L. Tour -- We Are the Ones We've Been Waiting For....& We're Done Waiting!!

IMAGINE -- The O.P.A.L. Tour -- We Are the Ones We've Been Waiting For....& We're Done Waiting!!
September 24, 2013

How could I possibly describe what it feels like to witness my purpose in this lifetime unfolding before my very eyes? It's like a combination of excitement, anticipation, bliss, and absolute joy, bursting through every pore of my entire existence, all at once and with great vigor. A symphony of synchronicity's, self-constructing through the will set forth by the energy of intention and manifestation. A real life tale of magic & wonder...opportunities not yet fully realized, but stealthily seeping their way into existence at the speed of heart and collective intent...

Three years ago, this November, my amazing Reiki Master and dear friend, Pam Maldonado, shared with me my reason for choosing to incarnate in this lifetime. She said, "you came to be a "teacher," (we ALL are in some way) "you will be travelling throughout the country and the world assisting with the shift in consciousness." Although, she said, "there is no reference point for this role, as it does not yet exist." As a new-comer to the path of Truth & Awakening, most of this information at the time was out of my realm of comprehension; shift in consciousness? Dimensional shift? I had no idea what any of this meant. So, to say it launched me onto a fast track journey to understanding, would be a vast understatement. My life has never been the same since. Later I would find out that my Soul was ready for that message. It has guided my every move since and continues to do so to this day.

Here I am now almost three years later, a conscious witness to these grandiose predictions coming into existence through the manifestation of the One People Absent Limits Tour. Everyday it seems another connection, development, idea, or opportunity comes to the table, as if gift wrapped and hand delivered from the Universe with a big red bow. Message after message, loud and clear from the cosmos, screaming YES! YES YES! DO! DO! DO!....this adventure is loved and supported in every way! I learned some time ago, when destiny knocks on the door, you open it...and boy oh boy have we ever!

I said it on the radio show Bob and I were on yesterday ("Dissolving the Illusion of Money and Control," which I'll post later today) that I'm done waiting for something, anything, outside of myself to swoop in and save the day; not some new governance, currency revaluation, new monetary system, Asian gold, The Event, Heather, DOV docs, UCC filings, or any combination thereof. The power has always been in "we the people" to make a lasting difference. What happens when millions of like minds and open hearts unite to create real change? Only imagination has the answer to that question. We can DO ANYTHING we imagine. Here's what it takes: unity, will, intent, commitment, tolerance, love, forgiveness, understanding, harmony, teamwork, ______ fill in the blank with whatever popular buzzword you like. Those are the we bake the cake is and has always been up to us. The reality is the ingredients have ALWAYS been there, we've just been led to believe the power structures and systems of control have access to the only oven. This illusion has now been dispelled. WE have the power. All we have to do now, is fill in as many others across the nation of this Truth...can you see it? Can you feel it? It's there...close your eyes and imagine...

There are so many amazing individuals, groups, movements, teams, etc. out there DOing great things to change this world. Unity is the glue that holds the key to bringing them all together. The OPAL Tour has the power to do just that. This is what we can DO. This is what we WILL DO. We are already DOing it. It has already been done. The intention has been set. It is Universal Law that manifestation will surely follow. It's time to change the world folks! Gandhi said, "BE the change you want to see in the world." This message has never been more important than it is NOW.

We need your help! This is a clarion call for all to gather! Please join us on this adventure in whatever way works for you. Be part of the caravan that travels across this beautiful country. Come and participate at one of the many gatherings we will be organizing along the energetic trail. Link us up to contacts, groups, individuals who are doing awesome things to make a difference. We encourage participation of EVERY kind. The more of The One People who get involved the bigger of a success this paradigm changing campaign will become! If you are in a position to sponsor the tour by way of financial energetic contribution, we need all of the support we can get. We've already chipped in and manifested our first of three RV's and our 12 Soul crew will be investing every bit of energy along the way we can all collectively muster to make it happen! Please help us to make this dream, OUR collective destiny, a reality! Every little bit helps <3

Then....close your eyes and IMAGINE. Imagine a world without limits. Imagine a global society of ONE, DOing what we Love instead of what we feel we "have" to DO to make ends meet. Free of war. Free of hate. Free of judgment, hunger, oppression, control and manipulation. Where all of God's children have food, clothes, shelter, unencumbered and unrestricted access to innovation and creation. Free energy. Absolute Technology. Imagine. No borders. No hoarders. The whole of Humanity loving thy neighbor as thy self. An enlightened planet and people. Imagine. Clean air. Clean water. Healthy food and sustainable living. Now close your eyes and IMAGINE. Absent Limits. Set your intent. See it. Feel it. BE it. Live it. Breathe it. Believe it. Share it with others. Some may laugh at such a Utopian society. To that I say, "NO my friends, THIS is our destiny! John Lennon -- "you may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one...I hope someday you will join us, and the world will live as ONE." ~BK

Posted at:


The inspiration for the O.P.A.L. Tour began with you. We are guided by the many voices and hearts which reach out for community, unity and being together with the knowing that You are NOT alone anymore.
We are the ones we’ve been waiting for…and we’re DONE waiting
Our Mission:
To follow the energetic trail that calls us forth, empowering awakened hearts and minds across the country. To unite our human family by creating a safe, open space for people to connect, commune and share as One People in peace, love, absolute transparency and above all, limitless in our potential.
From conception, through planning and during the tour, to expand and stretch ourselves to BE Absent Limits. In doing so we hope to be an example of what is possible when the ONE People collaborate their DOing in ways that make their hearts sing. This tour is a living example of our collective desire for change in the world, the first of many creative projects by the ONE People. We, which includes all of you, will be looking to expand our DOings together in the NOW, remembering that our goals are Absent Limits!
The 5D Media Crew set the intent to create a space of ‘absent limits’, that means accomplishing in 6 weeks what would have taken 6 months in the old paradigm. We have manifested thus far:
  • The crew contributed their own resources to secure the first of 3 required Motorhomes
  • The first O.P.A.L meet up and tour launch has been organised for the weekend of 25-27th October in LA. Details on the Itinerary page.
  • 2 appearances have been secured at the Ascension Rising Conference in Sedona. Brian and Bob will be running a workshop on Saturday. Brian, Lisa and Bob will be speaking in the main room at the conference on Sunday to promote The OPAL Tour and unite with like minds.
Along the road we will:
  • Network and connect the multitude of individuals and groups around the Country who are currently working in insolation on technologies and concepts to take us into a new paradigm of living.
  • Interviews with local individuals, projects and organizations who are making a difference
  • Foster community
  • Exchange our value by DOing (Gifts, Talents, Self Expression, Personal Sharing, Creating a space for collective sharing, Revealing your Inner Value)
  • Daily broadcasting of all Shows on the 5D Media Network
  • Filming major gatherings on route.
  • Connect face to face and heart to heart
OPAL Tour draws from all sources within creation’s universe to manifest the vision we have. This includes both old representations of value (money) and new or energetic representations. If you feel INclined to contribute please do so with out limitation to include the use of old systems. We who use these systems free them from their limitation for it is we who are truly absent limits!
We all know that “money” is simply a representation of your value – it’s really about energy. Rather than look at this as asking people for “donations” – we feel we are reaching out to people to ask if they’d like to contribute and participate on the journey through their “energetic fuel”. The fuel which is ultimately funding this journey is ALL our energy – our love.
We are One People on the Spiral Journey of Evolution, Remembering and experiencing the power of our Collective Imagination as we Transition into a new paradigm of Abundance and Freedom,In~Joy & Love.
Opal is a stone of inspiration, imagination, creativity, self worth, confidence, and supports you in reaching your full potential.
Energetically, the Opal, supports the process of change and restores harmony, which perfectly encapsulates the O.P.A.L. Tour!
Buckminster Fuller said “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” This tour represents our collective effort to build a new model. One that is in the best of interest of all The People…… no longer the privileged few.

Monday, September 23, 2013

The ZAP Report 9-21-13

Haven't been able to post much lately because I've been so busy getting ready for the OPAL (One People Absent Limits) Tour....and boy oh boy is it coming together! More on that later. Don't usually post the ZAP Report, as AK has taken the reigns on ZAP's updates, but this is one I felt needed to be shared. Nice work on the comments Bill, super funny! ~BK

Comments in red are mine solely as usual.... -Bill

Greetings and Salutations,

I couldn't have said it better myself so here it is direct from Poof. “As a man deeply involved in all of this is fond of saying, 'it doesn't matter what it is, it takes a week for them to do it'. Massive things have transpired since last sunday, which actually began thurs, a week ago. Constant movement to completion has been taking place. Many are distracted by the media events, which have been like spooks chasing you in your dreams, scaring the crap out of everyone, who lends them an ear. The native american shamans teach one how to deal with the goblins in your dreams, ignore them with your focus forward and they won't activate”. 

From ZAP..........Hi All

Very good news on the historic bond redemption front, as funds have been released for this purpose, and the show is underway. As I said, everything was on a hair trigger, and this continues to be true. Now that funds have been released, the global settlements can happen (if not already done), and the RV can occur, and the Basel III protocols can be fully implemented.

Not bad, delayed, but not bad. They have been trying to get the rv done every single day, but for whatever reason, like bribing others in the food chain at wells fargo to throw a monkey wrench into the works, the RV keeps getting snookered every day.

They are running out of monkeys that can be bribed. And the word is getting out to all monkeys that their fate is sealed if they accept the bribe. They get arrested the next day or shortly thereafter. Idiot monkeys, but I guess greed is still a powerful motivating force.

Is the RV a scam? LOL. Ya right, sure it is. That’s why untold trillions of Dinar [Trillions??? Really?? and that big a number is not a bit suspect from tiny Iraq????] are changing hands, why monkeys get arrested, and the governments are purchasing – because it’s a scam. [There is a concept of markets on Walls Street called the "greater fool" buyer] Good call. Now who said this was a scam again? which version of crystal ball were they looking into?

Again, there are questions in respect of the prosperity programs. These are meant for the fulfillment of the divine plan [He really said that??? Wow!!! I Love ZAP's honesty!!! There you have it in black and white!!!] where our humanity gets a shot at breathing again. [loosen those shackles just a wee bit there buddy...your wrists were starting to chafe...all better now?] Many subscribed to it and waited. and waited. Meanwhile, the cabal was chewing away at the fabric of our financial infrastructure meaning to destroy any and all hope, and divide the populations into the have and have nots on a systematic global scale. They came close.  [Oh team contrast is persistent!]

Zap, been in these programs for over 25 years. Not getting any younger. We are almost into Oct. it’s about this time of year when all the news starts to sound not very positive. Seems all the gurus are backing off on payday time. Some even saying next year. Not too excited about another Christmas with just a chunk of coal in the sock again. Man, I hope I'm wrong this time. Thanks for your reply if you think I deserve one. BC

BC, we all got lumps of coal for all this time, not only 25 years. your patience is staggering, and you have not become bitter like many have. Good on ya. Your patience will be rewarded big time. Everybody’s will. The gurus do not have a timeline, and do the best guess thing based on available information. I wish I could pin it down myself, but that timing is in divine hands, not mine. I can only tell you that it will be real soon now as the cabal is being dismantled and rendered ineffective.

One thing all must realize, is that the trading programs upon which these vast amounts of money are generated, really do not need to be there. They increase the size of the bubble only, and are harmful to a large extent. The reality is that the matrix funds of our humanity are locked up in special accounts overseen by the elders and the councils under the watchful eye of the old man. [Oh yeah...and he's making sure its all known for what it is!  Love the Old Man!!!] he himself can not withdraw a single penny (although he can) because if he does, [Say whay? What does a man who comes and goes from another dimension need money for anyway?] then all the other keepers can follow suit, and withdraw their funds and use them. [but the children are another story...]

If they did that, the whole plan would unravel and be destroyed, and our humanity would not be able to get up from under. So, it remains locked until the right time. this is when you will see the release of the PP. And i can assure it is not 25 years more, or a year, or even 6 months. It is much much closer than anybody realizes. It may be in the next week or very latest, the first part of next year if certain timelines are extended. either way, it is inevitable, and will happen.

Hi, Thanks. :) I have no info yet on how the good guys expect to handle it if a participant in the PPs should pass away just prior to deliveries, particularly if payments will be made by way of a Trust arrangement as Poof had always said. Presumably one could name someone in his or her Will as "designated Beneficiary" (?) but I don't know, so far, how word of that would be given to the good guys. Perhaps we'll hear more about that from ZAP in one of the Sunday newsletters.

Blessings. H

Whoever is in the programs, and passes before they are paid, then rest assured the next available beneficiary will be looked at to receive. Nobody gets left behind. They will search until they find somebody to receive. Remember the purpose: to get the money out to humanity for the purpose of the reconstruction. The alpha, omega, komax, [that's one I didn't know about] farmer, and the Dragons fund and all others will pay out, and give our humanity the breathing room to fulfill their destiny, and create the next paradigm they are meant to.

It is all about us and what we can do in our evolution. We have an astonishing gene pool that is absolutely precious. [You have no idea!  That DNA is sold in some of the finest markets in the Galaxy!] Keep that first and foremost in your mind when you talk to a neighbor. He is you. You are him. Individuated of course, but part and parcel of one and the same thing. we are amazing.

Another important item is the impending bankruptcy of the USA. News of this let out a couple of weeks ago is true, and this is imminent. Gee, how come there is not much press about this one?

Remember the information let out that the tier 1 folks that got paid (payments in escrow at moment) where they had to sign a gag order and also swear allegiance to the New Republic of the USA? Well, the new USA will replace the old USA, but not much is being said here at the moment, as this is of extreme sensitivity, and therefore, not much can be said at this time.

I have not said much about the project side thus far except to wait a bit more. The reason is that the infrastructure to support the fundings for the projects is underway, and will be completed in the next weeks. Then and only then will we be getting in touch with the project submitters and getting that show on the road. So far, about 100 billion has been allocated for the preliminary project fundings, and the trillions are being structured for that release. much more on this next week.

In hong kong, the teams have been very active, and forensics done on the heritage accounts the bankers and others have been pilfering have resulted in major arrests of the HSBC (bank) crowd, and all the gold has been taken from their hands and placed in a safer bank. [HSBC is the Old Man's bank...hmmm...that is very strange...will be interesting to see it if went to UBS [Texas camp] or Credit Suisse [dragons]] This is very good news, since this gold is the underpinning of the redemptions of the historic assets.

So, bottom line this week:

Funds are released and the historic assets are being redeemed

The Wells Fargo monkeys are being arrested daily

The RV will be forthcoming anytime (again that word)

The PPP will be released to the participants within the next while but no longer than 6 months now.

THE USA (CORPORATION) WILL EXPERIENCE BANKRUPTCY IN A WEEK (This information was made public by various news agencies recently. Remember the new banking year starts Oct.1. Many countries as well as banks around the world are also on the same schedule).

The USA (republic) is destined to replace the corporation

The idiots in power will be arrested for stealing and other less wholesome acts against our humanity.

The reconstruction projects will start within a month

Be patient, Be good, Be legal and always tell truth

In love and light in our service


“God is; I am; We are”

“Be good, Be legal, Tell truth”

POOF Says.....It seems I have to go back to something I haven't spoken of for a long time. There really is a world government and it has teeth, it's located in brussels. The bankers know this and have tried by hook or by crook to avoid it's edicts. American bankers trying to hide behind the US government or the FED so they keep the crap kicking. These international agencies like the World Bank, World Court, and the IMF, know the score. They also know there are people on this planet who have more power and clout than the usual suspects here in the states. When those folks are dissatisfied with things, Brussels will hear from them, and when action is needed, they will move accordingly. [SHEESH Brussels can't drop the Duval Beer long enough to even run Europe!!!] These programs, because they have international implications, have been managed from that level. Even bankers are employees, if you understand what I'm saying here, step across some lines out here, they quickly are reminded of their place.” THAT INCLUDES THE TOP GUY AT WF WAS RECENTLY REPLACED OR SHALL WE SAY THROWN UNDER THE BUS BY THE CABAL. HE WAS NOT AS untouchable AS HE THOUGHT. LIKE THE KID'S SONG SAYS, “THE WHEELS ON THE BUS GO ROUND AND ROUND” THUMP, THUMP!

Consultations upon request until the doorbell rings.

Love and Kisses,

Susan & Staff

Office of Poofness

P.S. Many of our loyal subscribers are having trouble receiving the newsletter. I have sent them.....but our email service located in Tel Aviv seems to be having server problems, possibly due to the unrest in that part of the world causing us problems getting the newsletter out to you. Please go to reading room to view the lattest newsletter if your newsletter do not arrive. As soon as our server problems clear up we will continue to send out the newsletter just as we have for the last 12 years.

Disclaimer....The information included in this text is based on our best current information and is subject to change.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Meltdown in Washington: President Obama Reported Sedated Following Emotional Breakdown

Meltdown in Washington: President Obama Reported Sedated Following Emotional Breakdown 
September 21, 2013

As is the case with many stories these days, I cannot prove the legitimacy of this story. However, I will say, if it were true I would not be in the least bit surprised. I personally believe Obama is a puppet (as all Presidents are) being controlled by many levels of power above the presidency. This assumption has yet to be proven, yet I feel the stage is now being set for a grand revealing. Side Note: I will not lose any sleep if I am wrong ;) ~BK

By Nigel J. Covington III

<National Report> Late this afternoon White House insiders leaked information stating the president has suffered a mental breakdown and is presently resting and under a doctors care. This afternoon the National Report received three calls on our nationwide hot tip line (206) 222-1975. Two of the three callers are insiders known to the National Report to be reliable confidential informants.

The caller unknown to this publication is a low level employee who could only state that there was some kind of a medical emergency involving President Obama. The other two callers known to us are both support personnel within the Obama administration. Both confirmed this week has been a political disaster for the president and this has taken a tremendous toll on him.

Russian President Vladimir Putin Has Recently Shamed Obama on the World Stage

Earlier this week Russian President Vladimir Putin derailed the president’s plan to bomb Syria and bury the U.S. in another war the people want nothing to do with and can ill afford to pay for. Putin negotiated a deal with Syria for control over its chemical weapons providing a peaceful resolution to a certain US attack. With the world watching Obama was forced to stand down causing him a great deal of shame and public embarrassment.

Before Putin extended the olive branch of diplomacy to resolve the Syrian crisis, he also agreed to grant asylum to Edward Snowden, the man who stole US secret documents that exposed the NSA secret program already underway and approved by President Obama to spy on all US citizens. Not only did Snowden expose the top secret NSA program to the world, he escaped US authorities in China and arrived in Russia where he repeatedly bitch-slapped the president by releasing more US secrets to the media.

Safely in the arms of Mother Russia Snowden, showed the world people how helpless and weak the Obama administration is at being utter failures at diplomacy, tact and statesmanship. While Putin and Obama were engaged in “negotiations” over Snowden’s extradition, Snowden and Putin were engaged in conversation about Snowden’s defecting to Russia.

Whistle-blower Edward Snowden Exposed Obama-NSA scandal

In one of the most crippling moments of President Obama’s tenure Putin cut a deal with Snowden for asylum giving the Russian president tons of other US secrets. Edward Snowden now lives safely beyond the reach of Obama’s dirty scandal ridden administration who would’ve imprisoned or killed Snowden without a trial clearly disregarding all of Snowden’s civil liberties and denying him the opportunity to explain his actions before a court of law who would determine Snowden’s fate… not Obama. Then Putin told Obama ‘no’ on Snowden’s extradition completely shaming the president in front of the world.

In the past couple weeks the big winners on the world stage have been Syria, Russia, Snowden and Putin; all at the expense of America’s impotent and fraudulent president.

Remember what Obama “sold” the American people in his 2008 bid for the presidency? Obama the “agent of revolution” guaranteed “change” instead he lied to everyone by promising the “most transparent” government – “no special interest” – “a new way of doing business” – “most honest” – “most righteous” – “the new beginning” – then there was the abortion of Obama’s world tour… what a national mortification. And today how many of these promises has the president kept?

President Obama – Epic Failure Shames America

Then today’s Gallup poll results have been absolutely devastating for the president and the Democratic party. Obama’s approval rating dropped to the lowest in presidential history, and support from the Democratic Party plummeted more than 25% from this time last year.

Our sources confirm late this afternoon a doctor was summoned to the oval office and remained with the president for about a half-hour. When the doctor emerged he was heard to say the president needed rest and would be sedated once he was moved to his bed. The White House has remained silent and has yet to make a statement publicly.


The Nixon Alliance Underground:

The Telegraph UK:


Friday, September 20, 2013


I freakin' LOVE you Bill!!!

Updated 9/20/13 Forgot my reply to Wendell... what can I saw it was late at night. I also fixed some spelling errors... -Bill

By American Kabuki (Bill)

This summer has been an odd time. Amazing new insights, and the impatience with with what we still have to endure in this world.  People suffer.  Bills aren't getting paid. That can't be denied.  Can't we get this over with already? What the fuck...another chemtrail?...another war?...another "deranged" killer shooting random people? False flags, black flags, pirate flags, fringe flags and parade flags.  Maybe we should just ban flags altogether?  Guns don't kill, flags do! They separate! Flags separate people one from another.  This country loves flags and hates fags. But even they have a flag! TWEET!!!! EVERYONE OUT OF THE POOL!!!  Can you hear yourselves?

Frustration is being directed at those are making changes rather than the ones who cause the suffering.  That's disbelieving you have the power to change your reality, when you get angry at those working to change theirs. 

There's Brinkmanship in economic, political and covert circles.  The ones who insist nothing has changed are working overtime to make sure it doesn't.  The chess pieces in various realms trade moves. Agents infiltrate, tell fibs, sow discord, draw followers to economic, spiritual and political factions.  Same old template, polarize, divide, conquer. Pick your dogma, each has one. "Believe in me and I will set you free! And by the way, I read all your akashic records!"  How about believe in yourself and find the answers within? Its all there you know! 

I was reading David Wilcock's blog this week and something just jumped out at me.  Its what prompted me to write this article.  I don't think David even realized what he wrote.  But its been popping up in my vision everywhere since like a crazed bouncing jack-in-the-box.  I love David Wilcock, but ever since he got spooked by a purported death threat (and what blogger in this field hasn't had those?) he's been off his game. I loved the Source Field Investigation book! Pure genius! Financial Tyranny was well researched, except for the part on primary market banking...  but this jumped out at me...  


LOVE WITH BOUNDARIES????  DAVID DID YOU HAVE ABUSIVE PARENTS?  Lots of parents withhold love until the get what they want from the kid... its kind of a sick level of immaturity but it happens.  If parents can't show unconditional love where else are the kids going to learn it?  Happens between mates too.  I've lived through it. I knew a Belfast couple once that fought like cats and dogs!  But they had a rule between them, that no matter what happened during the day in their daily Irish bickering (honestly it would have exhausted me the first week!), it never carried over into the bedroom where love could be used as weapon of denial.  They stayed happily married and deeply in love with each other until he died of an illness.

To be honest, I have less trouble with Ben Fulford making promises of unleashing the asian hordes of dragon ninjas on the cabal cause at least I know Ben is consistent in his logic.  Ben doesn't claim to love them at all!!!  Straight up guy Ben! That is...when he gets his facts straight and doesn't have me misplaced in Ethiopia looking for the Ark of the Covenant while being chased by purported CIA assassins that never existed...perhaps the WDS can hire Ben a fact checker in exchange for a box of 1934 FED bonds cause I don't think they are going to get any gold for those things.

Don't get me wrong... I don't agree with Ben's approach, because a lot of innocent people are going to get killed.   And there's lots of people in "team contrast" (as we like to call them - cabal is becoming so cliche now that Keenan uses it) who are in a real bind, they are extorted, they got their families safety on the line by their pay masters because those people are the most enslaved of anyone on this planet, well paid slaves perhaps but they do not have freedom.  And a lot of those bloodline families have kids that want no part of their ancestors behavior patterns....even their DNA is changing! THEY ARE HUMAN and part of the diversity of humanity on this planet.

I am really growing tired of the terms LIGHT and DARK.  Might as well use US and THEM.  And like all words it so easy to semantically shift who you are referring to.  Victory to the Light?  Lets change the phrase to "MEET YOU AT THE BEACH IN ONENESS AND HAVE BREWSKY!"

Lots of divines rolling around  preaching love and causing separation... lots of LOVE BOUNDARIES in the cosmos of the divines.... and I got an email today that made me realize this has been going on for some time...its biblical even!  Don't make it right!  

Here's the exchange with a friend from a circle of scholars I have been holding a 15 year conversation with on the nature of Jesus of history (as contrasted with the Jesus of myth). It relates to a fundamental flaw in Western Christian thinking, and that underlies the comment David Wilcock made about LOVE WITH BOUNDARIES: 

Wendell wrote:  I am working on a statement of unconditional. All sorts of things come to mind when tackling this. For instance, in Romans 12 [The Apostle] Paul makes a statement that combines an ethical component and a theological component. He is almost following the same pattern used by Jesus in Matt. 5, but in Paul’s case he is correcting something fundamental in the Jesus version. He does the very opposite of what Jesus did, or rather arrives at the opposite conclusion.

Jesus presented his radical new non-retaliatory ethic and then said- do this because this is what God is like (the ethical part based on theology). Paul follows the same pattern, establishing the ethic first- do not repay evil with evil- but then presents an entirely opposite theology- for God will repay. As if he is correcting Jesus in the second part, the most important part, the theological basis. And this pattern set by Paul becomes the Christian pattern still followed today. Two contradictory things combined.

Its as if Paul got the core teaching of Jesus, his core gospel in Matt.5, but then felt that he had to correct the fundamental error made by Jesus on theology. Jesus had overturned all past perception of deity. He had undermined all common sense perception of justice.

Note also that Paul says to repay the harm someone does with similar harm to them, is evil. It is wrong for us to do such evil. But God will do it for us. God will do evil in harming others who caused harm. And the harm that God does will be far worse than anything we can do. The evil God will do is far beyond any evil we can do. Huh? Paul just didn’t get it. He correctly stated that revenge, payback, retaliation was evil. But he didn’t get it that God was not evil. Pretty basic muddle, eh.

The Dutch theologian got it right in saying the God is far more humane than any human.

What my friend Wendell just uncovered was the justification the Church used, by claiming to be the Vicar for Christ,  of all the brutality in the name of God!  God will punish!  The line between God and God's agents gets easily blurred in people's minds!  Divine right of kings anyone?  Very clever indeed!  And we see this in thinking to this day.

Do you know what the limit on your BEING is?  Its not vibration level.  Its where your put your boundary of love.  Whom do you exclude?  Whom do deem worthy or unworthy of your love?   Do you withhold love from the homeless? The illegal immigrant from Mexico? What about that person who slipped their own deadline you desperately needed fulfilled to pay your bills? What about that cheap rat bastard boss who outsourced your job to India? Do you withhold love from the "CABAL"?  Its the ONLY hope they got! Otherwise they don't find their way back home.

This was my reply to Wendell which I meant to put in this post yesterday but forgot:

Bravo Wendell!  Its all about limits.  Limits on what we think is possible (religion and conventional wisdom is great at limiting people…but then the great inventions and thoughts always come from the heretics!) , and the limits we experience have a lot to do with the limits we put on our love towards others….

I'm coming to see there's a universal law in this, you could call it responsibility, but that's kind of bass-ackwards way to think of it, when we cease to put limits (exclusions, partitions, polarizations, discriminations, ranks, hierarchies, priests, judgements) on others we automatically lose the limits on what our BEING is capable of DOING (physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually)…. 

When you can remove the boundary on your love, you remove the limit on your BEING and DOING.   Its really as simple as that.  ALL THE UNIVERSE MOVES ASIDE FOR LOVE. FOR IT IS ALL MADE FROM LOVE.  Densities, dimensions, realms, are all constructs of beliefs and consensus of those that chose to play in the experimental playground of the illusion of separation. THERE IS ONLY the Creator Source and the living perceptions of Creator Source that inhabit its playground of universal mind.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Pope Warns Church Must Find Balance or Fall 'Like House of Cards'

Pope Warns Church Must Find Balance or Fall 'Like House of Cards'
September 19, 2013


BIG changes are in the air...can you smell it yet? From my vantage point it doesn't matter whether the Pope and the Vatican are sincere. Their public actions in and amongst themselves since the Pope changeover are unprecedented and represent a major shift happening now and forthcoming exponentially. ~BK

Pope Francis said the Catholic Church should not allow its bans on gay marriage, abortion and contraception to dominate its teachings, but must be a more welcoming Church where priests are understanding pastors and not cold, dogmatic bureaucrats.

In a dramatically blunt interview with Civilta Cattolica, the Italian Jesuit monthly, Francis said the Church had locked itself up in "small things, in small-minded rules". It must find a new balance between upholding rules and demonstrating mercy, "otherwise even the moral edifice of the Church is likely to fall like a house of cards..."

The interview was published simultaneously Thursday in other Jesuit journals, including America magazine in the U.S.
Related: Pope Francis On ... Priorities, Influences, Nuns, Artists

Francis, the first non-European pope in 1,300 years and the first from Latin America, did not hold out the prospect of any changes soon to such moral teachings.

In the long interview with the magazine's director, Jesuit Father Antonio Spadaro, he also said he envisioned a greater role for women in the 1.2 billion member Church but suggested it would not include a change in the current ban on a female priesthood.

In an remarkable change from his predecessor Benedict, who said homosexuality was an intrinsic disorder, Francis said that when homosexuals told him they were always condemned by the Church and felt "socially wounded", he told them "the Church does not want to do this".

He re-stated his comments first made on the plane returning from Brazil in July that he was not in a position to judge gays who are of good will and in search of God.

In the interview released on Thursday, he added: "By saying this, I said what the catechism says. Religion has the right to express its opinion in the service of the people, but God in creation has set us free: it is not possible to interfere spiritually in the life of a person."


The Church, he said, should see itself as "a field hospital after a battle" and try to heal the larger wounds of society and not be "obsessed with the transmission of a disjointed multitude of doctrines to be imposed insistently."

John Gehring, Catholic program director at Faith in Public Life, a liberal advocacy group in the United States, said:

"This pope is rescuing the church from those who think that condemning gay people and opposing contraception define what it means to be a real Catholic.

"Francis is putting a message of mercy, justice and humility back at the center of the church's mission. It's a remarkable and refreshing change."

The interview of some 12,000 words took place over three sessions in August in his simple quarters in the Vatican and was released on Thursday simultaneously in translations by Jesuit journals around the world.

"We cannot insist only on issues related to abortion, gay marriage and the use of contraceptive methods. This is not possible. I have not spoken much about these things, and I was reprimanded for that," he said.

"But when we speak about these issues, we have to talk about them in a context. The teaching of the Church, for that matter, is clear and I am a son of the Church, but it is not necessary to talk about these issues all the time," he said.

Speaking specifically of homosexuals, he said:

"We must always consider the person. Here we enter into the mystery of the human being. In life, God accompanies persons, and we must accompany them, starting from their situation. It is necessary to accompany them with mercy. When that happens, the Holy Spirit inspires the priest to say the right thing," he said.

The Catholic Church teaches that homosexual tendencies are not sinful but homosexual acts are.

 But in several parts of the interview, which took place in his simple quarters in a Vatican guest house where he has lived since his election instead of the spacious papal apartments, he stressed the need for mercy and understanding by priests.

"The confessional is not a torture chamber, but the place in which the Lord's mercy motivates us to do better," he said.

The pope also spoke about the role of women in the Church, saying their "deep questions must be addressed".

"We must therefore investigate further the role of women in the Church. We have to work harder to develop a profound theology of the woman. Only by making this step will it be possible to better reflect on their function within the Church," he said.

He hinted that he was open to giving women greater decision-making roles in the Church.

"The feminine genius is needed wherever we make important decisions. The challenge today is this: to think about the specific place of women also in those places where the authority of the Church is exercised for various areas of the Church," he said.


AK: The True Size of the Shadow Banking System Revealed (Spoiler: Humongous)

in The Physics arXiv Blog

The True Size of the Shadow Banking System Revealed (Spoiler: Humongous)

The shadow banking system is vastly bigger than regulators had thought, say econophysicists who have developed a powerful new way to measure its hidden impact

In most parts of the world, the banking system is closely regulated and monitored by central banks and other government agencies. That’s just as it should be, you might think.

But banks have a way round this kind of regulation. For the last decade or so, it has become common practice for banks to do business in ways that don’t show up on conventional balance sheets. Before the 2008 financial crisis, for example, many investment banks financed mortgages in this way. To all intents and purposes, these transactions are invisible to regulators.

This so-called shadow banking system is huge and important. Indeed, many economists blame activities that took place in the shadow banking system for the 2008 crash.

But the size of the system is hard to measure because of its hidden and impenetrable nature. But today, Davide Fiaschi , an economist at the University of Pisa in Italy, and a couple of pals reveal a powerful and simple way of determining the size of the shadow banking system.

Their conclusions are revealing. They say that the shadow banking system is vastly bigger than anyone had imagined before. And although its size dropped dramatically after the financial crisis in 2008, it has since grown dramatically and is today significantly bigger than it was even then.

Perhaps the biggest problem with measuring the shadow banking system is that nobody quite knows how to define it. Economists say it includes activities such as hedge funds, private equity funds credit insurance providers and so on. But there is significant debate over where to draw the line.

The de facto arbiter of this question is the Financial Stability Board set up in 1999 by the Group of Seven developed nations. It estimates the size of the shadow banking system each year by adding up all the transactions that fall outside mainstream regulation, or at least as much of this as it can see.

The Board estimated the size of the shadow banking system to be just over $60 trillion in 2007, the year before the great financial crash. This figure dropped a little in 2008 but rose again to $67 trillion in 2011. That’s more than the total GDP of the 25 countries from which the figures are obtained.

Now Fiaschi and co say the Financial Stability Board has severely underestimated the total. These guys have developed an entirely different way of calculating its size using the emerging discipline of econophysics.

These guys begin with empirical observation that when economists plot the distribution of companies by size, the result is a power law. In other words, there are vastly many more small companies then there are large ones and the difference is measured in powers of 10. So not 2 or 3 or 4 times as many but 100 (10^2), 1000 (10^3) or 10,000 (10^4) times as many.

These kinds of power laws are ubiquitous in the real world. They describe everything from the size distribution of cities, websites and even casualties in war.

That’s not really surprising. A power law is always the result when things grow according to a process known as preferential attachment, or in common parlance, the rich-get-richer effect.

In economic terms, big businesses grow faster than smaller ones, perhaps because people are more likely to work with big established companies. Whatever the reason, it is a well observed effect.

Except in the financial sector. Fiaschi and co say that this power law accurately governs the distribution of small and medium-sized companies in the financial world. But when it comes to the largest financial companies, the law breaks down.

For example, the UK’s Royal Bank Of Scotland is the 12th largest firm on the planet with assets of $2.13 trillion.

If the size of these firms followed a power law, the largest would be ten times bigger than the 10th on the list. But that isn’t the case. But world’s largest, Fannie Mae, has assets worth $3.2 trillion, just 50% larger than the Royal Bank of Scotland.

Why the discrepancy? Fiaschi and co hypothesise that the difference is equal to the size of the shadow banking system, which is not captured in the balance sheets of the largest financial firms.

And if that’s the case, it’s straightforward to calculate its size. The value of the shadow banking system is simply the difference between the value of the largest financial firms and their projected size according to the power law.

By this measure, the shadow banking system is significantly bigger than previously thought. Fiaschi and co estimate that in 2007, the year before the financial crisis, it was worth around $90 trillion. This fell to about $70 trillion in 2008 but has since risen sharply to be worth around $100 trillion in 2012.

This new Shadow Banking Index has significant advantages over conventional ways of calculating its size. “This index is based on simple and robust statistical features, that are expected to characterize the collective behavior of an economy,” says Fiaschi and co.

That’s useful because the growing complexity of the financial markets makes them hard to measure directly. Fiaschi and co point out that any detailed description and classification of financial activity is unlikely to keep pace with the rate of innovation in the financial industry.

So the new Shadow Banking Index looks to be an important step towards the proper and meaningful oversight of an industry that is hugely valuable and important and yet increasingly complex and renegade.

Of course, there is an 800lb gorilla in the room. That’s how these financial companies come to be so huge in the first place. The global economy is dominated by financial firms. On the Forbes Global 2000 list of the world’s largest companies, the first non-financial firm is General Electric, which ranks 44th.

How can that be? If it isn’t evidence that something is rotten in the state of Denmark, then it’s hard to imagine what would constitute such proof.

The size and impenetrability of the shadow banking system is clearly part of the problem so an index that can measure it quickly and easily is a useful step in the right direction.

Ref: The Interrupted Power Law And The Size Of Shadow Banking

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Rumor Mill: White House Gets Ready for a Shutdown

Rumor Mill: White House Gets Ready for a Shutdown
September 18, 2013
Not sure what to make of this just yet. ~BK

Another supporting piece:

The White House told federal agencies on Tuesday to prepare for a government shutdown.

President Obama's budget director Sylvia Matthews Burwell in a memo to agencies said they should set their plans in case Congress fails to pass a funding measure by the end of the month. The government would shut down Oct. 1 without action by Congress.

While there is time for Congress to act, Burwell wrote that "prudent management" requires agencies to prepare for a shutdown. 

Only activities that are required by law would be allowed to continue to function during a shutdown, the memo states. A similar memo was released twice in 2011 amid potential shutdowns.

Conservative Republicans in the House and Senate are demanding that any government funding bill include language defunding ObamaCare and have said they will oppose a funding measure that doesn't include the ObamaCare defunding language.

Since Senate Democrats and President Obama are not expected to accept such language, the bill would likely lead to a government shutdown Oct. 1.

GOP leaders are expected to discuss various options for moving forward at a conference meeting Wednesday. Leaders appear to be leaning toward bringing a bill to the floor that would include language defunding ObamaCare.

The last government shutdown came in 1996. Washington came close to shutting down several times in 2011 amid budget fights.


Russia to provide UNSC with data for chem weapons' use by Syrian rebels

Russia to provide UNSC with data for chem weapons' use by Syrian rebels
September 18, 2013
Russia will provide the UN Security Council with data proving that the chemical weapons near Damascus were used by the opposition, Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov said. The materials were handed to Russia by the Syrian government of Bashar Assad.

“We have plenty of reports on chemical weapons use, which indicate that the opposition regularly resorts to provocations in order to trigger strikes and intervention against Syria,” Lavrov said. “There’s a lot of data. It’s widely available on the Internet. This data is presented in the report, which our experts put together in association with the use of chemical weapons in Aleppo in March this year. There’s also plenty of data on the incidents that occurred in August in Ghouta, near Damascus.”

“All of this will be considered in the Security Council, together with a report, which was submitted by UN experts, confirming that chemical weapons were used,” he added.

The minister stressed that “it’s yet to be established,” which side in the Syrian conflict – opposition or government – is responsible for the use of chemical weapons.

The Russian FM said that the Syrian authorities handed the data to Russia’s deputy foreign minister, Sergey Ryabkov, who is currently on a visit in Damascus.

“I haven’t seen it yet, but I’m sure that the experts are going to work with it and, of course, we’ll provide it to the security council,” he added.

‘No Russian chemical weapons in Syria’ – Kremlin

Neither Russia, nor the USSR has ever supplied chemical weapons to any other foreign state, Sergey Ivanov, the head of the Kremlin’s administration, stressed.

"Nobody disputes the fact that the Soviet Union has never shipped warheads armed with sarin to Syria or any other country,” the official is cited as saying by Interfax-Ukraina news agency.

The statement comes after the report by the UN experts in Syria claimed that a rocket found on the site of the August 21 chemical attack near Damascus had writings in Cyrillic on it.

According to Ivanov, the ammunition used in the chemical attack in Ghouta, near the Syrian capital was most likely “backyard produced.”

Previously, US Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel, said that there’s plenty of chemical arms in the Syria, which was supplied to the country by the Russians.

The US and its allies blame Assad forces for using sarin gas against civilians in a chemical attack near the Syrian capital, Damascus, on August 21.

Despite the Syrian government denying the accusations and no proof of its guilt being presented by Washington, Obama announced that there would be “limited military” action against Assad because the use of chemical weapons can’t be tolerated.

But the US strikes were put on hold after a Russian proposal to hand the Syrian chemical weapons arsenal to international inspectors for destruction, a plan that received the full backing of Assad’s government.

The civil war, in which the Syrian government is fighting what it calls Western-backed Islamist militants, has been raging in the Arab country since March 2011, and has claimed over 100,000 lives, according to UN estimates.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

BREAKING: Government Whistleblower Exposes Hip Hop Conspiracy

BREAKING: Government Whistleblower Exposes Hip Hop Conspiracy
September 17, 2013
This video was sent to me by Bob earlier and has since been shared on Facebook by a friend of mine. So, I'm inclined to help get this out there, despite not being able to prove the legitimacy of this guy's claim. I've heard many stories in the past of Michael Jackson being murdered due to his gung ho approach to exposing corruption, but this is the first time I've heard it from a whistle blower. Discernment suggested. ~BK

Scott Bartle: CONfinance & the Corporations Act of 2001

Scott Bartle: CONfinance & the Corporations Act of 2001
September 17, 2013

This video is perfect for anyone who wants a better understanding of all the various ways banks "provide funds." This proves that it doesn't have to be through "lending money." This video was produced in Australia, but I'm fairly certain all the same fundamentals apply for the Corporations Act of 2001 for the U.S. Scott lays down a great opportunity for going your bank to have a discussion with the manager, to test their knowledge of their own banking practices. Nice work Scott! ~BK

David Wilcock: We are Building up to Something Very Significant

David Wilcock: We are Building up to Something Very Significant
September 17, 2013

Good data in this piece by David as usual. However, he still seems to be sold on the whole "mass arrest" scenario, which I'm not so convinced on these days. ~BK

A radio show from Friday the 13th (interestingly enough) features David Wilcock discussing the cycles of history, and why the collapse and defeat of the negative agenda is utterly inevitable. It is a law of nature -- like any other.


Internet access is very restricted at the place I'm staying in Canada. They advertise it as "not high-speed," but more to the point, it's often "not at all!"

I figured a short update was better than none. I have been doing a lot of healing here, and feel very inspired to write -- as long as I don't lose it along the way.

I wouldn't dare try to write anything large at this point, because with web-based editing, it's bound to get deleted while in development -- in the midst of such bad reception.

I've taken lots of pictures of the local scenery, and will upload more of it as time goes on. In the meantime, that's probably not what you came here for!

Major geopolitical events are happening at an incredible speed. It is becoming increasingly obvious that we are building up to something very significant.

When you consider the possibility that classified technology exists that can boldly manipulate the weather, causing freak problems, the current chaos takes on an even deeper level of potential significance.

Yosemite wildfires. Boulder flash floods. Everything is too hot or too cold. There's either too much water or nowhere near enough.

Some of this is definitely a natural effect. However, there is a real possibility that technologies exist that could be enhancing these problems as well. For now.

The whole negative-elite objective right now seems to be: "DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO DISTRACT THEM FROM THE NSA DISCLOSURES."

Syria clearly appeared to be another desperate attempt to sway the headlines away from the ever-increasing NSA disclosures.

It did not work.


The public has finally had enough of sudden, knee-jerk responses to questionable atrocities -- which, in turn, get us embroiled in long-term, unwinnable wars.

Wars generate very significant profits. The same "usual suspects" need these wars. It's their number-one way to raise the money they desperately need to maintain control.

Military strikes kill innocent people. Lives are being lost as these geopolitical chess games play themselves out.

A gas attack is a horrible thing. So is having your body blown apart from an attack with explosives.

To respond to violence by instantly creating more violence, rather than pursuing peaceful means first, is the peak of insanity.

Thankfully, the public saw this as Iraq 2.0, which it was -- and nobody bought into it.

Even the manipulated polls couldn't get better than a 10-percent approval rating.


Kerry's epic mis-step gave Putin an opportunity to propose a full elimination of the CW arsenal in Syria -- and it worked.


If I had actually thought Syria was going to turn into a war, I would have written about it much sooner.

All along, I never felt that this one was going to happen.


Last night, I drove to a place where I could use my phone, and talked to one of my top insiders for over an hour.

This is the same insider who recently said "Every time the Ponzi scheme known as the Federal Reserve Note is about to collapse, they need another mass catastrophe to prop it back up again."

Last night I said, "Now that Syria fell through, they're going to have to cook up something else to try to distract the headlines and create fear and trauma -- like another mass shooting."

Little did I realize that it would happen the very next day.
 Here is the rest of the post on David's blog, Divine Cosmos: